The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted December 23, 2013 Hey there everyone, how's it going? Well then, here is a short story that I came up with thanks to Tom13, who suggested the idea for me. Being a short story, it will be five chapters long, including the Prologue and Epilogue. This story is right after The Keyblade War, and it bridges the gap between the first story, and it's sequel, Chaotic Twilight, which I'll write starting next year. I hope you all enjoy this Christmas Special, and happy holidays! Prologue: The Calm Of The Snowfall It’s been three months since the events of The Keyblade War occurred, and things have become calm and peace and order has returned to the worlds. Everyone has enjoyed this tranquil peace that they fought so hard to earn, and they’ve all done their best to make the most of the time they have. Terra and Aqua bought a house to live in together after having gotten married in Radiant Garden, which had been rebuilt and re-colonized after the war. Sora, Donald and Goofy continued journeying through worlds, making sure that everything was in order and that the balance of light and darkness was kept in check. Kairi was looking after the residents of Radiant Garden, helping them to move in to their homes, and the others who had struggled alongside the heroes of light had gone their separate paths. Riku stayed in Radiant Garden though, but he remained as distant as ever, thinking only of how he could get the chance to meet Dawn face to face. He looked onwards to the snowy wilderness that lay beyond Radiant Garden. It was already winter, so the whole city was brimming with a warm and comforting light. “Hello there Riku. I noticed you were here by yourself, so I decided to keep you company.” Kairi said with a warm smile as she approached him. Riku smiled and appreciated the thought, but his mind was focused elsewhere, and he simply nodded and then turned away, looking onwards to the wilderness again. Kairi looked concerned for her friend, and she wanted to see if she could cheer him up, but she wasn’t able to think of anything for now. Before she could say anything, Riku went towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “I appreciate what your trying to do Kairi, but I need some time alone.” With that, he heads out of town and towards the Great Maw. He always went there when something was troubling him, since that was the place that was most peaceful and quiet for him. He didn’t mean to leave Kairi hanging like that, but his mind was filled with thoughts of Dawn. Ever since he had battled Dark Orion alongside his friends, he wasn’t able to sleep, he wasn’t able to do anything much. Something was deeply troubling him, and it wasn’t just the fact that he wanted to see Dawn. Something else had him concerned as well. (Start Song Here) “I don’t know why…but I can’t deny the feeling that the battle isn’t over just yet…I’m getting a bad feeling that the war has yet to start.” Riku says to himself, when suddenly, he senses a presence, and he quickly summons his Keyblade, and he prepares himself to face the mysterious presence. “Wherever you are, show yourself! I’m not the kind of guy that’s really into surprises, so you’d better show yourself or I’ll have to make you come out from wherever your hiding!” Before he says another word, a cloaked figure stands before him. Riku opens his eyes wide in shock. “No…it can’t be…but Xylek’s allies were destroyed!” he said to himself. The cloaked figure turned out to be a woman, and she was laughing at Riku’s expression. “Wow, I can’t believe your face. But you know, you really are as handsome as I thought you’d be. It’s a shame you have to be an enemy though, I really don’t like to get my hands dirty.” Riku growls angrily and then he casts his Dark Firaga spell, but the mysterious woman simply vanishes then appears behind him and pokes his back. “Boo!” Riku furiously jumps back and he glares at the woman. “Enough games, who the hell are you!?” The woman then crosses her arms and she sighs. “Wow, you are such a killjoy. Couldn’t you have played with me at least for a little while?” Riku remained cold and emotionless. “I said, who the hell are you?” The woman simply started to walk away. “Sheesh, remind me not to get you on your bad side. Well, I just wanted to come by and see you, and I did, so we’ll catch up again sometime soon okay? Toodles!” Before Riku can chase the woman, she disappears in a portal of darkness, and then silence is felt throughout the Great Maw. Just as Riku thought, something was definitely wrong. Then he noticed that it had started to snow again. (End Song Here) ---------------------- A long sought for peace finds itself possibly disrupted, as the arrival of this mysterious woman brings questions to Riku’s mind. What will happen next? Will Riku set out to find out the mystery behind this new foe’s appearance? And what are the rest of our heroes up to? Find out in Chapter 1: “A Wish List For Christmas.” Oh, and as a little treat for you all, here's a drawing of Riku's encounter with The Mysterious Woman! I hope you enjoy, and be sure to voice your comments of my story below! 3 Keyblade101, KHLegendIII and Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted December 23, 2013 That was great. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buttercup Camera 229 Posted December 23, 2013 They don't use "what the hell" on the Kh series 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted December 24, 2013 That was great. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! They don't use "what the hell" on the Kh series Remember, in my "Keyblade War" universe, the story is a tad bit darker than your average KH game. Don't worry, the only extreme words I'll be using are hell and damn, lol. Please keep reading more of my story! 1 KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted December 24, 2013 Okay everyone, here's Chapter 1 of the story! Please keep on commenting on my story and tell me what you think of it! Chapter 1: A Christmas Wish List Meanwhile, back in Radiant Garden, the citizens were joyously going about their business, for a Christmas ceremony was to be held in the town square. Everyone was excited, for Christmastime was their favorite time of the year. King Mickey and Queen Minnie had come from Disney Town and were at the head of the festivities, making sure that things would be well prepared. As everyone was putting on the Christmas lights and they were starting to make pies and delicious Christmas treats, Kyle was on the rooftop of his home, looking onwards excitedly, feeling curiosity and wonder about all that was happening around him. “Wow, the atmosphere feels so great and peaceful. Like a shining beacon of light!” he said to himself cheerfully, and then he heard Trish calling out for him. “Kyle, lunch is ready, come on down!” Kyle looked onwards to the town square and then he stood up. “Okay Mom, I’m on my way!” With that, he jumps down from the roof and lands on the porch outside of his room and then he heads downstairs, where Trish and Ventus wait for him. The table is filled with delicious Christmas time food, and Kyle even noticed that Trish had made Sea-Salt Pudding, his favorite desert. “Come on Kyle, let’s eat!” Ventus said enthusiastically. Kyle nodded and he sat down with Trish and Ventus, who had become his adoptive parents three months ago, after their great struggle against Dark Orion and his minions. He had gotten used to calling them Mom and Dad, and he felt all the more happy because of it. As they ate, Kyle’s curiosity of what he had seen outside was growing, and he decided he would ask Ventus about it. “Hey Dad, what’s all this about Christmas? I mean, I’ve heard of it before, but I’ve never actually celebrated it or anything. What exactly is Christmas?” Ventus smiled and he stroked Kyle’s hair. “Well, you see, Christmas is a time of peace, a time where everyone appreciates everything that they’ve been through, and it’s a time where you give to those who