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Mental illness discussion thread

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Alright, so I felt I needed to get this off my chest, especially since i think its something that needs mentioning.


I have Borderline Personality disorder (Diagnosed by a doctor and trained psychiatrist, self diagnosis is unreliable)


Why is this important to mention? Well, because I want people on this site without a mental illness to understand that sometimes I may have a poor attitude towards others and therefore, say nasty things or say them in a nasty manner when I really don't want to. I also understand this is not an excuse and I won't use it as such. I just want people to understand (Have I said that already? xD).    


I also want others on this site to know that they're not alone, and can talk about it here if they wish. 

I understand this is a sensitive issue to discuss, so i will close the thread if need be. 



What having borderline personality disorder means:

People with BPD have persistent difficulty relating to other people and to the world around them. This can be very distressing for the person and for those who care for them.

Symptoms include:

Deep feelings of insecurity
Difficulty coping with fear of abandonment and loss; continually seeking reassurance, even for small things; expressing inappropriate anger towards others whom they consider responsible for how they feel; a fragile sense of self and one’s place in the world.

Persistent impulsiveness
Abusing alcohol and other drugs; spending excessively; gambling; stealing; driving recklessly, or having unsafe sex.

Confused, contradictory feelings
Frequent questioning and changing of emotions or attitudes towards others, and towards aspects of life such as goals, career, living arrangements or sexual orientation.

Some people with BPD may also have symptoms of other mental illnessses. They may experience symptoms associated with anxiety or mood disorders, such as excessive worrying and having panic attacks, obsessive behaviour, hoarding or having unwanted thoughts, feeling persistently sad, moving or talking slowly, losing sexual interest or having difficulty concentrating on simple tasks.

They may even experience psychotic symptoms such as delusions or false beliefs

Edited by Amelia Luscombe

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Alright, so I felt I needed to get this off my chest, especially since i think its something that needs mentioning. I have Borderline Personality disorder Why is this important to mention? Well, because I want people on this site without a mental illness to understand that sometimes I may have a poor attitude towards others and therefore, say nasty things or say them in a nasty manner when I really don't want to. I also understand this is not an excuse and I won't use it as such. I just want people to understand (Have I said that already? xD).     I also want others on this site to know that they're not alone, and can talk about it here if they wish. I understand this is a sensitive issue to discuss, so i will close the thread if need be. 

 What having borderline personality disorder means:People with BPD have persistent difficulty relating to other people and to the world around them. This can be very distressing for the person and for those who care for them.Symptoms include:Deep feelings of insecurityDifficulty coping with fear of abandonment and loss; continually seeking reassurance, even for small things; expressing inappropriate anger towards others whom they consider responsible for how they feel; a fragile sense of self and one’s place in the world.Persistent impulsivenessAbusing alcohol and other drugs; spending excessively; gambling; stealing; driving recklessly, or having unsafe sex.Confused, contradictory feelingsFrequent questioning and changing of emotions or attitudes towards others, and towards aspects of life such as goals, career, living arrangements or sexual orientation.Some people with BPD may also have symptoms of other mental illnessses. They may experience symptoms associated with anxiety or mood disorders, such as excessive worrying and having panic attacks, obsessive behaviour, hoarding or having unwanted thoughts, feeling persistently sad, moving or talking slowly, losing sexual interest or having difficulty concentrating on simple tasks.They may even experience psychotic symptoms such as delusions or false beliefs


Oh my gosh i never realized i had this illness thing,Nya! ~_~

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I have some form of autism that is so mysterious that doctors can't truly say what it is. I have been told that I have had this form of autism and that form. I also have speech issues, which I have no clue if that is a disability or not but I have been bullied about it all my life. I have been bullied in so many forms of my disabilities that now I have afraid of others in my life, cause I never know how they are going to treat me. Being afraid of people has also made my really shy and sorta just makes me feel alone in the world.

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Why do I have a feeling many posts in this thread are going to come from people who looked online at a bunch of diagnostic requirements, figured they matched with their oh-so-quirky personality and "self-diagnosed" themselves? Yes, mental illness is a serious issue, but doing stupid shit like glorifying it (looking at you Tumblr SJWs) does not help the stigma around it.

Edited by Ultima Spark

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i'm not really sure if this counts since i've recovered, but i had an eating disorder for about two years


btw since i'm experienced in the realm of eating disorders and autism (multiple members of my family are on the spectrum) if anyone wants to talk, feel free to im/pm me. 

