Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 3, 2014 "All I got are some posters..." sora said softly. "I guess that really isn't enough..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted January 3, 2014 "I only have some stuff with me...." Yuki said quietly. "Do you have some stuff Aria?" She then asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naegi 149 Posted January 3, 2014 'They're both talking not that loud.' Aria thought. "Well I also have posters and banners but I'm sure if we combine our stuff, we can fill this place up in no time." Wanting to keep the mood cheerful, a light bulb appeared on her head. "How about we surprise Davis when he gets back? I feel sorry that he's the only guy in our team and sleeping with 3 girls must not be comfortable for him." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 3, 2014 "Ok..." Sora agreed. "That sounds good." She smiled softly, then hopped down from her top bunk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted January 3, 2014 (edited) "Sure, that sounds fun." Yuki said with a smile, getting up and facing Aria. "He'll be happy." She said, looking at Aria. Edited January 3, 2014 by Neko-chan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naegi 149 Posted January 3, 2014 Aria nervously scratched her head. "You think so?" She grabbed some tape and dragged a blank white banner. Putting the banner on the desk, she took out a marker and wrote in big capital letters: WELCOME DAIVS! "...I spelled his name wrong didn't I?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 3, 2014 It was already much later in the day, near the evening, maybe seven or eight. More Grimm's, from Beowolves to packs of Ursas and more, Davis was quite bored. "I bet they're saving the really good stuff..." He sighed, laying atop a tree by the ruins. "Fifty-nine kills in the last few hours, and nothing of worth." He sat up, pushing his feet into the air, he landed on the ground and sprung upwards, deciding to make it back to the room. "Well, I'm getting back earlier than I said, but I also told Yuki I would take her out for a meal... Well, I guess take everyone out for a meal now..." He sighed, mid-flight, he made it back to the cliff-face and sprung up it, making it to the top quickly, he sighed. As he walked, he pondered many things, but... "The Nevermore was my best enemy thus-far, and if that's anything to show for, I'm afraid that it won't do." he thought, returning to the school-grounds. "Maybe we'll get a challenge at that torurney coming up in a bit, I could use a good fight and Grimm and cool and all, but they're not always as smart as humans are..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted January 3, 2014 "It's D-A-V-I-S. You almost had it right Aria." Yuki said with a smile. "He's probably going to be back soon, he promised me fish." She said, looking towards the door. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 3, 2014 (edited) Sora had tacked up a few posters already, mostly anime and cars. One poster actually had her sitting on the hood of a very awesomely tricked out muscle car. Sora was in jean shorts and a grey T-shirt decorated with a pink heart. Over it was a grey sweater with a black checker design on the majority of it. She was smiling at the camera, looking happy. She looked back. "We left room for Davis to decorate, right?" Edited January 3, 2014 by Oathkeeper136 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demy1077 56 Posted January 3, 2014 chase sighed and looked around the classroom. " so far the only class that the red headed kid isn't in" chase whispered looking around again. he sighed happily and sat back contently. " i have a free period next yay" chase whispered again. hte teacher droned on about the technique the students a few years ago used and how it was usefull but also dangerous. " the combination of blades and guns made it easy for two people to do close combat while the other two did far combat" the teacher daid. it waas around that point that chase really stopped listening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted January 4, 2014 (Try to rap things up Team HAVC and Team DASY. I got things planned for your Provisional Leaders. I'd like to time skip/hasten the interactions if possible. The RP is getting a little dry, so we should spice it up.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demy1077 56 Posted January 4, 2014 if thats the case can we just do a tiem skip for 12:00 only if thats okay with everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 4, 2014 (On it, just trying to give everyone ample time to post) Davis had made it to the room, being about nine, he sighed. "Well, I guess it's onto their training." Davis muttered, opening the door, the room was decorated in all kinds of things, and a banner was in there that had "Welcome Daivs" Written on it in all-capital letters, looking around the room, the odd decorations were... Strange to him. Posters, wall scrolls, things of that nature weren't something he were accustom to, nor a picture of one of his team members sprawled out on a car. That was the oddest of the decorations to him, staring at it for a moment, he was puzzled, a confused look plastered his face as he looked around at the room. "W-What's all this?" He asked, looking around again. "Well, no matter... Thanks for decorating, now as a treat, I'd like to treat you all to dinner." He pulled out his wallet to ensure he had enough money. "Plenty. Good..." he thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demy1077 56 Posted January 4, 2014 okay chase stumbled abck in the room hair a majore mess. he decided to say something stupid in class and had to figth a beowolf without his weapon. " owww" he groaned holding his head as he fell onto his bed. chase learned his lesson and wanted some sleep.his stomuch growled making him sigh. " sleep is more important rigth now" he whispered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted January 4, 2014 "Welcome Back Davis!" Yuki exclaimed, immediately glomping him. "I don't like that Roy guy...." she said seriously. "And thanks for taking all of us out!" Yuki said with a smile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 4, 2014 "Welcome Back Davis!" Yuki exclaimed, immediately glomping him. "I don't like that Roy guy...." she said seriously. "And thanks for taking all of us out!" Yuki said with a smile. "Geyaaah!" Davis yelled upon being glompped. "I'm not a fan of him, either..." He whispered, then saying "It's my pleasure!" Upon Yuki's thanking of him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 4, 2014 Sora blushed. "You....don't have to do that..." sora said softly, looking away as her cheeks flushed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 4, 2014 Sora blushed. "You....don't have to do that..." sora said softly, looking away as her cheeks flushed. "I insist, I mean, we're going to be working together, I want to really start off on a good foot." Davis replied. "I already used my Scroll to get us a reservation, unless no one wants to...?