have less. In a way, Christmas is the time when people help each other out. It’s a culmination of good will and peace to all, and it’s the time when everyone forgets about sadness and grief.” Kyle thought about Ventus’ answer, and he nodded enthusiastically. “Wow, that sounds awesome!” Trish smiled and looked at Kyle. “So, how come you never celebrated Christmas?” Kyle crossed his arms and then he thought about it for a few minutes. “Well, I was really little when my parents died, and I was in a deep sleep for a long time, so I don’t think I’ve ever celebrated Christmas…” he then looked down sadly and felt distant. Trish and Ventus looked at each other and smiled. “Well, how about me and your Dad help you have a great Christmas? We can celebrate it together!” Kyle immediately smiled when he heard this and nodded. “All right!” With that, Kyle finishes eating his lunch and then helps himself to some Sea-Salt Pudding and then he cleans his dishes and heads out. “I’m going to the town square and see everyone put up the decorations, I’ll see you guys later!” Trish and Ventus nodded happily, and Kyle went on his way. Trish held Ventus’ hands, and she smiled and kissed him tenderly. “So Ven, what do you think we should get Kyle for Christmas?” Ventus thought long and hard about this, and he scratched his head. “Hmm, you know, I actually don’t know.” Trish stood up and then she pulled Ventus to tag along, and they went into their own personal studio, filled with canvases and paintings and drawings and such. “Well, why don’t we draw something until an idea pops up?” Ventus nodded. “All right, after you my lady.” They both smiled and they started to draw on the canvas, letting their thoughts loose and free. Kyle, in the meantime, was happily looking around, seeing everyone with hopeful smiles on their faces and he even helped out by putting Christmas lights in high places and by organizing ornaments for the trees. He then saw a group of kids who were apparently writing on paper, and they seemed really excited about it. “What are you gonna ask for Santa?” said one of the children. “Hmm, I know, a toy sword, I have to write that down on my wish list!” Kyle thought to himself. “Santa? Wish list? Hmm, that sounds like fun!” (Start Song Here) Meanwhile, Riku was cautiously exploring the Great Maw, trying to see if he could find the mysterious woman that he had encountered. But from the looks of it, she wasn’t around, and she actually had disappeared. “This is bad…I thought that Dark Orion’s forces were done for. This isn’t good. Should I go back and tell the others? No…I shouldn’t make them worry about such things, especially this time of year. I can handle this myself.” With resolve in his mind, he sets out to solve the mystery of this mysterious woman who had appeared before him. He knows that this could be a suicide mission, but he needs to get to the bottom of things no matter what. As he walked through the snow covered fields, he immediately felt at unease. All of a sudden, he felt the winter breeze howl through him, and then he saw a giant beast coming out of the snow. And the beast turned out to be none other than an Unborn! Riku calmly summoned his Keyblade and retained his composure, and then he glared at the Unborn, as if challenging it. “What, are you just gonna stay there?” The Unborn then roars in rage and pounces towards Riku, but Riku quickly dodges the attack and he leaps high into the air and taps into his inner darkness. The Unborn beast notices Riku charging an attack, and it leaps high into the air as well and sends Riku plummeting to the snow. “What? How could a creature like that be so fast!? It’s too big to be so fast!” Before he can collect his thoughts, Riku dodges another of the Unborn’s attacks barely. “All right, I’ve had enough of this, your through!” Riku says as he makes a sudden attack that gets the Unborn by surprise. Riku then lands on a nearby boulder, and then he sighs. “Well, this tough guy isn’t going down easily.” Riku then leaps headfirst towards the Unborn beast. Meanwhile, a little further away from where Riku and the Unborn are doing battle, the mysterious woman leans her back on a nearby stone pillar, and she laughs, enjoying Riku’s predicament. Suddenly another cloaked figure appears and stands near the woman. “So, what do you make of him?” The woman smiles and laughs. “Oh, he’s definitely a keeper. He’s the only one aware that something wrong’s happening. He has his senses attuned to everything that’s happening around him.” The cloaked man then asks: “Then he poses a threat?” The woman then sighs and she rolls her eyes. “Um, hello? He’s one of the guys that defeated Dark Orion, of course he’s a threat, what are you, brain dead?” The cloaked man sighed. “I was merely asking if his strength is as deadly as before.” The woman laughed. “Yeah, sure you were.” With that, they walked into portals of darkness and disappeared. (End Song Here) Back in Radiant Garden, Kyle was focused and hard at work making a wish list for Santa. He had been watching the children for a while, and after that he went home and went straight up to his room. Ventus and Trish were wondering why Kyle had marched straight to his room, but little did they know that Kyle was thinking of what he could think of as a present for them. “Let’s see, what would Mom and Dad want for Christmas? Grrr…I’m not an adult so I can’t even begin to guess what! Oh wait I know, how about a nice coat? Nah, that’s too simple. Oh wait, a big sofa! No, no, no, that’s not right…hmm.” He kept on thinking and thinking, and thinking until he couldn’t think anymore and he laid on his bed, frustrated. “Oh man, why is it so hard to think of a present for Mom and Dad? Ah, I’m a horrible son!” He then bangs his head on the wall, thinking of any idea that could come to his head, but to no avail. Ventus then knocked on the door and Kyle quickly hid his Christmas wish list. “Um, come in!” Ventus then came inside and he smiled. “Hey buddy, what are you doing? You’ve been up here for quite a while. What were you doing?” Kyle smiled. “Oh nothing, just practicing my Keyblade skills.” Ventus then sat down beside Kyle and then he stretched his arms and yawned. “Well, you know, your Mom and I were thinking of heading to the castle courtyard later to practice our Keyblade skills. Wanna come along?” Kyle smiled and his eyes glowed enthusiastically. “You bet Dad!” In the town square, King Mickey was attending to the final preparations of the festivities, and Queen Minnie was taking care of the foods and such. One of the children ran up to King Mickey and smiled. “Hello there, Your Majesty!” King Mickey smiled and turned his attention to the little boy. “Why hello there, friend! What brings you here?” The little boy showed the King a small box. “Well…me and my friends wanted to thank you for helping rebuild Radiant Garden, and we wanted to give you a present for helping us decorate the town with Christmas lights!” Mickey felt touched by the boy’s gesture, and he took the present and opened it, and he saw a small pearl, shining brightly, and some Christmas related origami creations. “Aww, gee, thank you! It’s my pleasure to help you all out!” The little boy smiled and then he went on running with the other children to play in the snow. Mickey smiled and looked up towards the sky. “Aww, well, these kids sure got pure hearts. That’s very good, for that’s what we need in dark times. I’m just happy we’ve had this peace for three months, and I hope it stays that way.” Suddenly, he heard Queen Minnie calling out to him. “Mickey, everything is ready now! Let’s go back home and check on our festivities!” Mickey nodded. “Coming dear!” --------------------- Kyle has yet to think of presents for Trish and Ventus, and Riku is in heated battle against an Unborn beast. Will any of our heroes notice Riku’s predicament, and will anyone notice the presence of the mysterious foes that keep appearing? Stay tuned for Chapter 2: “A Friendly Duel.” Oh, and here's a drawing I made of Sora, Riku, Kairi, Kyle and Ventus in their winter gear. I hope you all enjoy, and Happy Christmas Eve! 