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Do you think that more recent disney films from the last decade should be in the next game?

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The most recent Disney film to be made into a world is the Grid from Tron - legacy, but there are quite a few films starting from Year 2000


Dinosaur - 2000 - Probably not


The Emperor's New Groove - 2000 - probably not


Atlantis: The Lost Empire - would make an interesting world


Lilo and Stitch (Hawaii Islands haven't appeared yet) - 2002


Treasure Planet - 2002 - interesting to see if it does become a world


Brother Bear - 2003 - as much as I love this movie I don't think it would ever end up in a kingdom hearts game


Home on the Range - 2004 -  no


Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the Wardrobe - 2005 - maybe


Chicken Little's world - hmm not sure


Enchanted -2007 - no


Princess and the Frog - 2009 - probably not


Tangled - 2010 - maybe


Alice in Wonderland 2010 - maybe


Frankenweenie - 2012


Wreck it Ralph - 2012 - would make a cool world to explore


Frozen - 2013 this year - probably not because it's too recent

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if wreck it ralph was in kingdom hearts, it would be a video game in a movie, inside a video game.



and i'm not hinting at any thing in particular here, buuuuuuuut i would love to fight a giant snow monster in a frozen land, (hint, hint nomura)


and treasure planet, i really want treasure planet

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Dinosaur - 2000 - Never Watched it


The Emperor's New Groove - 2000 - Ehhhh I don't think so. 


Atlantis: The Lost Empire - I don't really know. 


Lilo and Stitch (Hawaii Islands haven't appeared yet) - Probably will happen. 


Treasure Planet - 2002 - I'd love to see this happen but then again...you are traveling to another world which would be weird. 


Brother Bear - 2003 - Never watched it 


Home on the Range - 2004 -  What?


Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the Wardrobe - 2005 - I don't think it will be included. 


Chicken Little's world - Maybe, just maybe. 


Enchanted -2007 - Ummmm no. 


Princess and the Frog - 2009 - It'll probably be included, but not likely. 


Tangled - 2010 - Maybe, yes, please. 


Alice in Wonderland 2010 - They could do this. 


Frankenweenie - What? 


Wreck it Ralph - 2012 - YES


Frozen - 2013 this year - Even if its recent, it will do especially well since it does talk about the Heart.

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Dinosaur - 2000 - No


The Emperor's New Groove - 2000 - No


Atlantis: The Lost Empire - YES PLEASE


Lilo and Stitch - 2002 - YES


Treasure Planet - 2002 - Maybe


Brother Bear - 2003 - No


Home on the Range - 2004 -  no


Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the Wardrobe - 2005 - No


Chicken Little's world - No, its good as just a summon


Enchanted -2007 - no


Princess and the Frog - 2009 - Nah, I love the movie, but no


Tangled - 2010 - Yes, I'd love to see this world!


Alice in Wonderland 2010 - maybe


Frankenweenie - 2012 - ABSOLUTELY NOT


Wreck it Ralph - 2012 - No, please.


Frozen - 2013 this year - probably not because it's too recent


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Dinosaur - 2000 - I only want official concept art of a Lemur or Dino Sora. Not an actual level from it! (I have a feeling it would be a great escort mission D:)


The Emperor's New Groove - 2000 - I can't see this as being good in KH.


Atlantis: The Lost Empire - I think it would be nice to explore the city! (and maybe get the ability to swim downwards in places that aren't Atlatica!)


Lilo and Stitch (Hawaii Islands haven't appeared yet) - 2002 - While I would like to see the actual movie done, I would actually prefer the following. Instead of Dalmatian puppies scattered across the worlds, there should be experiments. And some will be in chests, others will be optional boss fights. Hmm maybe have the Hawaii islands and then gain an item or a skill that would let you trigger some trigger points for boss battles in prior worlds.


Treasure Planet - 2002 - I am not for stories that require space travel in KH. Though I guess if the world is simply treasure planet and not a voyage on the ship, sure.


Brother Bear - 2003 - Hmm could I bare Sora as a bear? Oh bother, what would pooh think?


Home on the Range - 2004 -  I don't want a bovine or equine Sora.


Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the Wardrobe - 2005 - While there could be some pretty cool stuff in that world, I really would rather not have it in KH.


Chicken Little's world - hmm not sure


Enchanted -2007 - Make it New York City and then change the story so it is a huge mess with Marvel characters interacting, and then have even Sora burst into tears from all the the insanity. And while the crying is going on, a heartless attaches a hook to Sora, and he gets kidnapped to another world. Where he has to fight his own nightmares. 0_0 "Sora... SORA... DINNER'S READY! Where have you been ALLL these yeeaeaaaarsssssss?" In this neigh pitch black level he has to question if he really his mother he has to fight or not, all the while he has to keep moving to avoid the grasp of darkness while facing lots of things that torture his psyche. And then after that he comes back to fight the dragon. He proceeds to mutter "somehow that made more sense than this." Then deadpool comes behind him and pats his back, saying "There there it isn't so bad, its a game after all. So, just have fun and GO KILL SOMETHING!" (okay only something along those lines.)


Princess and the Frog - 2009 - Can't judge, I haven't seen the movie.


Tangled - 2010 - It could work.


Alice in Wonderland 2010 - Only you are constantly having to jump in between it and the cartoon world! Changing stuff in the cartoon world that changes stuff in the "live action" world. And vice versa.


Frankenweenie - 2012 - I don't have to have seen it to say no on this one.


Wreck it Ralph - 2012 - I am not too fond of this idea.


Frozen - 2013 this year - probably not because it's too recent


Edit: Continues my story from Enchanted. From that moment Sora remembers all the times Donald has betrayed him leading to his death, so Sora offs him. From there goofy doesn't know what to do but follow Sora. Sora finds MX, he gives a speach about Sora giving into the darkness blah blah blah, then Sora stabs him. *while whispering in his ears, I was going to let you live, but I've been enlightened.* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Goofy, still is unsure of what to do. Sora then proceeds to start an murderous empire, and the remaining lights have to stop him (or die trying). And all of this is because Sora had to go to New York City.

Edited by Tigerruss

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But they already put Alice in Wonderland in KH1. I personally hated that world because of how confusing it was to get around.

Tangled would be a good world, but I dont think they're gonna add any princess movies because of the 7 princesses of heart. It kinda ticks me off that Alice was a princess and not Ariel, although i do understand that she was a mermaid in KH1. I'd personally love to see Toy story, Fox and the Hound and Bolt. Sora would be a cute little puppy! xD

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Dinosaur - 2000 - Not familiar with the title


The Emperor's New Groove - 2000 - Seems unlikely


Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Possibly, although I'm not sure how it could be implemented


Lilo and Stitch (Hawaii Islands haven't appeared yet) - 2002 - Possibly


Treasure Planet - 2002 - Could happen, I could see them making the space port or Treasure Planet itself the main areas


Brother Bear - 2003 - "as much as I love this movie I don't think it would ever end up in a kingdom hearts game" Agreed


Home on the Range - 2004 -  that's a funny joke


Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the Wardrobe - 2005 - Seems unlikely, as Fox has owned the rights to all the movies after the first 


Chicken Little's world - I'm not a huge proponent


Enchanted -2007 - 


Princess and the Frog - 2009 - probably not, seems like it would be too complicated to make a world out of


Tangled - 2010 - maybe, although I don't remember much of the movie. 


Alice in Wonderland 2010 - Could be, a nice new coat of paint could make the otherwise overused Wonderland world more interesting


Wreck it Ralph - 2012 - Maybe, although it would probably only take place in Sugar Rush


Frozen - 2013 this year - Seems possible, and could appease fans wanting the winter world of Narnia.  The world itself has enough landmarks to explore as well.  I could picture the snowman being an ally, and the slow-golem a possible boss. It's recent now but we still have a while before the game releases, who knows. 

Edited by Walden0021

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