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Calling a ceasefire in the shipping wars

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I am an ardent Sora x Riku shipper. I have been since I got the first game when it first came out all those years ago. I was a shipper of the pair before I even knew what shipping was, I didn't even leave destiny island till I was level twenty something because I wanted to make sure I found all the nooks, crannies and hints that Riku liked Sora. However while my shipping has been a passive love and enjoyment of the game and the way I could get my giggles from perceived innuendos and awkwardly shippable moments I found online that this was not the case for others. Flame wars spanning entire boards consumed whole groups of followers of the series and split them up because of their supposedly contradictory ships. Now I could rant about homophobia and other things like that but that is not what my call for ceasefire is about. 


I'm saying that the shippers and even the ones who want nothing to do with shipping (the "they are just friends" crowd) are not seeing the big picture. The whole battle is being waged because neither side is looking at all the facts objectively. 


So I did what I thought I would never EVER do. I looked at the evidence for the Sora x Kairi shipping moments and Sora x Riku moments in ALL the games and do you know what I found? 

I found that if kingdom hearts was one of those dating sims Sora would be having himself a Harem ending.


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Sora is not exclusively interested in Kairi, nor is he exclusively interested in Riku, but rather he has had enough moments with both of them to make it plausible that they would get together. Whats more, Kairi and Riku have no problems with one another whats so ever and care for each other with almost the same passion as they both care for Sora. 


My question too my shippers out there: Why would they have to choose when they could have a Threes Company ending? Why do people limit a relationship with only two people? 


The way I see this is like the story of the guy with the two hats. In reality his hat was half Red and half Green, but the people on one side of the street only saw the green hat and the other side only saw the red part of the hat, and they got into a heated argument over what color the hat really was.


Except its more like each side of the street featured people with two different kinds of color blindness. Anything that resembled the other color was muted and gray while what they could perceive stood out vividly.


So from here on out. I am a Riku x Sora x Kairi shipper. They came in threes, they love each other equally, let the trishipping begin.  


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-_- ...logical. This guy seems like he knows how to think outside the box. A very useful skill. As for what I support well--*REDACTED*. xD

I am indeed an outside the box thinker alright :3


I figured the idea was probably going to get flamed given the maturity level of...well, most online sites in general... doesn't stop me from posting my thoughts though. 

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