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I don't know if this has been brought up already or not, but I'm curious to hear responses

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I've been thinking about the future of Kingdom Hearts lately, and about the continuation of the series after the end of the Xehanort or Dark-Seeker Saga. And it's not like I need to be thinking about this when we're still a couple of years out from even KH3 being released. But, still. 


Is there anyone else considering calling it quits after KH3? I mean, not being as avid of a follower of the series? Because, my opinion on literally any ongoing piece of media (tv, film series, video games, etc.) is that it's better to end it with a bang than drag it out. I'd much rather see a really satisfying conclusion to a series that I love than watch it be stretched out for the sake of money and milking all of the things that we loved about the series in the first place out of it. I don't know. There's always a chance that the next saga could be just as exciting, engaging, and worth the years of devoted fanhood. But, it's hard to fight the thought that the same feeling from Kingdom Hearts 1 cannot be recreated, at least not as well. 


Okay, rereading that makes me sound like some over-dramatic wuss. But, it's just something I've been thinking. Bottom line is Nomura will have to make a really quality game to kick off the next saga to keep me coming back. Anyone else experiencing similar thoughts? 

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Lots of people wanted to continue the series even though the Xehanort Saga has almost reach its end,so it's high unlikely and it's also a sign that people still love Kingdom Hearts to the bottom of their heart...

Edited by Hazimie

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Honestly, this is how I see it. KHIII will come, the Xehanort Saga will end, and the new saga will emerge...with what, I have no idea. All I know is that KHIII should be great, and tie up the Xehanort Saga very well.

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Why call it quits before you've even seen what the next saga was about? And to be honest KH1, CoM and II already told a complete story so if you've played the other ones with no problem but accuse anything after KHIII as milking then that's a bit contradictory.

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I get what you're saying... I've thought of that but I don't think I'm going to stop because it might as well as be a good new KH series too. And I'd like to see what the new games are going to be like anyway. But I've read book series which were supposed to end earlier but were decided to continue and the new books were just... not half as good as the originals. So I'm still afraid that could happen to KH as well and that it'd ruin the series somehow, even though maybe I shouldn't think of it as ruining the whole series if the new games were bad : P And ofcourse KH is a bit different because it's a game + they didn't plan the whole series before making any of them so continuing it like this maybe won't make so big difference. But really, I always appreciate it when people quit their series when they're still good.

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I am highly interested to see where the series goes after KH3.  It makes me very curious about what the theme of the next saga could be, because this one seemed to cover a whole lot.  I think the series has hope if they don't just throw it together to make a quick profit.

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I'll come to that conclusion when the time for it comes. I'll see how KH3 ends, and wait for the next saga to begin before I come to any sort of decision...


Though I imagine I'll still follow the series religiously.

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Good responses, ya'll! I'm thinking that when the new saga begins, I'll definitely give it a shot. Then see what happens from there. Either way, I'm definitely looking forward to the inevitably satisfying KHIII. 

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Why call it quits before you've even seen what the next saga was about? And to be honest KH1, CoM and II already told a complete story so if you've played the other ones with no problem but accuse anything after KHIII as milking then that's a bit contradictory.



CoM was already a tall glass of milk.

Edited by Hardrada

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