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David Gustavo Rodriguez

Pokemon Y or Kingdom Hearts 1.5

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Well,you can get a 3DS with Kingdom Hearts 3D and Pokemon Y since it's cheaper


But the Ps3's price now is very cheap and if you can afford it....you can get it with KH 1.5


But in case you've already played the first game and Re:COM I recommend you get a 3DS

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That's a difficult choice that I also had to do,but I ended up buying the PS3 because of KH 1.5 and a lot of people predicted that 2.5 would come out a year after 1.5. 

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Guys i'm having a hard time deciding i cant afford both the ps3 and the 3ds which is better in your opinion

PS3 = Kingdom Hearts 1.5 & 2.53DS = Pokemon Y & Kingdom Hearts DDDOne of them allows you to play on the go, the other has Kingdom Hearts games that will give you dozens of hours of gaming in HD >.>

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If you're choosing between getting a PS3 or a 3DS, look at the game lineups for both and see which has more games you like. Personally I'd go with a 3DS since it's much cheaper than a PS3 and I really like Nintendo games, but that may not be the same for you.

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You shouldn't spend all that money on a system just to play one game. Google PS3 and Nintendo games and compare which games interest you more. PS3 has a wider/better range of shooters and that sort of thing, while Nintendo would be better if you'd be playing more Pokemon/Mario/etc. It just depends on what kind of game you like. 

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