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted December 24, 2013 This is funny. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted December 25, 2013 (edited) Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all got the presents you wanted and that you enjoyed Christmas Eve with your families! Here's another chapter of my story, so I hope you all enjoy! Chapter 2: A Friendly Duel Running out of options, Riku was now improvising on what to do. He had been battling the Unborn beast for quite some time now, and what had begun as a quick attempt to slay it had become an irritating chore. “This thing just won’t die!” Riku says to himself, and then he leaps into the air and performs his Dark Aura attack, which finally wounds the Unborn beast severely, sending it toppling to the ground. Riku sighed of relief, thinking that the battle was finally over, but it was anything but. The Unborn beast again stood, standing tall and menacing over Riku, and just when it was about to attack, it stopped and then sniffed the air, as if it had heard someone call it. Looking both ways, the powerful foe growled and slowly stepped back and then disappeared in a huge blast of wind. Riku wasn’t able to see anything because thanks to the Unborn’s disappearing act, it had whipped up a snowstorm. He was now definitely sure that things weren’t as they seemed. Then he looked up at the white sky and thought of Dawn, hoping that wherever she was, she would be safe and sound. He then unsummoned his Keyblade and went back to Radiant Garden. At that same moment, Ventus, Trish and Kyle were in the castle courtyard, where it was wide and expanse and there were no other people around, save for the guards that were high up guarding the castle entrance. Kyle smiled and he summoned his Keyblade. “Now then, which of you two wants to face me first?” Trish stepped forward and summoned her Keyblade and she smiled. “Don’t hold back dear, give me everything you’ve got!” Kyle nodded and smiled. “You got it Mom!” With that, Ventus sat back and watched as Kyle and Trish began to duel. Kyle went straightforward and delivered a fast Sonic Blade attack, but Trish dodged all of Kyle’s attempted strikes, and she leaped upwards then stroke down, causing shockwaves to emanate from the ground. Kyle immediately jumped to avoid being hit by the shockwaves, and then, simultaneously, Trish and Kyle performed a Strike Raid attack, and both of their Keyblades clashed and bounced back to their owner’s respective hands. Trish smiled and giggled. “I’m impressed Kyle, your skills have greatly improved. Soon you’ll be so good that not even your Dad can beat you!” Ventus then stood up. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean!?” Kyle and Trish laughed, and Ventus couldn’t help but laugh too. Kyle them immediately came back into focus, and he made sure to get Trish off guard, but she had kept her guard at all times, and she blocked each one of Kyle’s strikes, and just when she was about to counterattack, Kyle disappeared then reappeared behind her and tapped the hilt of his Keyblade on her neck. “Looks like I win!” Trish smiled and she clapped her hands. “Wow Kyle, I’m really impressed! Ventus, did you see how he did that?” Ventus smile and kissed Trish and stroked Kyle’s hair. “Yeah, it was incredible! You two are definitely skilled Keyblade Wielders.” Kyle nodded and then pointed his Keyblade at Ventus. “All right Dad, now it comes down to you and me. Let’s do this!” Ventus smirked and was about to summon his Keyblade when Riku came running towards him and Trish. “Guys, am I glad your both here. Listen, we need to talk.” Ventus then patted Kyle’s head. “Kyle, it looks like we’ll have to wait for our duel, can you go back home and wait for us?” Kyle nodded. “Sure thing Dad.” With that, he left, and only Trish, Ventus and Riku were in the courtyard. “So, what’s wrong Riku?” Riku crossed his arms and then he looked at both of them with a concerned look on his face. “So none of you have sensed it?” Ventus looked at Riku quizzically. “Um, sensed what?” Riku then turned around and started walking towards the entrance of the castle. “Come on, I’ll explain everything inside, because Kairi and the others need to know about this too.” Ventus and Trish looked at each other, and both of them were worried, because the way Riku had talked to them seemed to indicate that something was wrong…terribly wrong. (Start Song Here) Meanwhile, Kyle was walking towards the town square, and he was at a loss at what to do. He was again trying to think of anything that he could come up with as a present for his parents, but he wasn’t sure what. When he looked up, he noticed that Merlin’s house was open, so he decided to take a peek inside. There he saw Leon, Cid, Aeirth and Yuffie decorating the house all over, and then Yuffie noticed Kyle come in and then she waved hello enthusiastically. “Oh hi there Kyle, how are you doing?” Kyle smiled and came inside. “I’m doing good, just a little confused is all.” Cid heard Kyle and then he came over and took a good glance at him. “Confused, kid? It’s Christmastime, there’s no need to be confused!” Kyle saw Cid’s point, and then he sighed. “I know, but it’s just, never mind.” Seeing Kyle’s troubled face, Aerith came and knelt until she was face to face with him, and she leaned his head up. “What is it Kyle? You know you can tell us about it.” With such a warm smile coming from Aerith’s face, Kyle couldn’t help but answer. “Well, okay…the thing is that I had never celebrated Christmas before, and this is kind of my first time, and I know that a part of Christmas is to give presents, but I can’t think of anything good that I might be able to get for Mom and Dad for Christmas.” (End Song Here) Leon looked towards Kyle and then he walked towards him. “Well Kyle, it doesn’t matter what you get for them, the important thing is that it comes from your heart. As long as you pour all your heart into the gifts you want to give them, that’ll make it that much more special. In the end, it’s the nobility and love of giving the gift that matters.” Yuffie made a laughable expression at Leon and then she punched his arm ever so gently. “Well, well well Squall, do my ears deceive me? Are you actually opening up yourself on Christmas?” Leon’s expression was as emotionless as ever, and he cleared his throat. “It’s Leon…and I was just explaining to Kyle about how gift giving works, so don’t read too much into it.” Yuffie rolled her eyes mischievously. “Sure, sure, whatever stops the tears. Oh, hey Kyle, since you’re here, mind helping me out with something?” Kyle nodded. “Okay, sure, why not?” Yuffie smiled. “All righty then, all I need is for you to hold this needle for me.” The second that Kyle heard the word needle, he panicked and then he immediately ran out of the house screaming. Everyone in the room was dumbstruck. Yuffie looked at the needle quizzically. “Was it something I said?” The others shrugged and they kept on decorating Merlin’s house. Kyle, on the other hand, was frantically running, and then he reached his house, opened the door, slammed it shut and quickly went up to his room. He immediately felt embarrassed by what he did. The others might have thought that he simply had some sort of breakdown, but the truth of the matter was that Kyle had a strange fear of needles. He sighed and then he laid on his bed, the empty paper of where he was going to write his Christmas wish list beside him. “Why does Christmas have to be so complicated?” He then sat on his bed and he was thinking long and hard about what he could get his parents for Christmas. He took Leon’s words into consideration. “Hmm, as long as I do it from the heart, it’ll be a good present…oh, but what could I possibly give them? They adopted me and gave me a home, how could I possibly repay them for that? Why must it be so hard to think of a present for someone I care about?” With