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Lu Xun

How did you get into the KH series?

How did you get into the KH series?  

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  1. 1. How did you get into the KH series?

    • A friend told me about it.
    • Read about it on the internet and bought it.
    • Rented it and liked it.
    • Got it as a present and fell in love with it.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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I got a 3DS for christmas 2011 and during spring of 2012, i looked on the E shop for demos. I found KH3D, and downloaded the demo for it. I played it, and i was instantly hooked, since i love RPG's. So, i got the game at launch and played it all the way to the end non stop on Proud. I loved every bit of it, so i looked into the rest of the series through walkthroughs and lets plays and got caught up with the series.

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My cousin gave it to me. I saw the Disney characters and I was interested. I saw the opening cutscene and thought, "This is weird." However, I always try to finish games, so I kept playing. Once the Night of Fate rolled around, I fell in love. The sense of sheer terror I felt, coupled with the awesome music was amazing. I desperately tried to swing my wooden sword at the Heartless and died twice. Once I got the Keyblade, it all skyrocketed from there, as I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen.

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I went to my best friends house when I was six cause my mom needed to get something from there and he wasn't there so I waited in his room till my mom was done. I turned on the tv cause I was bored and there it was! sora in deep junge with tarzan in the party, I was obsessed with disney at the time so I was interested in it, I unpaused it and I die instantly (mainly cause I had no idea what to do haha) then when I got home I saw a commercial for it and I begged my mom for it. Then 3 days later, she surprised me with it, i was soo happy  :biggrin:

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Read it in a gamepro magazine for how to beat Sephiroth (It was an issue for how to beat the bosses of Sonic Heroes), then read the manga later on the years, and few days later watched gameplay videos. Fell in love with KH series and bought KH1, KHRe.Com, and KH2 for PS2 few weeks later at the same time.

Edited by Xamtweth-ReMIXed

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Someone in my high school brought it in and showed me during a theater class, plus I saw the Disney Channel's inside coverage. I asked my parents for it for Christmas, along with a PS2 and low and behold, I got it. It was my first RPG and first PS2 game. After I finished playing it, I was so happy, I cried. I looked at my mom and said, "I love this game so much, I'm going to play it again." I've since then, in 2003, played it 23 times all the way through! It was my ultimate devotion in high school, at least video game wise!!

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I was at my cousin's house one day, and saw him playing a game that looked really fun. Something about it screamed out to me, like I had to play it. I asked him what it was, and he replied "Kingdom Hearts". This was probably within a month of the first game's release, so I remembered seeing commercials for it. I didn't pay much attention to them, so I wasn't interested at first. After seeing him play it, I knew I had to play it. I got it for Christmas that year, and since then I've gotten every single game released in the US aside from 1.5, which I'm excited to play when I can. It's become my favorite game series. Heck, it's become one of my favorite stories of all time!

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Kind of a weird story but I watched my friend play KH1 and KH2 back around the release of KH2 and well he sucked at it. It took him 7 years to beat KH1 and 1 year to beat KH2. After that I barely played KH and I sucked REALLY bad at it. Then until recently I found my old PS2 and a copy of KH1 on PS2 and played it from Wonderland (where my last save was years ago) to the end and enjoyed the hell out of it. After that I bought 1.5 and played KH1 on that and tried Re:COM and I hate it. Then I bought KH2 on PS2 and played it and I loved it. And we 2.5 comes out Ill play BBS. Thats my story.


P.S I did watch the 358/2 days movie in 1.5.

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My neighbor came over to my house one day showing my brother and myself the game.  I kinda scuffed it off at first(he was still on DI), but I really got interested in it when he fought darkside. I got the game for myself and never regretted it.

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I think I've already explained it in a previous post.


It was back in 2009 (grade 9). To make a long story short, I was on YouTube looking for FFVII videos on the Turks. Saw some Axel and Reno thing, was like, "Axel? Who is that?" Goes to Google and searches "Axel". First link: Wikipedia. Sees that it's Disney and Squeenix. "Hmm... Square always makes good games. But Disney? Meh. Maybe I'll see what it is." Searches to see if there is a DS game. Finds 358/2 Days. (I had an R4 and downloaded it to try it before buying.) Fell in love (uh...) with Zexion after watching some Re:CoM cutscenes. Proceeded to hate Axel. Bought Days. Had so much fun. Kingdom Hearts 4 life.


The end.



  SPOILERS: Click to reveal


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The first time I heard about the series was actually a trailer of Days from 2009. Real weird considering everyone else's responses, being introduced to the series with the first game in 2002 or KH II in 2006. Anyways, I thought the commercial looked cool and it showed Disney worlds which looked interesting to me. I looked Kingdom Hearts on wikipedia and I learned just how much I missed. Although I was 6 years old, well scratch that 5 years old, when the first Kingdom Hearts came out, so... yeah.

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I saw a commercial about the first one and the image of the Keyblade stayed with me.Back then I had never heard of Square Enix(Squaresoft) and only knew a little about disney but the series was to my liking.The rest is history.

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My friend bought Kingdom Hearts BBS and Kingdom Hearts Day 358/2 to school at times and I was watching him...

I didn't draw much interest at first but overtime, I decided to check it out myself and bam~

Had many feels trip and all that goodness ^_^

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