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Corrupted keyblade

Battle of Light and Dark

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Battle of Light and Dark


In this rps you will choose a side Light, Dark, or neutral.


you choose different powers for your side please DO NOT COPY powers it makes it lame and un original so heres what you need to put







Home world:



Main magic uses: (make it up or go original)

Here is mine


Name: Xemrok

Age: 17

Appearence: Tall cloacked figure with an orginaztion like cloack with his hood down with scars covering his face, his eyes are blue but they hold many secrets and memories, he has boots and guantlets from chasers long ago, his guantlets are stained with shadows and a dark aura around them, in his right hand he has an ultima weapon (KH1) wich instead of the gold is black, and in his left hand he holds the Two Acrossed Keyblade backwards.

Bio: One of the unknown chasers from the Keyblade War, Xemrok, a legendary but yet unheard of hero of the war it was only by accident the newly become Keyblade master was able to end the war but destroy thousands, Xemrok was ambushed he wanted to get away so then he telported (ancient chaser abilitiy) out of the ambush only to see his family destroyed by an unknown keyblade wielder using Firaga and the Earthraga (ancient spell) spell to take down the city. Xemrock was furious a dark aura came out of his eyes and a dark aura around his hands as he called out his keyblades, and unknowingly he made a massive storm of darkness and summoned heartless to attack the enemy, his Ultima weapons (kh1) gold had turned black, and he weilded the Two Across Keyblade for the first time. After the heartless destroyed almost every living creature and thus the heartless was truelly created and now they had to be destroyed by there creator. Scared of Xemroks powers the original chasers banished him and made him a nobody for the original Originazation where he excaped from, if you thought roxas's escape was cool you haven't seen anything yet.

Weapon: Anti Ultima keyblade, and Two Acrossed keyblade

Home world:The world that never was

Side: Neutral heart but powers of darkness

Gender: Male

Main magic uses: Teleportation, and Earthagra

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Name: Xanry


Appearance: Black hair, flattened out. A tall and muscular man. Has blue eyes.

Bio: One of the legendary keyblade weilders in the Keyblade War. He is the ancestors of Vanitas and Master Xehanort, Ven, and Sora. It is unknown whose side he is on. He has 3 arms.

Weapon: Kingdom Key, Way To Dawn, and Fenier

Side: Neutral but can use the powers of both light and darkness

Gender: Male

Home World: The Keyblade Graveyard

Main Magic Uses: Darknessagra (basicly a bunch of huge darkness spheres) and Meteoragra (a bunch of meteors) and Fiagra, and Dark Fiagra

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(nice) Roaming the forgotten keyblade ruins Xemrok is rembering the people and friends he had destroyed, but it seems he isn't the only one "who are you and what are you fighting for" said Xemrock to the mysterious figure. waiting for an answer Xemrok summons a behemoth heartless and stands upon it drawing his keyblades he notices fighters for the dark were aproaching

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Charging through the crowd of dark fighters Xemrok recognizes the keyblade skills from when he was a chaser long ago, hearing a scream from a dark warrior being hurled towards him by one of the darksides he had summoned, Xemrok leaned back and and cut up the strange figure it looked like a nobody they were fighting nobodies then twilight thorns were consuming this world shadowing over


Xemrok threw up earthagra walls to block souronded the thorns then put a portal underneath them. "well that takes care of that" said Xemrok as he fianted

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*yay another person, of course you can join theres only two people* Xanry saw some fighters charge at him and he used Darknessagra and Dark Fiagra, and Thunderagra to get rid of them

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appearence:wears a black coat like the org, 6'3 tall, has scars going down both his arms from the shoulders to the wrists, brown eyes, blonde hair

bio:lexa was well known around his town, everyone loved him, and they all lived in peace,until he gained his keyblades and huges groups of heartless came along, when lexa tried to defend his town, in the end, lexa accidentily destroiy half his town, and gained his 2 scars doing so, then he ran off and was never seen again

theres more

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bio: and became part of the war

weapons:lazer blades like xemnas, and oblivion and sleeping lion

side:nuetral, but still uses light

main magic use:able to go threw solid objects and able to lift things from great distince, and stopra and graviga

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