that, he kept thinking of ideas and writing them down on paper, but alas, for all the thinking he did, the only thing that he did was crumple the papers and make a small pile of them on the side of his bed. He was running out of patience, and then he looked out his window, and he noticed that it was snowing. He immediately felt much more relaxed, because seeing the snow was something that always brought an undeniable calm to him. He smiled and kept looking at the snow, feeling at peace with himself, and then he went downstairs and helped himself to more of Trish’s Sea-Salt Pudding and then he went upstairs again, determined to think of a present for his parents. He knew, without a doubt, that he had to think of at least something. He just knew he had to, because it was the least he could do after all that Ventus and Trish had done for him. For a while, he couldn’t think of anything, and then he started thinking if there were any worlds that could give him ideas. He stayed thinking for many minutes, which turned to hours. Then he started to wonder where Ventus and Trish were, since they hadn’t come back yet. Then he snapped his fingers, for an idea had finally come into his head. “I got it! Sora, Donald and Goofy could help me! They’ve been to Halloween Town, so they must know where Christmas Town is! All I have to do is go find them!” With that, he enthusiastically changed his clothes into more suitable winter gear, and then he set out to the castle, to ask Kairi where Sora was. He felt so happy and excited, for now he finally had a chance to get a present for Ventus and Trish. “I’m such a genius, why hadn’t I thought of this before? Hehe, well, the important thing is that I thought about it now! I just hope that I can be able to find Sora, Donald and Goofy!” ---------------------- With determined resolve, young Kyle sets out to find Sora in the hopes that he can be able to lead him to Halloween Town. What more will happen? How will Riku explain the situation of their new mysterious foes? What else lies in store for our heroes? Find out in Chapter 3: “Christmas Town.” And here is a drawing of Kyle thinking of what to write on his Christmas Wish List! Enjoy! Edited December 25, 2013 by Golden Fighter 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted December 25, 2013 This is just rich. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted December 26, 2013 I wonder what Kyle's going to get for Ven and Trish. Onward to Christmas Town! I like this story so far. Keep it going. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted December 26, 2013 Thanks for the comments guys, I'm glad your liking the story! Now then, here's the next chapter! Enjoy! Chapter 3: Christmas Town As the snow fell gently from the sky, Kyle was running excitedly towards the castle, hoping to find Kairi inside so that she could tell him where Sora was. He ran across the fully decorated town square, and ran past Merlin’s house, and he kept running, his face beaming with enthusiasm. On the way, he saw Scrooge McDuck, and he stopped by to say his hellos. Scrooge noticed the boy’s rush, and he smiled and went towards him. “Well hello there laddie, what brings you in such haste?” Kyle smiled and caught his breath and then he was able to speak normally. “Well, you see, I’m heading to the castle to see if Kairi is there, because I need to talk to Sora.” Scrooge nodded and then he turned around. “Ah, so that’s the case. Well, do you want to take some Sea-Salt Ice Cream with you?” Kyle brightly nodded. “Yes please, I’d very much like one.” Scrooge then went into his vault and took out one Sea-Salt Ice Cream and gave it to Kyle. “Thanks Mr. McDuck, I’ll be seeing you!” Scrooge then shouted out. “All right laddie, best of luck to you, just be sure not to eat that ice cream out here in this blithering cold!” Kyle ran so fast and so suddenly that he didn’t hear those last words that Scrooge said, but he knew it had something to do with the ice cream. Meanwhile, inside the castle, Riku and the others were hard pressed as on what to do concerning the threat of attack by their mysterious new foe. Riku looked outwards through the window, watching the snow fall and then he looked at Kairi. “We need to make sure that we’re on step ahead this time, we can’t afford to take any chances. If this means that the war still isn’t over, then we have to take precautionary measures.” Kairi nodded and sighed. “It’s a shame. We’ve been at peace for three months now and already a new threat has come to us. We’ll have to make sure to keep everyone here safe, we can’t let Radiant Garden fall to darkness like it did three months ago.” Ventus and Trish looked at each other worried. “Well Kairi, let’s just hope things get clearer for us along the way.” Kairi smiled and agreed, and then Ventus and Trish asked permission to leave. “Excuse us Kairi, but we have to go back to Kyle.” She nodded and smiled warmly. “Of course.” After about a few minutes, Kyle comes through the castle entrance and he sees Kairi and then he catches his breath again and then he smiles. “Excuse me Master Kairi, but I need to ask you something.” Kairi turned around and looked at Kyle curiously. “Hmm, weren’t your parents going home just a few minutes ago?” Kyle looked around and noticed that she was right. “Oh, I see. But anyways, I need to ask you something, but you can’t let Mom and Dad know!” Kairi nodded and then she looked at him. “All right, what is it?” Before Kyle could say anything, Riku came in and did the talking for him. “I’m guessing that he’s looking for Sora. I got word from Leon that he’s been thinking about a present for Ventus and Trish, but he doesn’t know what.” Kyle, feeling appreciation for what Riku just did, nods in agreement. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.” Kairi smiled and then she answered. “Sora is in Halloween Town with Donald and Goofy. If you hurry up, you might just be able to catch up to them.” Riku then opened a portal. “Come on, I’ll take you there.” Kyle nodded and smiled in appreciation. “Thank you both for your help! Remember, if Mom and Dad come asking for me, just tell them I’m in town or something.” Kairi smiled. “All right, will do.” With that, Kyle stepped into the portal with Riku and both of them instantly arrived in Halloween Town. Kyle was instantly awe struck by the atmosphere. He saw Jack o lanterns, tombs, dim light alleyways, and a certain sense of fright in the air. “Wow, so this is Halloween Town huh?” Riku nodded. “Yup, home of the world famous Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington.” Kyle looked around and started to eat the Sea-Salt Ice Cream and he immediately got brain freeze. “Ah, it burns!” Riku laughed. “Ha, you know you shouldn’t eat ice cream in cold weather, it’ll just make you even colder.” Kyle smiled. “Yeah, you got a point. So, where do you think Sora is?” Before answering his question, Sora, Donald and Goofy came down from the graveyard, and then they noticed Kyle and Riku. (Start Song Here) “A-hyuck, hiya there fellas!” said Goofy cheerfully as he walked down carefree towards them. “Hey Sora, its Kyle and Riku!” Donald said with an excited squawk. Sora then went towards Kyle and Riku and he hugged them both. “Hey guys, how’s it going? What brings you two to Halloween Town?” Kyle looked at Sora and then started to explain about how he didn’t know what to get Ventus and Trish for a Christmas present, and after all his explaining, Sora smiled cheerfully and then he nodded. “All right, I know just the place to go. Christmas Town isn’t too far away from here, I can take you there.” Kyle jumped of joy. “Yes! Thanks Sora!” Sora nodded and then he looked at Riku, Donald and Goofy. “Hey guys, I need you to look after Halloween Town while I take Kyle to Christmas Town, okay?” Riku and the others nodded. “You can count on us.” With that, Sora and Kyle went towards the graveyard and then kept walking until they reached a clearing with many trees, each with a different door. “Whoa, is this