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Rob base

Square Enix characters you want (or don't want) to see

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Though they will not have a Square Enix world they don't seem to have a problem integrating their characters and plot lines from some of their titles like Final Fantasy Seven Eight and Ten and The World Ends With You. But who else could be making Cameos into this franchise in the third game? Who do you want to see? Who would you turn the game off immediately if they showed up? Odd choices welcome. 

Edited by Rob base

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I don't think there's a character that would make me turn off a KH game... Unless the game itself sucks... I've even played with Pooh, no FF character would make me that angry xD

Oh, I'd want to see Vaan from FFXII

Edited by AntonioKHT

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I'd like to see Caius and Sho as optional/secret bossesalso I'd want to Balthier pop in as an ally, like how Auron did. and maybe Snow as well, preferably in the area where you fight Sho so you can have him as an ally because you cannot deny Snow vs Sho would be badass 

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All the main Final Fantasy XIII characters is who I would like to see.


And even though I think she is butt kicking awesome, I would dislike Lara Croth to be in KH, because she doesn't really belong there.


And of course she wouldn't be in it because she's in a universe that is completely different from KH and wouldn't fit at all with the fantasy concept. Everything about the worlds in KH had sdome fantasy concept to them, like gliding, being turned into mermaids, etc

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