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Kaneki Ken

ummm... Question about Bioshock Infinite.

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I was getting ready to play my new copy (new to me, it's pre-owned) of Bioshock Infinite, but I found two games instead of one. Bioshock 1 was included. Is this supposed to happen? The gamestop employee told me that it's supposed to come with a code to play Bioshock 1 which is available to new copies. Does this normally happen for used copies or did I just get a lucky hit? I need to know because I picked up Bioshock 1 (the physical game) two days ago, (which hasn't been played). If I did get a lucky hit, should I just go ahead and install it, or just leave it be?

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it's just an installation to the game you just put the disk in and then it will give you an option to instal it on to your PS3 (I'm assuming it's a PS3 because I believe that's the only version of the game that has BioShock with it) I think it's actually better that you have the physical copy as well because you can't play it if you installed it from Infinite unless the Infinite disk is inside the try as well, hope that helped.

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The employee that you talked to was incorrect. The PS3 version of the game comes with the original BioShock on the disc. You install it on the system, then you're free to play it whenever you like. You need to have the disc in the drive to play it though, otherwise you'd be able to basically have a free copy of BioShock on your system :P


So my advice would be to return the physical BioShock game, since it comes with Infinite. Unless you really like having physical copies of games (and I can completely relate to that if you do), there's really no reason to keep it. 

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