like the doorway to the holidays?” Sora nodded. “Yep, that’s it. And here’s our destination.” Kyle looked at the door Sora was pointing at, the brightly colored door with a Christmas Tree emblem. Together, they went through the door and fell down what seemed to be a bottomless abyss. Everything then faded to black, and then all of a sudden, Kyle felt the fluffy sensation of snow, and when he opened his eyes, he noticed that he had fallen face first into the snow. He then popped his head out of the snow and saw the splendor that was Christmas Town. Just looking at the place made Kyle beam with excitement, and he could hear the laughter of the elves, and he saw smoke coming out of what no doubt had to be Santa’s Toy Factory. He looked around to see where Sora had gone, and he noticed that he was at the bottom of the hill. Sora then shouted. “Hey, are you coming or what?” Kyle then smiled happily. “Coming!” He went running towards Sora, but then he slipped, and for a moment he felt like he was surfing on the snow, and then he bumped right into Sora’s back. “Whoa, careful there Kyle.” Kyle nodded and blushed. “Sorry about that.” With that, they walked into Christmas Town, and they saw that the elves were hard at work putting up decorations and cleaning Santa’s sleigh and feeding the reindeer. “Wow, the elves look so happy and so focused huh?” Kyle said as he observed them. Sora smiled and then he nodded. “Yep, I remember the first time I visited this place, it was awesome.” Kyle turned around and then he saw Santa’s house right in front of him. “Oh wow, look at that!” With that, they both went inside, and they sat in the waiting room and one of the elves brought in hot cocoa for them to drink. “So, how does Santa look like?” Kyle asked curiously. Sora sipped his cup of cocoa. “Oh don’t worry, you’ll see him soon enough.” (End Song Here) Just when Kyle was about to ask another question to Sora, he saw a big, red cloaked old man with a jolly disposition and more than enough enthusiasm, and he opened his eyes wide. “Wow, are you Santa Claus?” The old man looked at Kyle and smiled warmly and then he let out a jolly old laugh. “Ho ho ho, yes, that’s me, and I know who you are. Your Kyle, aren’t you?” Kyle nodded in shock. “H-how did you know my name?” Santa then sat down and he laughed. “Oh, well it’s my job to know every boy and girl’s name in the whole wide world. Oh, and hello Sora, how are you doing today?” Sora finished his cup of cocoa and waved hello. “Oh, I’m doing fine Santa, I brought Kyle here because he wanted to see you, oh, and by the way, could I have a second serving of hot cocoa?” Santa pointed at the cafeteria and nodded. “Ho ho ho, well of course Sora, help yourself to as much as you like.” Sora nodded in appreciation and then he went to the cafeteria, and then Santa turned his attention towards Kyle. “So then, tell me young boy, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?” Kyle didn’t even know how to begin, because seeing Santa for the first time made him happy but at the same time nervous. “Ho ho ho, there’s no need to be nervous Kyle, think of me as your friend.” Kyle nodded. “O-okay.” And so, Kyle explained everything to Santa Claus, and he especially mentioned the fact that Ventus and Trish had adopted him, and all the while Santa was paying close attention. He saw the love and affection with which Kyle talked about his parents, and it made him feel happy that he was such a good boy. After Kyle finished explaining everything, Santa crossed his arms and closed his eyes and then he smiled and took a bite out of some cookie that were in a nearby cookie jar. “Well Kyle, from what you’ve told me, I can tell that you’re a very good boy, and I’m very touched that you want to repay your parents for having adopted you. But, I’m sorry to say that I don’t know of a gift that I could recommend you to give them.” Kyle then looked down sadly. “Oh…I see.” Santa smile and he laid his hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “Kyle my boy, the best present that you can give to your parents is one that you make yourself, one that is made with love and with heart.” Kyle analyzed those words, and then he smiled and his face beamed with excitement. “I got it! Santa, I got it! If I may, could I use your Toy Factory? I think I know just the thing that I could make for Mom and Dad!” Santa nodded enthusiastically. “Well of course my boy, by all means! Oh, and if you want, Jack Skellington can help you.” Kyle gasped. “Jack Skellington? He’s here!?” Santa smiled. “Yes, he’s helping me oversee the development of the toys this year, he’s been a great help.” Jack Skellington then came through the door and then he waved hello at everyone. “Did somebody call my name?” Kyle nodded excitedly. “Yes Jack, I want you to help me make a present for my Mom and Dad!” Jack then raised his fist with determination. “Excellent, then we will make the greatest present they could ever hope to have!” ----------------------- At last, Kyle finally has an idea of what to give his parents for Christmas. What could it be, and how will he make it? And what other events will unravel? Stay tuned for Chapter 4: “Making A Present.” And here is a drawing of Terra and Aqua with winter gear and by the way, in case you didn't know, they are married. 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted December 26, 2013 This is great. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted December 27, 2013 (edited) I get the feeling that what ever Jack helps Kyle make it will be scary. P.S. I want to know who those two hooded figures from the earlier chapters are. (forgot to mention that before) Edited December 27, 2013 by Keyblade101 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted December 28, 2013 Hello there everyone, I'm sincerely sorry that I wasn't able to post a chapter yesterday, I was suffering a power outage, so I had no electrical power. But here is the next chapter, so I hope you all enjoy! And again, sorry for the inconvenience! Oh, and Keyblade101, I can't answer your question, because that would be spoiling! Chapter 4: Making A Present Leaving no time to waste, Kyle quickly goes into Santa’s workshop along with Jack Skellington, and they quickly get to work on a present for Ventus and Trish. “So then young man, what kind of present do you have in mind for your parents?” says Jack cheerfully. Kyle thinks for a minute and then he snaps his fingers. “I know! Something awesome, but with heart to it, something surprising but sweet, something that’ll be unforgettable, something that’ll really get them by surprise!” Jack Skellington applauds and he laughs full heartedly. “Ah, I like your spirit! All right then, let’s get to work!” For the next few minutes, many different things were tried, but none of them came close to what Kyle envisioned. Jack made a Jack o’ Lantern with a Christmas Hat that said Merry Christmas, have a jolly new year! Kyle liked it, but said that it would be a little over the top for Ventus and Trish. Then Jack made a Guillotine Potato Cutter, for help whenever there’s food to be cooked. Kyle liked the idea, but said it wasn’t quite up to his expectations. Kyle himself made a few things but wasn’t quite impressed yet. They both kept hard at work, and all the while, Santa and Sora were watching, with bright smiles on their faces. “Wow, look at them go.” Santa agrees. “Your right about that. I haven’t seen such a determined face before, and Jack is doing admirably as well.” They both kept on looking, curious as to what Kyle and Jack would come up with. Meanwhile, in what seemed to be a cave in the middle of nowhere, the two mysterious figures that had appeared before Riku came and sat down near the entrance, and there they reported themselves to another hooded person. “Master Xylek, we’ve encountered Riku, and he seems to be the only one aware about our presence. But don’t worry, he still doesn’t know that your alive.” Xylek took off his hood and looked towards the full moon, smiling a satisfied