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How did you get into the KH series?

How did you get into the KH series?  

140 members have voted

  1. 1. How did you get into the KH series?

    • A friend told me about it.
    • Read about it on the internet and bought it.
    • Rented it and liked it.
    • Got it as a present and fell in love with it.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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KH 1 - I saw it in the TV-commercial and said: "I will never buy it!" :blink: 

A few weeks, I had already forgot this game, looked at the cover, bought it and than I was shocked, because: "I will never buy it!" xD

I was shocked about the Opening grafic, too ( Never seen so much HD )

After it: "Hey, where's the HD???"

It was the best game I've ever played!


Next game: "Greeeeeaaaaateeeeee!!!!" 


One more next game: "Yeeeeeeeaaahhhhhh!"


And so on ^^


I love it :biggrin: 

Edited by Axel_von_der_Info

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When KHBBS Commercial came on I was like woah, but I never actually payed attention to it. When KH DDD came out and I saw the commercial, I had a memory flash. I had the same feeling as the one of BBS. So I decided to search KH on my computer and I suddenly got into it. My first fav. character back then was Ven, then it went to Sora and then to Roxas and now its Riku.

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At the age of 2, my sister and her friend rented kh1 from blockbuster, they played it all the time, and for some unknown reason, I absolutely hated the game, I didn't like the game at all and often complained when they would play it.


At the age of 6, on thanksgiving day, I was at my older cousins house. Since there was no one my age to play with, I went to play on my cousins ps2. As I was looking through the games he had and saw kh1. It seemed familiar so I decided to give it a shot. I played through destiny islands and fell in love with the game. When it was time to leave, I knew that I had to have that game, so I got it for Christmas. I beat the entire game, except for ansem, which took me 6 months to beat.


At the age of 8, I got kh2, also on Christmas. It became my favorite game, and still is to this day. Kh2 also introduced roxas, which I didn't care much for. After seeing the commercials on TV of 358/2 days and bbs, I figured that sora's story was over and that the games continued on with roxas, which I didn't really care for.


At the age of 11, in sixth grade, there was a new kid in my school. He didn't know anybody, so I talked to him and we became friends. Then, he mentioned kingdom hearts, I told him about how much I loved the game and he told me about his love for the game. We spent a majority of sixth grade writing a research journal all about kingdom hearts. My love for kingdom hearts skyrocketed and I decided to play the other kingdom hearts games. I can tell you now that 2011 was the best year of my life and it might even stay that way. That was the year I met my best friend Nathan (Naxanth Nightshade)


At the age of 13, I started a kh13 account. I met new friends and learned new things about my favorite game. I am looking forward to having more fun on here with you guys, and I'm still waiting for the day the heartless attack and I summon a keyblade.

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This is actually a funny story. My sister and I saw a preview for it in a magazine, saw that most of our favorite disney characters would be in one game and we instantly we're intrigued. My sister's birthday was coming up and she begged my mom to get a ps2 with the game. I even remember being so excitied for it, that I asked my mom to buy me the brandy game guide too it. I remember just like bringing it to school and reading the guide book before we had the game xD And when we finally got it, my sister and I played it all night. And I ended up falling in love with it while my sister lost interest xD Anyway, I can't believe that was almost nine years ago...I feel so old! xD

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A friend told me about it. At first of course I thought it was a childish game. Well it kinda is, but is not.

I thought "The sword is a freaking key? WTF?"

Then I played it and fangirl untill this day.



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I could have sworn I already told this story, but okay...


I remember seeing a few commercials for it as a kid, but never really got on board. Years later, about 2 years or so after I moved, I saw that in a Disney Adventures magazine (yeah, remember those?) that a kid from Colorado or something was one of the gamers of the month for playing Kingdom Hearts II, which was odd because this was BEFORE the game came out...I guess he had the Japanese version or something...can that count? Well, whatever! Point was, I saw a screenshot of it and remembered that I saw some commercials for the other games, so I decided to get the first game and try it out. And I've been hooked ever since.


Ah, memories...

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So basically, my mom's friend had the original Kingdom Hearts on her PS2. I saw it, and said that it looked fun. Mom said that I wouldn't like it, because it had Disney characters in it. This definitely wasn't what I said(because I was like 8 at the time), but I basically said, "Screw that, it looks fun!" So, a couple months later, I got KH358/2 Days for my B-day. Best B-Day ever. I'll always remember the game, I'll always remember how it got me into several other franchises, and I'll always remember how it made me join this site.

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I was 52 years old.  I still remember those days.  I had just quit my old Biker Gang, "The Pillows".  I just felt...not like myself, ya know?  I knew I needed to find a new motive in life.  But I couldn't find it.  I tried woodcutting, surfing, electronics, folk singing, license plate making, President, sewing, medicine, baseball, metal forging, rubber-band making, professional hugging, modeling, writing, animating, farming, sleeping, goal keeping, news-casting, hair designing, and even kissing booths.  But nothing felt right.  That's when I discovered KH2.  I was stranded in the desert, dying of thirst and hunger.  And I buried myself in the sand, and when I awoke, I was a child.  A baby, ignorant and innocent.  I grew up and did it all over again.  I wouldn't change a thing.

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Weird story actually...I saw a commercial for one of the early games and I wanted it but I didn't have a PS2 ,so when 358/2 days came out I knew it was on Nintendo DS which I had and Gamestop had the Buy 2 get 1 free sale so I had a choice of Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days,Xmen Legends,and Ghostbusters...so I chose the 3 Kh,XL,GB...I really liked the Kingdom Hearts game,in fact I found a fog one day and named it Axel and I put it in my Frog tank with my bullfrog Nion...sadly Nion ate Axel,but I still liked the game until it got harder and harder then I got to the Chameleon boss outside of the mansion...and I quit.So I got a PS2 later on so I could play Ratchet and Clank.I then had a dream about Kingdom Hearts 2,that's when i knew I had to get it.I got the first game and loved it,but my friend told me how much they like Kingdom Hearts 2,so I got it and realized it was in my dream...I fell in love with it instantly when I recognized Roxas and got a taste of the story and I felt I had to play every game of the series.

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