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Pangoro "Sen"

One of those meme things, but a game.

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Basically, you're going to do one of those things like this...


How your friends see you:

How your family sees you:

How you see yourself:

How you actually are:


You can use either an image, or just type them. Here's mine!


How my friends see me: Random, and a video game nerd

How my family sees me: I'd rather play games than do something worthwhile with my life

How I see myself: Sticking a sword through an evil man's head like a true warrior!

How I actually am: I just sit there, and play my games, and do other things when necessary.


So yeah, have fun(If you even understood the rules...)!

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How your friends see you: Anxious, funny, someone who gives good advice, talented, irreplaceable but replaceable at the same time,weird.

How your family sees you: Antisocial, grumpy, unthankful(happy thanksgiving), lazy

How you see yourself: Artistic, laid-back, annoying, unorganized, funny

How you actually are: ??????????? something

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Lets see....I'll go about me with my doll;


How your friends see you: They think its adorable how much I love my rikoos xD

How your family sees you: Mom half worries for my sanity over the doll but totally understand's my love for the character.

How you see yourself: ....In love

How you actually are: A aspie girl who's a bit too wrapped up around a fictional boy and a doll. xD;

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Friends:HYPER-Posted Image

Peoples in school:Posted ImagePosted Image-they think Im a dark-crazy geek


Family:Posted Image-alone but happy(?)

myself:Posted Imageim usually shy and sad-but when about games is image 1#

actual:Posted Image-laughing on google pictures

Edited by I♥KH

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How my friends see me: Tall, poised, independant.

How my family sees me: Destined for greatness---IF I can pay attention. :)

How the internet sees me: ??? Ninja-sorceress-turtlefan-khfan-girl?! ???How I see myself: AWW YEAH IMMA NINJA!How I really am: ...I'm hungry.

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