smile. “Good work, I expected no less from you two.” The hooded woman then crossed her arms and sighed. “Seriously Xylek, what are we waiting for? It’s already been three months, let’s just go and take care of them already!” The hooded man growled angrily. “How dare you treat our master with such disrespect, why I never-“ Before the hooded man could finish, Xylek raised his hand calmly and then looked at his two comrades. “It’s all right, there’s no need. And to answer your question my dear, we must be patient and observe their actions.” The hooded woman paced back and forth impatiently. “But I’m tired of waiting!” Xylek smiled. “Patience. After all, their hard work defeating Dark Orion has to come with at least a moment of peace. Let them have their festivities and let them have their rest, because when they least expect it, we’ll make our return. And make no mistake, we will attain Kingdom Hearts’ power as our own, and then the heroes of light will have to do our bidding.” With that, Xylek laughed, and the other two hooded ones simply bowed and then went inside the cave. Back at the workshop, Kyle and Jack had already made quite a mess out of the place, with gift wrapping paper scattered everywhere, bits and pieces of things here and over there, and Kyle and Jack themselves were looking quite silly. Santa and Sora had been watching all the while as they helped themselves to some hot cocoa and cookies. Jack then snapped his fingers. “Eureka! I got just the thing Kyle! This time it’s bound to be what your expecting!” Kyle nodded. “All right, then let’s do it!” They quickly arranged parts here and there, left and right, up and down, until they finally finished their craft. “Well, what do you think Kyle?” said Jack with a beaming sense of pride. Kyle was awe struck, for Jack had helped him make a pedestal containing wooden carved figurines of Ventus and Trish holding hands, and above their heads it said Merry Christmas, to the most important people in my life. Even Santa and Sora were dumbstruck. Kyle immediately hugged Jack and smiled, with tears of joy in his eyes. “Oh thank you Jack, this is exactly what I had in mind, thank you thank you thank you!” Jack smiled and nodded. “Anytime my friend. And you didn’t do so bad yourself.” Kyle smiled and held up two wooden Wayfinders that he made for Ventus and Trish. Santa smiled and he put his hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “Very good work, the both of you. I’m very proud of what you made.” Kyle smiled and nodded. “Thanks Mr. Claus, now all I have to do is get back home and make sure to hide the presents until it’s Christmas! Thanks for everything Santa, and you too Jack!” Jack smiled and bowed down. “It was a pleasure helping out a fellow friend. Be sure to come back soon!” Kyle raised his fist in determination. “You got it! Come on Sora, let’s go meet up with Riku and the others so we can go home!” Sora nodded. “Right!” With that, they said their farewells, and they made their way back up the snowy hill and through the door to Halloween Town. “Well Kyle, at least now you’ve got the presents made, now we just have to wait until it’s Christmas!” Kyle smiled, but before he could say anything, Heartless appeared out of nowhere, and Kyle almost dropped his presents. “No! I can’t let these presents break!” Sora gasped and summoned his Keyblade. “Heartless!? What are they doing here? I thought the battle with Dark Orion had made them go in hiding! Kyle, we have to find-“ But Sora wasn’t able to finish saying what he was going to say, as he was pounced on by Neoshadows. Kyle then summoned his Keyblade. “Don’t worry Sora, I got your back!” He was about to go headfirst towards the hordes of Neoshadows when all of a sudden he heard a familiar voice. “We’ve got your back too, a-hyuck!” As he looked back, he noticed Riku, Donald and Goofy, ready to fight by Kyle’s side. Kyle smiled in relief. “All right guys, let’s do this!” Elsewhere, in Radiant Garden, Ventus and Trish were panicking, for they couldn’t find Kyle anywhere. They had asked Kairi where he was, but she did as Kyle said, and she came up with something. She told them that he was wandering through town, enjoying the Christmas lights. Ventus and Trish nodded, and they went searching for Kyle, but he was nowhere to be found. “Where could he have gone?” Ventus said in frantic panic. Trish looked down sadly. “I don’t know Ven, but don’t worry, I’m sure he can’t be too far away, Kairi herself said that he was here in town.” Desperate, Ventus and Trish kept looking all around town, but no sign of Kyle was found. They asked the citizens, but they said they hadn’t seen him, and so they kept on searching, and even went so far as to go into the outskirts of town to see if he was anywhere there. “Where could he have gone?” Trish asked, looking side to side over the snowy wilderness of the outskirts. “I don’t know Trish, but don’t worry, we’ll find him.” Ventus said in a comforting tone, and with that, they resolved to keep looking for Kyle until they could find him. They were determined to look for their beloved son. (Start Song Here) Back at Halloween Town, Riku was taking out Heartless as fast as he could, while Donald cast powerful spells to keep them at bay, and Goofy threw his shield at a couple of Heartless that were about to enter Halloween Town. Sora used Strike Raid to take out a few dozen that had been chasing him, and Kyle stood his ground, skillfully taking out each Heartless, and he made sure to stay near the presents so that the Heartless wouldn’t destroy them. “I’m not going to let you destroy my Mom and Dad’s presents, not while I’m standing!” He kept on fighting valiantly, and then a strange new Heartless appeared, taking the form of a giant armored Gargoyle, and with its steel wings it struck the ground, and everyone flew upwards, being affected by the attack. But Kyle refused to let any Heartless ruin things, and so with all his might, he unleashed the power of the Dark Light and he pierced through the Heartless Gargoyle’s armor and practically defeated it in one blow. He caught his breath, and soon after everybody came to him, relieved that he was alright. “That was amazing Kyle, how did you do that!?” Donald said in amazement. Kyle smiled cheerfully. “Simple. I used the power of the Dark Light.” Riku nodded and he caught his breath. “You always keep on impressing me Kyle. Keep up the good work.” Sora smiled and then he clapped his hands together. “All right guys, let’s go back to Radiant Garden!” They all agreed, and Riku opened the portal of darkness and they went through it, and into Radiant Garden. (End Song Here) As soon as they arrived, Kyle looked around to make sure that Ventus and Trish weren’t around, and then he smiled and sighed of relief. “Whew, okay, they aren’t around here, so I can go back home quickly and hide the presents. See you later guys!” Everyone else smiled and waved goodbye as Kyle quickly ran home, his heart racing and his face beamed with happiness and joy. He made sure no one was around and kept running, and then, when he went up to his house, he looked through the windows to make sure that Ventus and Trish weren’t home, and then he went inside and hid the presents as best as he could in his room, and then he took a shower and put on his pajamas and took out his paper so that he could pretend he was writing a Christmas Wish List to Santa. A few hours passed, and he heard Ventus and Trish come home, and then he went downstairs to greet them. “Mom, Dad, your home, what took you so long!?” Ventus and Trish immediately smiled and tears of joy flooded from their eyes. “Kyle, your home!” Trish said as she hugged and kissed Kyle over and over, and Ventus stroked Kyle’s hair. “You had us worried, where were you!?” Kyle smiled. “Oh, I was walking around town looking at the Christmas lights, and then I came home and took a shower and then went to my room to write a wish list to Santa!” Ventus smiled of relief and nodded. “We’re just glad your safe. Now come on, let’s drink some hot cocoa.” Kyle nodded. “Okay!” Kyle was happy, for now he knew that his plan had worked. Now all that remained was to wait for Christmas Day. -------------------- With the presents finally in place, Kyle has finally achieved his goal, and without Ventus and Trish knowing. The time of giving and the time to celebrate is soon to arrive. How will Ventus and Trish react to Kyle’s presents? And what else will occur? Find out in Chapter 5: “A Christmas To Remember.” And here’s a drawing I made of the two hooded comrades of Xylek! I hope you all enjoy! 