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Why to people hate manga and do not respect it as a more respectable art form?

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I've honestly never seen anyone say that?? But logically, I'd assume it's because they think it's something for children. In their mind, pictures = childishness. 


edit: in addition, maybe it's just their personal taste? I read manga sometimes, but I have preference for novels and picture-less books. I don't know why, honestly.  

Edited by Think Pink

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-Because it's not America.

-Because it's Japan which is especially not America.

-Because big shiny eyes are inferior to superheroes in spandex beating the shit out of each other.

-Because anything not American is inferior.


But seriously, I don't know.  I mean, the above is true for a lot of people, but I guess it's also how some people aren't used to--or just dislike--the storytelling and art conventions of manga.  Not that they'd necessarily appreciate the storytelling conventions of western comics, but some people have taste in what they're looking for within their preferred media.

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  On 11/27/2013 at 2:17 AM, Dracozombie said:

-Because it's not America.

-Because it's Japan which is especially not America.

-Because big shiny eyes are inferior to superheroes in spandex beating the shit out of each other.

-Because anything not American is inferior.




Ironically, the inverse of this is the reasoning a lot of Weeaboos use as pro-manga. ;)


The second part of your statement is true, however. At least for me. While I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate manga (and while I also hate making general statements), I find that the art style and story elements never seem to click for me. 

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Knee-jerk reactions stick. Some people may have immediately been against manga as non-art simply because it's just a bunch of crazy Japanese stuff. People find it hard to, or simply don't care to, change their viewpoints on something that isn't relevant to them. 

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I love manga. If I can't find a dubbed anime...I can always find a translated manga.


Truthfully, mangas sometimes are far superior in storytelling, but anime remains superior in flash-bang-kaboom. Kinda.

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I used to really love mangas, but here's some reason why I do not any more:

1. keeping up with any series can be expensive and time consuming, but mostly expensive2. A good portion of manga stories put children in in appropriate/ sexual situations

3. The fans- i used to be apart of the "i love anime" clique in school, but after a while their obsession became to much for me.4. Unrealistic portrayal of women and girls. admit it. The face of a child on the body of a pornstar.5. overly stylized drawing. This varies from person to person but I, as an artist, crave something more realistic. I want to see a nose instead of a tiny triangle. that's just personal preference.6. the hentai, yaoi, yuri, whatever. you know what i'm talking about. its gross

7. this was never a problem for me. But some people don't like reading backwards.yes, I know I am making a lot of broad generalizations, and no not every manga fits my description. But these things about the manga industry bother me. I do however, think is respectable form of art. I have been moved many times by what I've seen/read in manga and I still have the favorites on my shelf. 

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  On 11/27/2013 at 3:35 AM, aiashes said:

I used to really love mangas, but here's some reason why I do not any more:

1. keeping up with any series can be expensive and time consuming, but mostly expensive2. A good portion of manga stories put children in in appropriate/ sexual situations

3. The fans- i used to be apart of the "i love anime" clique in school, but after a while their obsession became to much for me.4. Unrealistic portrayal of women and girls. admit it. The face of a child on the body of a pornstar.5. overly stylized drawing. This varies from person to person but I, as an artist, crave something more realistic. I want to see a nose instead of a tiny triangle. that's just personal preference.6. the hentai, yaoi, yuri, whatever. you know what i'm talking about. its gross

7. this was never a problem for me. But some people don't like reading backwards.yes, I know I am making a lot of broad generalizations, and no not every manga fits my description. But these things about the manga industry bother me. I do however, think is respectable form of art. I have been moved many times by what I've seen/read in manga and I still have the favorites on my shelf. 


Thing is, a lot of that is found in plenty of western comics, too.


1. Any comic franchise is time-consuming and expensive.  You think Naruto's long?  Just look at how many issues you'd need to hunt down to understand X-Men.

2. I think you overestimate just how many manga put children into situations like that, especially mainstream manga.  Unless you're talking about prepubescent girls blowing shit up with magic wands.

3. Comic book geeks can be just as bad as manga geeks.

4. Women with impossibly thin figures and unreasonably skimpy clothing is found in plenty of western comics as well.

5. Fair enough.  Me, personally, I can't handle the overly muscular drawings of western comic heroes.

6. You have not encountered many Thorki shippers, have you?  And I shudder to think about the X-Men fandom.

7. The Japanese would accuse us of reading backwards. :P

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  On 11/27/2013 at 3:50 AM, Dracozombie said:

Thing is, a lot of that is found in plenty of western comics, too.


1. Any comic franchise is time-consuming and expensive.  You think Naruto's long?  Just look at how many issues you'd need to hunt down to understand X-Men.

2. I think you overestimate just how many manga put children into situations like that, especially mainstream manga.  Unless you're talking about prepubescent girls blowing shit up with magic wands.

3. Comic book geeks can be just as bad as manga geeks.

4. Women with impossibly thin figures and unreasonably skimpy clothing is found in plenty of western comics as well.

5. Fair enough.  Me, personally, I can't handle the overly muscular drawings of western comic heroes.

6. You have not encountered many Thorki shippers, have you?  And I shudder to think about the X-Men fandom.

7. The Japanese would accuse us of reading backwards. :P

I nice points, All very true indeed :) . but the question wasn't "i need 7 points to defend manga". It was "why do people not like manga? " i was just trying to give some perspective as to why some people don't.  Don't get me wrong, I dont really like western media culture/ comics much either, but once again, there are a few gems.

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