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Tyren Namikaze

Xehanort's Alternate Ending?

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How would you guys feel if square made a completely different outcome featuring him defeating the lights and obtaining Kingdom Hearts? Except it's an ending you have the option to choose like how the main character/player has to make this huge decision that'll decide the game. Personally, i wouldn't mind that or theMX ending........

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That would be unique and interesting, but I highly doubt that this will be an option.  Light always wins over dark, and I'm pretty certain that this will be throughout the remainder of the series.  However, hmm . . . it would definitely be interesting, and I can only wonder what would happen to the world if Master Xehanort got his way.  Pretty scary thought, in truth. : P

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No no no no no no . I am pretty sure KH players would get disappointed and they would be like " OMG , Xehanort defeated the light and blahblahblah..." . Nomura clearly said that he would put an end to Xehanort while finishing his saga. The way you described is somehow bad because Square Enix would have to continue the Xehanort Saga . And that is a "loooooooooooong" saga actually .

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How would you guys feel if square made a completely different outcome featuring him defeating the lights and obtaining Kingdom Hearts? Except it's an ending you have the option to choose like how the main character/player has to make this huge decision that'll decide the game. Personally, i wouldn't mind that or theMX ending........

Hell no. Kingdom Hearts is continuing after KH3, so there's NO point. Which one would be the 'real' ending? 


I don't want that. I want one universe and ONE story only. That's how it should be. It feels even more fake with bullcrap alternate stories.

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No. This is a good idea, but not for a game like KH, It worked for games like Heavy Rain and Beyond:Two souls. Hell, Heavy Rain has like, 10 different endings o.O But I just don't see this happening in KH and I think it is pointless in a game like this. It should be one story and one ending.

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Xehanort's going to have an awful hard time pulling out a victory under the weight of the piano that's going to be dropped on him.


Also, I'd rather not. Having an alternate ending for the sake of Xehanort fanservice really isn't necessary, and would only open the internet up to endless debates over who really won. Needless complication for the sake of needless complication isn't a good thing.


Which means, of course, that Nomura will likely do it.

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