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted December 28, 2013 This was great. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted December 29, 2013 Nice battle and Kyle won't let anything break the presents for Ven and Trish. I'd probably be the same way. And poor Ven and Trish, they were so worried. Xylek's alive! (I actually forgot about that) I sure hope everyone figures that out soon. Please, keep going. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted December 29, 2013 Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate them! Now then, here's the final chapter of the Christmas Special! I hope you enjoy! Chapter 5: A Christmas To Remember During Christmas Eve, everyone was in their homes, warming up to the fireplaces, spending time together as family, and eating delicious Christmas foods. Kyle had enjoyed his time with his parents, and soon after a few cups of cocoa, he had fallen asleep on the couch, and Ventus and Trish had carried him to his room. Kyle smiled in his sleep, happily counting down the hours in his mind until it was Christmas morning. And so the time did pass by, and before he knew it, it was already Christmas morning. He was the first to wake up in the house, and he took the presents he had made for Ventus and Trish and he put them under the Christmas tree, and then he waited until they came downstairs. Once they did, Kyle happily hugged both of them. “Merry Christmas Mom and Dad!” Ventus and Trish smiled and said in unison. “Merry Christmas Kyle!” They were all smiling and feeling content, and then Kyle cleared his throat and hid the present behind his back. “Ahem, so then, I have a present for the two of you.” Trish looked surprised and smiled. “For us?” Kyle nodded. “Yes.” He then handed over the presents, and when Ventus and Trish opened, they felt so touched and so happy that they couldn’t find any words to say.dd They looked at the beautiful wood carved sculpture of them together, and then they looked at the wood carved Wayfinders. Ventus looked over at Kyle. “Son, how did you do this? It’s beautiful!” (Start Song Here) Kyle smiled and his face beamed with pride and happiness, and then he sat down with them. “Well, you see, when I wasn’t home all day, it wasn’t because I had gone to town to see the Christmas lights. I really went to Halloween Town with Sora, and he took me to Christmas Town, where Santa let me work in his workshop, and Jack Skellington helped me make these things. I-I just wanted to make sure that I gave you a present that would repay for you adopting me…” Ventus and Trish looked at each other and smiled and they both hugged Kyle. “My dearest son. What touches us the most is that you did this with so much heart and love, and that’s all we could ever ask for from you, to put your heart into everything you do.” Trish said happily, and Ventus agreed. “Thank you so much for the presents Kyle.” Kyle happily nodded. “Your welcome!” Ventus then stood up and went behind the Christmas tree and took out a present. “This one’s for you Kyle, from me and your Mom.” Kyle was taken by surprise, for he hadn’t expected to receive a present, so he quickly tore the wrapping paper off, and his smile widened as he saw what his present was: A silver colored skateboard with black flame designs. “Aw gee, thanks Mom and Dad, you guys are the best!” With that, he went outside cheerfully to test out his skateboard, and Ventus and Trish looked on happily and then kissed each other tenderly and passionately, feeling the warmth of Christmas in their hearts. Later during the day, after Ventus, Trish and Kyle had eaten breakfast and played in the snow, King Mickey came by to say hello. “Well hiya fellas! Merry Christmas to all of you!” They nodded and wished him the same, and then Mickey said that a Christmas feast was to be held in a few minutes in the town square. Immediately they dressed up and they took desserts so that everyone could enjoy. And then, when they arrived, Kyle’s jaw dropped. Every single one of his friends was here. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, Vanitas, Dexeres, Roxas, Xion, and Gilgamesh. “Merry Christmas!” everyone shouted. And so the feast began in earnest. Everyone began eating the Christmas dinner, and Gilgamesh stood proudly at the head of the table. “I hope your all enjoying this delicious meal, because I’m the one that cooked it! Yes sir, I, the mighty Gilgamesh, cooked this godly meal that’s sure to entice your stomachs!” Everyone thanked Gilgamesh for the food, and so they continued on, talking to each other, remembering past events, enjoying the simple things and having a good time. After Kyle had finished his plate, he went out towards a nearby balcony that overlooked the shopping plaza of Radiant Garden. He looked up to the sky and thought of Lunar. “My good friend…how I miss you so.” He couldn’t help but shed tears, missing his friend very much. Suddenly, Vanitas came to the balcony as well and he sighed of relief. “So, you came by to escape the crowd too, huh? Don’t get me wrong, they’re a lovable bunch of pinheads, but they can get annoying sometimes. So, what are you doing here by your lonesome?” Kyle smiled and then looked up at the sky, drying his tears. “Oh, nothing really. I was just thinking about Lunar. It’s been three whole months since we battled Dark Orion and his allies. We put everything on the line, and Lunar sacrificed himself for me. I know that he lives on in my heart, but I still miss him…” Vanitas looked up at the sky and he caught a snowflake that had been hovering above them for a while. “Well, it’s all right to miss someone. After all, when a person has become a part of your heart, you’ll never forget about them. For as long as you live you’ll always have a piece of that person inside you, sleeping, awaiting their next awakening. Sort of like a birth by sleep.” Kyle thought of Vanitas’ words and he chuckled. Vanitas glared at Kyle. “Hey, what’s so funny?” Kyle then stopped laughing but started to laugh again. “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just that the speech you made is so not you!” Vanitas rolled his eyes and laughed. “Well yeah, don’t read too much into it. I’m just saying what’s in my heart.” Kyle nodded. “That’s good Vanitas. That’s very good.” They both smiled and they continued to look at the sky, feeling the calm of the snowfall before them. It was a peaceful feeling, one that they hoped would last. (End Song Here) Soon after, they went back to their friends, and for the rest of the day they had a good time. A pie eating contest was underway, and after many pies and grueling stomach aches, Dexeres came out the victor, and everyone cheered and applauded him. Then a dueling contest was held, in which Ventus and Vanitas fought long and hard, proving that both had excellent swordsmanship. In the end, it was a tie, which Vanitas demanded to be recounted, for he claimed that he had won the duel. Everyone laughed and enjoyed the moment. Then, a dance began, and all the couples danced happily and lovingly with each other. Gilgamesh was excitedly orchestrating the music with some of the citizens who had volunteered to play the music. Then a dodgeball game was underway, in which everyone participated. They were all dodging as much as they could, laughing all the way, reveling in the moment when they managed to eliminate a player. After many fallen players, Sora had been the last one standing, and he made a