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RWBY: Redux [RP]

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(As far as I know, our group is deciding between a black king and a white rook, since Oath and Basic haven't chosen a piece yet)

(Ah, okays.  I love how we're seven pages in and we haven't passed this part yet xP  I'm calling this just the story intro arc.)

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(Ah, okays.  I love how we're seven pages in and we haven't passed this part yet xP  I'm calling this just the story intro arc.)

(In my KH RP we're still on the first world and its been going since summer lol)

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(I was actually waiting for you guys to pick first xP


Noticing that everyone was picking a chess piece, Aria gently dragged Sora over to the pedestals. "Hmm I never played chess before, but I guess it doesn't matter right now." Letting fate decide, she closed her eyes and searched through her hand for a chess piece. When her fingers felt a slightly funny bump, she picked it up and opened her eyes. Surprisingly it was the one of the chess pieces she knew: a Black King. 'So, now what?' she thought. 

Edited by The Basic Nerd

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(Vyona and Nami = White Bishop.  > Syfe and Heian should have a White Bishop also.

Haru and Alvis = (Insert Color Here) Knight > Veronica and Chase should have the same piece.

Davis and Yuki = Black King. > Aria and Sora same piece please.I haven't read the recent updates, but I'll post a new post when I do.  If everyone can clarify which pairs have which pieces that'd be great.

(So colors do matter. Whoops. Let's go with white.)

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"Fine..." He sighed. "But I think we only needed to get one piece, so which one should we keep?


"The Black King." Yuki stated, placing the white rook down.

"Anything else we need to do here?" she asked, looking at Davis.

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"The Black King." Yuki stated, placing the white rook down."Anything else we need to do here?" she asked, looking at Davis.

"I don't think so, I guess we head back now." He said. "I figured the first mission would be harder, like... At least like I actually had to fight or something." He sighed, kicking the dirt underneath him up. It was pretty nice to be here, though. The red trees were cool, and the entire forest itself seemed alive.

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"But....don't we have to go somewhere else...?" Yuki asked, looking at Davis.She didn't think they were done....what were they supposed to do with the chess piece?

"Yeah, we head to the mountain we were launched off of, that's all we have left..." He sighed, sitting himself down, as he had the time.

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"Then get up and lets go!" Yuki snapped."We don't have much time." She said, trying to pull Davis up.

"Aw. Fine..." Davis sat up, then stood. "I would rather enjoy the scenery, but..." He mumbled, starting to walk away.

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"Aw. Fine..." Davis sat up, then stood. "I would rather enjoy the scenery, but..." He mumbled, starting to walk away.

Alvis noticed two students starting to get up and leave. So much for everyone going together. He got up and quickly walked toward the boy [Davis].

"Where do you think you're going? If I remember correctly, we were all supposed to head to the cliffs together once everybody got here and got their piece."

He looked around. "It looks like everyone is here. But that doesn't mean you can wander off. You wouldn't want to run into a Deathstalker or a Taijitu now would you?" he said, pointing to the snake body lying not too far away.

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Alvis noticed two students starting to get up and leave. So much for everyone going together. He got up and quickly walked toward the boy [Davis]."Where do you think you're going? If I remember correctly, we were all supposed to head to the cliffs together once everybody got here and got their piece."He looked around. "It looks like everyone is here. But that doesn't mean you can wander off. You wouldn't want to run into a Deathstalker or a Taijitu now would you?" he said, pointing to the snake body lying not too far away.

"Look, dude, I'm gonna level with ya. I came to Beacon to train, fight, and win, like my family before me. I'll do what it takes to get a job done, and staying with you all and just waiting- that ain't gonna cut it." Davis' tone was nearly condescending as he moved past Alvis. "And F.Y.I. I've faced far worse that that. Hell, I've lived around worse." He laughed a little. "Show some initiative. If you start moving, others will, too. Just something a leader knows will happen. Follow, don't follow, its the same as live or die." He began walking off again with Yuki.

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"Look, dude, I'm gonna level with ya. I came to Beacon to train, fight, and win, like my family before me. I'll do what it takes to get a job done, and staying with you all and just waiting- that ain't gonna cut it." Davis' tone was nearly condescending as he moved past Alvis. "And F.Y.I. I've faced far worse that that. Hell, I've lived around worse." He laughed a little. "Show some initiative. If you start moving, others will, too. Just something a leader knows will happen. Follow, don't follow, its the same as live or die." He began walking off again with Yuki.

"Tch." Who does this guy think he is?

Alvis let out a sarcastic sigh. "Alright. I can see that you're a big boy, so go right on ahead. But just so you know, if you find yourself half-dead under a pile of rubble..." -- he half-turned to Davis -- "Don't expect anyone to come to your rescue." Alvis walked back toward the temple.

Normally Alvis would've just shrugged the whole thing off, but there was something about that guy that ticked him off. He reached Haru and said, "I think everyone has arrived. Let's move out."

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"Tch." Who does this guy think he is?Alvis let out a sarcastic sigh. "Alright. I can see that you're a big boy, so go right on ahead. But just so you know, if you find yourself half-dead under a pile of rubble..." -- he half-turned to Davis -- "Don't expect anyone to come to your rescue." Alvis walked back toward the temple.Normally Alvis would've just shrugged the whole thing off, but there was something about that guy that ticked him off. He reached Haru and said, "I think everyone has arrived. Let's move out."

