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Tyren Namikaze

First Kingdom Hearts

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As Always, we've all been dedicated and loyal fans to the KH series. But how long have you been? And most importantly, when was the first time you saw KH? Personally, I've been a fan ever since I was 7-8 years old and somehow i never stopped being one. And I remember seeing KH2 for the first time thinking: "HOLY SH**!!!!! I gotta get this game!" and it was the best decision i ever made.  But what about you guys? What are your nostagic MEMORIES about KH? Heck, even a moment when you felt like you wanted to quit?  Which for me was alot.......

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I think I was like 9?  Not sure.  The ONLY thing that has stuck with me the most through the past 8 years has been that freaking Xaldin fight.  I quit playing that game for like a year and then picked it back up because of that guy.  

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Early 2001. I was 13. First time I saw the commercial. I saw Disney characters and heard Simple and Clean playing.  My mom saw it too. she said : "That would be something you'd be interested in if you were a bit younger" I responded "That's something I'd be interested in now" And I was right. I got it for my birthday that November. By that time I was 14, the same age as both Sora and Haley Joel Osment, which made it even more special. 

Edited by WakelessDream

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About my nostalgic Memories?



Well, mine are about KH1 and 2, and even KH BBS and 3D DDD, those games were epic in my point of view, I can never let go of them, and now that 2.5 is coming out next year, I can play BBS FM on my PS3, and when KH3 comes out, I'm getting it for my PS4. As for Dream Drop distance, the story was good in my point of view, the Thirteen Xehanorts were actually a surprise to me when I first saw a cutscene talking about them, and the Flowmotion was so cool, when I used Super Jump with it and glided in the air with it for a short time, it made me feel excited.

Edited by Tom13

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well i came a little late into the series, but that's because i was only 3 when kh1 was first released. my first year into kh was 2009 when 358/2 came out, and that was my first game. i remember thinking that the game was so hard, but that was just because i was a noob. the gameplay was innovative and ive never played anything like it. so i was quite interested. but when i started playing the others, my eyeballs fell out of their sockets ^^

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I believe I was 7 or 8. That would make it around 2005. I was aware of the series by the time KH2 came out here, for at least six months probably, so definitely in that time frame. That makes me about 8 when I learned of the series.

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The fist time I seen a commercial was back in 2002( six years old back then), I know right away that I want it. My parents bought me a PS2 for Christmas along with KH1 and the guide for it, best Christmas ever. My nostalgic moments was playing in my living room with my family. starting the game in Sora's deep dive and for some reason all my family was asleep during the whole deep dive part which was really weird. Then the eerie ass music started then the mysteries voice started talking, I felt like the mysterious voice was talking to me and nobody else was their to see it ( freaked me out, yea I was only six at the time cut me some slack lol)


another nostalgic moment was walking out of GameStop with KH2 and the guide back in 2006,I kept thanking my mom for the whole week lol


Hit some hard times at home ( parents divorced) so I decided to sell all my games including my PS2 with KH1 and KH2.


I went into a gaming exile


By 2010 all I had was a PSP and a DS. birth by sleep came out and I could not ask for a game ( my dad hates video games) so I saved my lunch money for 5-10 weeks saving up for Birth by sleep, Best thing I ever did because I would not be a fan of KH again without Birth by sleep.


so yea that's my story

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