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Is Dream Drop Distance better then Birth by Sleep?

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my favorite KH games are1.kingdom Hearts 22.Kingdom hearts 13.kingdom hearts Birth by Sleep4,kingdom Hearts 358/2 days5. Kingdom Hearts chain of memoriesI have not played 3D ( going to next year) yet and I was wondering if you guys think its better or worse then Birth by Sleep, I am comparing the two because they are very similar.

I have replayed each character's story in Birth by Sleep about a dozen times on different difficulties and imported Final Mix from Japan- I beat DDD once, I definitely prefer BbS but to each their own! ^^

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If you search there are many topics of this.


DDD has better worlds, gameplay, opening and characters

BBS has probably a better story.


So DDD is my favorite.

Edited by KH4Real

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BBS and DDD are about the same to me. BBS has smaller worlds, but there are usually differences between all 3 characters. DDD has big worlds and usually large maps that also have differences between the two characters. Gameplay wise BBS was a basic KH game where you have normal attacks and your command attacks. In DDD you have normal attacks, command attacks, and flowmotion attacks. In BBS you can purchase command attacks or meld them after you level them up while in DDD you buy them or you get them through dream eaters. I felt that both games supplied uninteresting boss battle for the most part, but BBS did have more special boss battles. The stories are both interesting, but BBS does have a better one. Aquas voice actor lacks emotion though. I felt that both games provided a similar, but different experience.

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disgregarding 1.5 remix, BBS is the longest game in the series in terms of length of gameplay. so 3d is shorter than bbs. but 3d's gameplay and worlds were very creative and fun. but if you want to look like an honest badass instead of a goofy badass in 3d, then get bbs. not to mention the story in bbs is more dynamic, but the worlds and gameplay are more static. the worlds are VERY abstract and are blank with almost no interaction with the environment. 


it's all up to you. but i think bbs is better than 3d

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