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Corrupted keyblade

Battle of Light and Dark

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Able to lessen some of the damage with earthragra to block then Xemrok throughs off his cloack to reveal his chaser armour "I've already destroyed a world don't make me risk another" Xemrok said as he charged at him with his keyblades in hand knocking him into a portal he had made taking them to The keyblade graveyard

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Xanry used lightenssagra on Xemrok and kicked him up in the air and then teleported up with him grabbed him and swiled around and threw him down (Primary lotus from Naruto ^^)

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Standing back up and chugging a potion Xemrok's eyes get a dark glow. Then his hands start making a dark flame quickly extending his arms Xemrok makes everylight in the world fliker then go out then Xanry feels the slicing of keyblades going all over him and then he feels hime being raised up in the sky where he starts to see a light he turns over to the worlds core glowing and growing

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Xanry got hurt but he healed himself with dark curaga to not only heal himself but also increase his strengh he raised his hands and all of Xemnock's attacks stopped and then he attacked Xemnock

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Xemrok was able to block the attacks and preformed bindera and did i tight bind on Xanry to an earthrgra wall and it was so tight his keyblades disapeared so now Xanry was being hit by Drainaga being drained of all abilities and potions and spells then as Lexa charged him he threw up a portal wich made Lexa go off the plannet then Xemrok Hit Xanry with lots of Magic doing Light firagra and Light BLizardgra and using areogra to push him up and makeing the bindings tighten and the pain on Xanry get stronger

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Xemrok quickly called reflectagra and reflect most of the damage at the portal for a present to Lexa as he closed the portal then Xemrok jumps back up and goes toward the Xanry who is stilll bound to the wall and does sonic blade right into him

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Xanry bounced off of a earth pillar and then was high in the air and then slashed Xemnock with the Kingdom Key, Fenier and Way to Dawn "You're finished" said Xanry smirking

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Xemrok smirked and said thats what you think as numbers formed around him and he faded away then Xemrok was behind and Xanry had the Corrupted ultima in his heart abosrbing him once he was completly absorbed in the Keyblade a key chain Came out it was 3 arms and and each arm had a keyblade one had the fenir one had the kingdom key and one had the Way to dawn then Holding the Key Chain said "it didn't have to come to this but with your strength you will bprobally be out soon so here to you Xanry" as he attached it to a keyblade it was massive it was straight up spine looking untill the top on one side it had the fenirs blade and the other had the way to down blade and kingdom keys blade then ripped off the chain and crushed it under his boat and said "way to much power to be controlled he will still be back but so will I he will be weakened but not destroyed for now". walking away a he was struck by Dark Lightening but he was able to survive the blast but gained new abilities he was given to new arms so now he had four he could now use keychains he created but he had an arm of light and an arm of dark he had been chosen by an unknown being to help balence but he couldn't do it alone he found an Oblivion keyblade and used it for his dark arm and found a the Total Eclipse keyblade and used it for his LIght hand

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lexa landed blocked the keyblade then threw both of his at xemrock then pulled out 2 lazerblades then attacked him again

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Xemrok dropped 2 of his keyblades caught Lexas keyblades and threw them back at him knocking the Lazerblades out of his hands then Xemrok summoned his keyblades back did then Xemrok made every keyblde in the grave yard come at him at once pining Lexa to the ground Xemrok picked up a random keyblade and stabed Lexa with it then Xemrok transported off the world

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