"Guy dosen't even know who he is dealing with..." Davis thought. "He's far too lax. Not suit to be a leader." He thought, contenuing on, they past the King Taijitu.

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"If anything did happen to you Davis, I'd come rescue you." Yuki said rather suddenly.

"You are my partner, and partners have to stick together." She said with a smile.

"So I'll stick with you through everything." Yuki said, her tail flicking behind her.

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"If anything did happen to you Davis, I'd come rescue you." Yuki said rather suddenly. "You are my partner, and partners have to stick together." She said with a smile. "So I'll stick with you through everything." Yuki said, her tail flicking behind her.

"Thanks." Davis said, putting his hands in his pockets, and pulling out a little candy stick, he put it in his mouth with a smile on his face. "And know that goes double for you from me: in a pinch, I'll help out." He smirked. "After this, how about I treat my new partner to a meal of her choosing, anywhere ya want?" He asked.

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Vyona and Nami watched as the pair that just arrive leave, causing a bit of commotion while they were at it. A magic circle appeared under the two of them and they were off into the air without any warning. Suddenly taken aback, the pale haired girl hung on tight as Vyona made another circle behind her and pushed them forward through the air. Nami composed herself before shouting through the wind at Vyona angrily. "What the hell you bastard?!" Vyona created another magic circle under them and they were pushed through the air faster. Her body flailing though the air, Nami grabbed onto Vyona's arm tighter. "I'm sorry princess but I wasn't waiting any longer. Plus I was hoping that i could have shook you off when I took off to the sky." Nami frowned and looked back towards the ruins where everybody else were. The ruins were far behind them now at the speed they were going and soon being shrouded by the trees. "What about everybody else?" "Geez, when will you start worrying about yourself more? We'll meet them when they catch up to us." A dark grin crossed Vyona's face. "If they manage to make it out of that forest alive." 

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"Thanks." Davis said, putting his hands in his pockets, and pulling out a little candy stick, he put it in his mouth with a smile on his face. "And know that goes double for you from me: in a pinch, I'll help out." He smirked. "After this, how about I treat my new partner to a meal of her choosing, anywhere ya want?" He asked.

"There is a place that serves fish in the city..." Yuki said, smiling. "Anyway, let's go!" She exclaimed, walking ahead of Davis.

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"There is a place that serves fish in the city..." Yuki said, smiling. "Anyway, let's go!" She exclaimed, walking ahead of Davis.

"If you're ready, then we shall!" He said, dropping back a bit befor getting his running speed going, until finally he was at top-speed, he rushed up and grabbed Yuki, and jumpped into the air, onto a tree, springing around on it many times until they were near the cliff wall.

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Syfe walked forward, to some podiums where the pieces were kept. Syfe reached out and grasped a white bishop. It felt right in his hands. He turned back towards Heian. "We've got our piece. That's all we needed to complete the trial right?" Syfe assured, tossing the piece into the it and catching it again. "If so, we should get going. No need to wait here any longer than necessary." He pocketed the bishop, and morphed his dualblade back into pistol form and holstered them. He glanced at the people around the clearing. Most seemed... interesting to say the least.

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"I think that's it." Heian replied, blinking and attempting to remember what the principal-teacher guy had said about the rules to this whole mess, "I dunno. Maybe. Can't really remember." Heian admitted, walking behind Syfe with hands behind his head as he kicked up dirt with his feet.

"Don't wanna meet the others? Y'know..uh, get to know everyone?" Heian asked, glancing at the other.

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(Whell, Sky/Jaune isn't on atm, and it wouldn't be fun to not have any obstacles on the way back, sooo....)


As Nami, Vyona, Davis, and Yuki were speeding through the forest and toward the cliffs, the winds began to pick up. It was the Nevermore from before. It flew above Vyona and Nami's position, glided near the face of the cliff, and circled back, all the while creating intense gales that threatened to uproot the trees. After another moment of arbitrary flying, it seemed that it had not spotted anyone. However, it then flew up to the top of the cliff, where it landed.

It flapped its wings one last time before folding them, producing a wind that went through the whole forest. It seemed to be resting, if only for a moment. Unfortunately, that meant that it might get in the way of the students when scaling the cliff. 

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(Whell, Sky/Jaune isn't on atm, and it wouldn't be fun to not have any obstacles on the way back, sooo....) As Nami, Vyona, Davis, and Yuki were speeding through the forest and toward the cliffs, the winds began to pick up. It was the Nevermore from before. It flew above Vyona and Nami's position, glided near the face of the cliff, and circled back, all the while creating intense gales that threatened to uproot the trees. After another moment of arbitrary flying, it seemed that it had not spotted anyone. However, it then flew up to the top of the cliff, where it landed.It flapped its wings one last time before folding them, producing a wind that went through the whole forest. It seemed to be resting, if only for a moment. Unfortunately, that meant that it might get in the way of the students when scaling the cliff.

The Nevermore's winds blew Davis off pretty hard, he still landed on his feet, but he nearly fell flat on his back still. "Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" He yelled, becoming pumped, he ran as fast as he could, jumpping back up onto the trees and holding Yuki tight, he jumpped as fast as he could from tree to tree before finally making it the cliff face, using his weapon's chained sickle form, he scaled the wall as fast as he could, hoping to get the first attack on the Nevermore.

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