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Fates Chance

death of my pets and what's going through my head.

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I have...had 3 cockatiels. If no one knows, they're medium sized birds renowned for their companionship. Anyway, I recently lost my two males at the same time. Diego and jackson were their names...


I'm just so sad when ever I think about them... I can barely look at my remaining one with out thinking of them. I go through my day, doing the things I did with them and I just wanna cry... I miss them so much...sob... they were young only about 4 or 5. I'm 18, thinking of moving out and I was making preparations to take them with me. My friends I've told havent had any sympathy for me...they just say ok and move on. Like Diego and jackson were just gold fish or something. So I finally came here, hoping to have someone respond and make me feel a little better.


This is the first time I've lost a pet in my care and I just feel like it's my fault...it probably is. How I disciplined my birds for being loud or nasty was put them in our spare bed room in a separate cage in like time out until they are quiet. I had just fed them when I put them in there and it was kinda cold cause it's winter here and I covered the cage for over night with blankets so they wouldn't be cold. I left them there two days, and I could here them screaming and screeching so I figured they were ok...I didn't check on them and I SHOULD have. I've done this a 100 times in the past with no incident. Then, on Friday I went in to get them since they were quiet and they were both huddled together at the bottom of the cage dead... it's my fault...it's all my fault...I should a checked on them...maybe the room got too cold I don't know...but I just keep blaming my self and rightly so...I just want my boys back...sob...I wish on a thousand stars for a do over...A chance to snuggle with them or hear them sing again...I just want them back...

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I know how you feel, believe me. I basically directly killed my dog. I left a piece of steak I was planning to eat out in the living room while I went to do something else, and she got a hold of it. I reacted by picking her up and taking her off the couch, but she began choking. About 30 minutes later she died from it. For the next year and a half I was completely devastated and would tear up just thinking about her.


Whether I meant to or not, I aided in the death of my dog. It sucks. It REALLY sucks, but I eventually got over it. She was a part of my family, but she was an animal. It'd be completely different if I helped kill another human being. What I'm saying is, it's a tough time, but you will get over it eventually. It'll take time, but it's not nearly as bad as losing a human friend/family member. That pain can last decades. 

Edited by Kaweebo

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I know how you feel. Cause I had a German Rottweiler named Goober and he died of bone cancer a few years ago. I had this full blooded English Cockerspainle named Jordan Dino Sky and she died of a seizer when my family was gone and this happened a year or two ago. I miss them both. -cries-

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I know how you feel, believe me. I basically directly killed my dog. I left a piece of steak I was planning to eat out in the living room while I went to do something else, and she got a hold of it. I reacted by picking her up and taking her off the couch, but she began choking. About 30 minutes later she died from it. For the next year and a half I was completely devastated and would tear up just thinking about her.Whether I meant to or not, I aided in the death of my dog. It sucks. It REALLY sucks, but I eventually got over it. She was a part of my family, but she was an animal. It'd be completely different if I helped kill another human being. What I'm saying is, it's a tough time, but you will get over it eventually. It'll take time, but it's not nearly as bad as losing a human friend/family member. That pain can last decades.

That's the thing though, I've lost so many people, and I'm only 18. I'm tired of death in my life it seems I can barely go 2 yrs with out a loss. 2 yrs ago, my best and only real friend of 8yrs, before that 2 little kids I took care of were murdered, both my grandmother's , my old Sunday school teacher who I was close to....I've always turned to my pets to make the pain less and now they're gone too... Edited by Fates Chance

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That's the thing though, I've lost so many people, and I'm only 18. I'm tired of death in my life it seems I can barely go 2 yrs with out a loss. 2 yrs ago, my best and only real friend of 8yrs, before that 2 little kids I took care of were murdered, both my grandmother's , my old Sunday school teacher who I was close to....I've always turned to my pets to make the pain less and now they're gone too... 

Jesus Christ. That's terrible! Maybe it's time to move.  

Edited by Kaweebo

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I lost at lease 10-20 family members in the past 16 years. Inclulding pets.

I'm sorry, never gets easier. There's never moving on, just living with it, and finding ways to deal with the pain. I'm Sry and wish u the best that life has to offer, and happiness.


I'd just like to thank the people who read my rant and gave kind words to me. It means more than you know.and more so am I glad and proud to be part of a community filled with such people.

Edited by Think Pink

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I'm so sorry for your loss, you must be going through a tough time. I know how terrible it feels, I lost one of my pet rabbits after he ate some food that was left out for another animal, and I kept blaming self. But I don't think you did anything wrong, it not you fault it turned out that way, you didn't know and thought it was all ok. Anyone would have done the same. remember that they're are people that are here for you if you need us.

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It sounds harsh to say, but as someone who's lost a lot of people and a couple of pets, trying to get over it is the best thing to do. Losing a pet can hurt, but try to remind yourself that it's not your fault, and it would have been worse if it had been a family member. As bad as it hurts to lose a pet, family and friends hurt way, way more when they die. You're going to be weighed down by the pain of every person you lose if you don't try to move on, not blame yourself, and essentially forget about them. 

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I've gone through the loss of a pet more times then I can count. I recently lost my cat, Roswell. Back in August he just... got really sick. For no apparent reason. I still don't know to this day if I did something wrong and it could have been prevented or if it was just in the cards that he wasn't going to live past his first birthday.


It's the farthest thing from happy. It's horribly depressing and it kind of cripples you emotionally for a while... but it gets better. Soon you get over the shock over them passing, and you start to live again without that weight on your shoulders. So just hold on to that thought, "It gets better."


I know that all sounds horribly dramatic when ultimately it's just an animal, but it's the truth. If you're close to your pets, when something happens to them or they pass on, it's almost the same emotional impact as the loss of a real, human friend. It's normal, and it's pretty heartbreaking.


Good luck on getting through this, man. :]

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