meek and mischievous smile. “Ha, it looks like those Blitzball sessions with Tidus and Wakka paid off!” Everyone laughed, and soon after they began a snowball fight, in which there were five squads of three. The snowball fight ensued throughout the day, and by the end of the fight, Ventus, Trish and Kyle were victorious. Then, nighttime had fallen, and it was time for the fireworks festival to begin. Everyone had taken their spots to witness the spectacle, and then it began. Shining colors and splashes of light were covering the night sky, as the fireworks danced and fluttered in the wind, creating an atmosphere of wonder and awe. Everyone was spellbound by the incredible display, and at one point, there was one giant set of fireworks that ended up creating the shape of a Bahamut. Kyle felt overwhelmingly happy, being able to enjoy this wonderful day with his family and friends, and he felt so happy and peaceful that he had no other way of explaining this wonderful feeling. He looked towards their friends and noticed all the happy faces, noticing how everyone was enjoying the festival just as much as he was. As the fireworks festival continued on, the sky became so beautiful and mesmerizing, and after the festival had ended, everyone cheered and wished each other a Merry Christmas, and then they lit up the Christmas tree in the center of town, where it shone bright with splendor, signaling hope for a better future for not just them, but to everyone throughout all the worlds. It seems that they had noticed, for all the stars in the sky were beginning to shine bright, as they had seen the Christmas tree of Radiant Garden, and all the stars in the sky shone with a magnificent brilliance. Kyle looked up at the sky, and then he closed his eyes and smiled. “Now I finally know what Christmas is. It’s a time where all sorrow and sadness vanishes, it’s a time when everyone rejoices in the things they have in this life, and when they celebrate all that’s good in this world. It’s a time where you give from the heart, where you do all in your power to make another person happy. A time where you think of others before yourself. That’s what Christmas means to me, and my heart.” he said to himself, and with that, he looked at Ventus and Trish and he hugged them, and then he looked towards the shining night sky, gazing upon the ever glowing stars and he nodded to himself and he put his hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat, and feeling the warmth of Lunar’s heart in his. “This is indeed a Christmas to remember.” With that, he looked up at the sky, feeling content and happy, and hoping that the glory of this day would be a signal of a promising future, one without death and tragedy, one filled with everlasting hope. ------------------------ THE END (Credits Song) Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed this Christmas Special! Oh, and here’s a drawing I made promoting my upcoming story, The Keyblade War Chapter 2: Chaotic Twilight, coming in 2014! Enjoy! 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted December 29, 2013 This was awesome. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted December 29, 2013 I loved it. And I all the activities the whole gang did. And I loved Vanitas's speech; I agree with Kyle, it wasn't like him to say something like that, but it was a good speech nonetheless. I can't wait for The Keyblade War Chap. 2: Chaotic Twilight. I'm sure it will be great. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted December 31, 2013 Thanks for your comments everyone, I really appreciate them! Now then, here's the epilogue to the story! Happy New Year's Eve everybody! Epilogue: A Remembrance Of A Past Life (Start Song Here) A cold winter wind blows throughout a barren wasteland, a place devoid of any life or any happiness. The only thing that can be sensed is the grim snowfall and the quiet of nothingness. In a tall and dark looming castle, Maleficent sits calmly on her throne, looking through an orb that can be able to see outside events from other worlds. She sees everyone having a wonderful time on Christmas, and she sees the smiles and the burning gleam of hope in their eyes, and then she stands up and scoffs. “Hmph, I have no use for petty emotions such as those…happiness, contentment…I only need to satisfy my desire of conquering all worlds. Yes, that is all that I desire…” But in her mind, she thinks of a time long past, a time where people would look up to her in admiration and respect. When people would look to her as a hero. But that time was long past, and she simply shrugged off the sense of nostalgia and she went towards the castle balcony, and then she saw Pete, who was supervising the division of the Heartless into different squads. “Oh hey there Maleficent, good morning to ya! I was just doing what you would want me to do Your Majesty!” Maleficent looked at Pete and for a moment smiled, but then she turned away and walked towards the far right end of the balcony. “Nonsense Pete, you don’t need to be so formal. You’ve done a good job.” Pete for a moment looks at her shocked and then he slowly stutters. “Um, not to question your mood Maleficent, but your seeming oddly calm today…” The evil faerie simply crossed her arms. “You incompetent fool, must you always be pestering me!?” Pete sighed of relief. “Oh, now that’s the Maleficent I know!” Down below, in the castle courtyard, gargoyle statues formed a circle in the center, as if they were silent sentient guardians watching over this fortress. Eraqus stands quietly beside one of the statues, leaning his back against it, his armor shining and wet from all the snow. Ever since the battle with Dark Orion, Eraqus had distanced himself from Maleficent and Pete, and he had begun the habit of taking long walks by himself. But that didn’t seem to bother his allies, because they wouldn’t chase him or send Heartless after him. He wasn’t sure if they were even his allies anymore. He knew that he belonged to the light, but he had been with these allies for a while now, and he couldn’t bring himself to leave. The only one he didn’t see eye to eye though, was Guardian Xehanort. Although he wasn’t exactly Xehanort, he was the spirit of that same Keyblade Master who had caused ruin and despair to loom large for many years. He was always on edge whenever Guardian Xehanort appeared. But then he felt relaxed, as he started to remember when he used to spend Christmas with Terra, Aqua and Ventus. His mind went back to that time, where everything was simpler and less complicated. He remembered how they all gathered near the Christmas tree in the center of the Keyblade Master’s chamber, and he remembers how Terra and Aqua would eagerly await to see what their presents were, while Ventus was simply happy to have them close. As he remembered these feelings of happiness and a feeling of belongingness, his thoughts were suddenly stopped short as Guardian Xehanort appeared before him. “Ah, Eraqus. On your lonesome, eh? Hmph, you know that thinking about the past won’t do you any good.” Guardian Xehanort said, smirking. Eraqus remained calm and didn’t say a word. “No matter what you do Eraqus, your nothing more than a ghost from the past, as am I. We can never return to this world, we can only walk the road between. So let those needless thoughts go.” Eraqus simply left Guardian Xehanort’s side and he went towards the snowy wilderness, for he had decided he would go for a walk, where he could be alone, where he could be able to think of the past anew. He did know that he could never come back to the world of the living, but he could at least remember the moments of joy he had in peace. (End Song Here) --------------------------- RECONNECT Kingdom Hearts 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted December 31, 2013 Nice work. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted January 1, 2014 Nice epilogue. I actually forgot that Eraqus was still with them. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites