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Also, Megaman X and Danex Darkfire are secret lovers. Megaman X sneaks out of his wifes embrace in the midst of the evening, and rendevous' with Danex in the shed outside. They make hot, passionate love with one another until dawn, when Megaman X then kisses his lover goodbye and returns home to Flaming Lea. Until now, she was none the wiser to these trespasses of her trust and love.


She is now sure to divorce him, which will suit Megaman X just fine, because he can then join in holy matrimony with his true love, Danex Darkfire.


Megaman X for smelliest member 2014

Danex Darkfire for lovliest lover 2100

roxsoxkh for best secret teller 2013



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Bitch please. i sleep with my woman only.


Megaman X, you're a liar and you'll spend an eternity aboard this ship.

That's it i'm taking him for all he's got .


He hasn't got much.

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Bitch please. i sleep with my woman only.

your kairi playarts action figure doesn't count

Call 1-800-555-COCK to get you discounted Cialis and Viagra online.


Also, Megaman X and Danex Darkfire are secret lovers. Megaman X sneaks out of his wifes embrace in the midst of the evening, and rendevous' with Danex in the shed outside. They make hot, passionate love with one another until dawn, when Megaman X then kisses his lover goodbye and returns home to Flaming Lea. Until now, she was none the wiser to these trespasses of her trust and love.


She is now sure to divorce him, which will suit Megaman X just fine, because he can then join in holy matrimony with his true love, Danex Darkfire.


Megaman X for smelliest member 2014

Danex Darkfire for lovliest lover 2100

roxsoxkh for best secret teller 2013



see snow for all your fony yimyam and moomoo needs


fony yimyams are a guaranteed cure all for your health requirements sure to heal your herpes, syphilis, genital warts, cold sores, hepatitis, hiv, fever, dysentery, impotence, jungle fever, west nile virus, flu, malaria, and even the common cold order now at 1-800-555-SNOW







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well, i can agree with you that i will be the lovliest lover of 2100

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