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do you think its unfair?

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the way allowence works for me is this. i get money. i want to spend money. my dad sais i cant spend my money on video games becouse i have to many. i agree i have a lot but seriouslly! if i want to spend my allowence in a wii u then why cant i? i know i have a lot but ive beaten pretty much all of them and thats why i need to get new ones. i dont replay video games until like 2 years later! is this fair? just wondering if im just being spoiled.

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Some words from your dad and you are much true,so i can't say whether which of you two was fair.You should know the positive reasons that why your dad says don't spend your money on video games because there are some things that you gotta spend for your own benefits.But hey,I didn't say you're wrong,since you collecting some money in order to get what you want,that's a good thing,but i think your dad says that because it's not a best time for you to buy the games that you want right now since you have more video games as it is.Hope you understand the situation you're in...  :smile:

Edited by Hazimie

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If you work for your allowance, you should be able to do what you want with it.  

Unless you buy video games and don't actually go all the way through with them, then it's a waste of money cause you're forking out for the half of a game you'll play.

You could argue when you have actually completed them all, that you have completed them all and want new ones.  But while you still have unfinished ones people can always argue to finish them first before abandoning them.

You should feel lucky though.  I never got allowance at all and couldn't save up for anything expensive I wanted til I got EMA.  

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Well I can understand why he wouldn't allow you to. He probably doesn't want you to spend so much time behind a screen. Besides if you'e creative enough(and have good enough games) you can challenge yourself in some of your old games, maybe create scenarios yourself

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What's fair is that you have three meals a day and a roof over your head. You don't own squat until you're 18 and you're damn lucky to have an allowance. Be thankful and sell some o yo video games if you think you have too many. And get a job dammit. grumblegrumblegrumblegrumsbvdhfdsihihghsfdskjgfsnd

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What's fair is that you have three meals a day and a roof over your head. You don't own squat until you're 18 and you're damn lucky to have an allowance. Be thankful and sell some o yo video games if you think you have too many. And get a job dammit. grumblegrumblegrumblegrumsbvdhfdsihihghsfdskjgfsnd

i agree with you and i cant be more thankfull. oh and btw he said even getting rid of them wasent gonna solve anything.

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Well, do you have to have a Wii-U? Does your dad think you just spend too much time playing games?

i dont have a wii u actually. ill probably get one sooner or later and im sure i spend more time then i should on screens. i have flawes.

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