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted January 4, 2014 Sora curtsied. "I accept." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 4, 2014 Sora curtsied."I accept." "Good to hear." Davis was enjoying himself somewhat, some decent company, he wondered if this was what having friend was like. He grabbed Yuki and held her as he rocked back on his back and then sprung himself up onto his feet, letting go of Yuki in one hand, he extends said freed hand and offers a hand-shake. "Davis Goliath." His energy was still quite high, even after all of what happened today, he opened up his grin a little, exposing his slightly-sharpened fangs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xiro 3,468 Posted January 4, 2014 (Try to wrap things up Team HAVC and Team DASY. I got things planned for your Provisional Leaders. I'd like to time skip/hasten the interactions if possible. The RP is getting a little dry, so we should spice it up.) (So this is what happens when I'm not on...) Veronica had her first class of the day with Chase. While the teacher was giving a lecture, she noticed that Chase was starting to doze off. She sighed and said to herself, "It's only the first day of classes, and you're already sleeping in class? What am I going to do with you?..." After that, Veronica had another class. No Chase. No Alvis, either. After that, she was off, so she returned to their dorm. She arrived to see Chase fast asleep. "Heh, you sleep both in class and outside of it?" -------------------------------------------------------- Alvis spent his free periods reading. He had gotten a new book before arriving at Beacon; it was a story about a man who traveled through uncharted, Grimm-infested lands and into the depths of the underworld. It was only a work of fiction (Alvis was pretty sure of that), but he felt like he was right there in the story. Alvis reached a stopping point and closed the book. Whoop-dee-doo. Time for class. The class in question was about battle tactics and such. When class started, Alvis noticed an empty seat next to him. Is that supposed to be Haru's seat? He sighed. I should probably take notes. That way Haru can look over them and not be too behind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demy1077 56 Posted January 4, 2014 chase rolled out of bed and woke up. " huh oh hi veronica when did you get here" chase asked rubbing his eyes. he lightly cracked his neck and looked at veronica. " WAIT your the only girl on our team right " chase asked standing up. he rasied an eyebrow and nodded. " yep well dang now i feel bad for not being gentlemenly to you" chase said rubbin gthe back of his neck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xiro 3,468 Posted January 4, 2014 chase rolled out of bed and woke up. " huh oh hi veronica when did you get here" chase asked rubbing his eyes. he lightly cracked his neck and looked at veronica. " WAIT your the only girl on our team right " chase asked standing up. he rasied an eyebrow and nodded. " yep well dang now i feel bad for not being gentlemenly to you" chase said rubbin gthe back of his neck. "Oh, it's perfectly alright! I don't mind, really! I-It's the thought that counts, right?" Alvis, having just finished his class, opened the door. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?" "W-what's that supposed to mean?!" Veronica shouted. "Oh, nothing." Alvis turned away so the other two wouldn't notice him smirking. "Anyway," he said, taking a seat on his bed, "It's looks like I'm done for the day. My classes are pretty spread out throughout the week. Good thing it's only the first day of classes, too, since we don't have much work." He glanced at his pocket watch. "I guess we have quite a bit of time before our training." "Ugh, don't remind me," Veronica groaned. "Well, I say we use this time to rest. We should probably get something to eat soon too." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demy1077 56 Posted January 4, 2014 chase nodded and rubbed his stumoch. " i'm hungary so could we get food now" chase asked. he looked through his bags and pulled out a bit dollars. " we could go to a gas station and grab something" chase said. he looked through his bag some more in search of a few more dollars and sighed. chase zipped his abg up and shook his head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted January 4, 2014 (I'm a poop.) Aka and Roy sat on the roof of the dorms. They often hung out with each other when they weren't with their teams. They were childhood friends after all. "That Davis character is gonna be a handful," the redhead uttered. "Oh, chill out!" his friend insisted. "We'll do a number on them and they'll be ready for the tourney, Royroy!" "Tch."They conversed for a good portion of the day. That is, until they were interrupted. A strange figure appeared before them...and then another. "Hey, there kids.""Hey, aren't you that guy from the news?" Aka questioned. "Torchwick!" Roy yelled out in hostility.Roy jumped up, causing his friend to do the same. They took out their weapons."What do you want?" "We're seeking an end to all the faunus," Ver said, revealing herself from the shadows."What!?! We won't let you!" Roy defended."They're our friends!" Aka added. "And most importantly, we're looking for Semblances." And with that line they disappeared. Why they showed themselves to these two in particular, they didn't know. It had to have some purpose, but what was it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites