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Corrupted keyblade

Battle of Light and Dark

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Ryan looked into Claymore's futere it seemed like it was mixed with light and darkness "... You will live in this form for quite a long time, neutral, neither good or evil"

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Xemrok shot a ray of light at Lunar and transported knocked him up into the air with his keyblades then jumped up slamed him to the ground then as Lunar got up he did sonic thrust then jumped in the air and did a sonic thrust downward on top of Lunar then Xemrok flew and hovered over him then threw his keyblades at him each one impaled hime then Xemrok made the keyblade explode into rays of light then Xemrok preformed ragnock then made an earthrgra pillar smacking Lunar around with it then slamed it on his bodie then made a whole and crushed lunars body in the hole with the pillar,


Xemrok did a back flip back by the others and said "yall can have your fun now

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lunar was just stading there with a crazed looked in his eyes"...rrrrrrgggghhhhhhaaaaa!!!!"and out of no where a hole was blown thorw xemroks body and xanrys beam faded

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lunar grabed xanrys leg and starte sqizzing it you could hear his bones breaking"..rrrrrrrggghhhhaaa!!"then he thorw xanry inot the ground head first

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Xemrok looked at the whole in him he was bleeding darkness darkness was being poured out of his body the potions wouldn't help Xemrok new that he couldn't survie just by standing there so Xemrok used bindera and blizardragra and used curgra to keep him alive and his wound good for now Xemrok then stood up and started limpingly dashed and caught Xanry before he hit the groud

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