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/but seriously/ therapy really helps. I see my therapist once a week for my social anxiety, and she really helps me. Sure, I have panic attacks once in a while, but I think I'm better now. While I don't :glorify: my issues, I really just have to accept my issues and get over them, considering that's who I am. 


If you really suffer a mental illness, tell your parents to ask your doctor to refer yourself to a therapist. They help more than you think. 

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Why do I have a feeling many posts in this thread are going to come from people who looked online at a bunch of diagnostic requirements, figured they matched with their oh-so-quirky personality and "self-diagnosed" themselves? Yes, mental illness is a serious issue, but doing stupid shit like glorifying it (looking at you Tumblr SJWs) does not help the stigma around it.

how do tumblr sjws glorify mental illness how is social justice even relevant here


as someone with severe depression/anxiety and ptsd, self-diagnosing helped me realize that there was a problem and that i needed help. it isn't "glorifying" mental  illness at all most of the time.

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/but seriously/ therapy really helps. I see my therapist once a week for my social anxiety, and she really helps me. Sure, I have panic attacks once in a while, but I think I'm better now. While I don't :glorify: my issues, I really just have to accept my issues and get over them, considering that's who I am. 


If you really suffer a mental illness, tell your parents to ask your doctor to refer yourself to a therapist. They help more than you think. 

I used to have panic attacks so bad, my body would shake. 

I threw up in Wal~mart once, because of the people around me. 

( FYI, better now.)

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I have ADD and a listening comprehension disability. Im that really annoying person in a conversation who asks you to repeat themselves literally 5 times. Its kind strange because most of the time I can interact with people just fine, but sometimes socializing is a struggle ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 

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Heh. I doubt I actually anything, but I used to struggle with Depression a lot. Most of it sparking from feeling alone, and as if no one actually cares about my feelings. Almost as if I'm only here on this planet for other people's amusement, and not much else. BUT, I've gotten much better! :D Therapy has been suggested to me, but I refuse to run to such a thing. As long as I value and cherish myself, that's all that's truly important. Better than having fake friends, if ya ask me.

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ive been docter diagnosed with alot of this since i was little with the EXEPTION of the compound ptsd.

ive also been in the mental hospital 10 times in my life


i see a pyscologist and take medicine 


i have multiple forms of pyscosis, (Scitsofrinia and Cotards Delusion) 


Cotards is pretty rare and theres not alot on it but its the delusion that im dead/rotting or dont exist.


http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/schizophrenia/index.shtml[/ spoiler] 


ADHD, Disgraphia,Discalculia, Aspurgers



http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder/index.shtml?rf=71264[/ spoiler]


http://ldaamerica.org/types-of-learning-disabilities/dysgraphia/[/ spoiler]


http://ldaamerica.org/types-of-learning-disabilities/dyscalculia/[/ spoiler]


http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/mental-health-aspergers-syndrome[/ spoiler]


I also have Depression, Anxity, Anger Issues, 



http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/depression/index.shtml[/ spoiler]


http://www.webmd.com/anxiety-panic/guide/mental-health-anxiety-disorders[/ spoiler]


Anger Issues




http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/bipolar-disorder-in-adults/index.shtml?rf [/ spoiler]


 Compound PTSD the fact its compound means its more than one issue causeing it

http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd/index.shtml[/ spoiler]


Insomnia and night terrors

http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/insomnia-symptoms-and-causes [/ spoiler]

http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/sleep/terrors.html [/ spoiler]


i was suicidal for a bit and almost managed it (freinds found me barely alive on the ground managed to save me i got lucky)


ive also self harmed since i was little, it started off as ripping bald spots into my hair clawing and biteing myself, and ripping my eyelashes out as well as sucking sores on my knees, to cutting and burning myself and stitching into my skin. actually this year is kind of a milestone for me. ive only hurt myself once...i was trying to go a full year without hurting myself was doing good...fell off the wagon, but you know you get up and you keep going...ill do it next year


im always here for whoever needs help, though i might not always be that elloquent and i may be a little blunt and repete myself. ill do my best. 

Edited by FrightfurUnversed

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Hi, I was suffering with a couple mental disorders. I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar and mild Schizophrenia and was put on medication but I was actually going through some PTSD, depression, and anxiety. I have a new doctor now who is trying to ween me off the Bipolar and Schizophrenia medication slowly and it will take several months since psych drugs can make you literally very sick and make you feel like you are dying if you stop cold turkey or are weened off of it too fast. I DO have depression though and I battle through it every day and it makes me feel like not doing anything and unmotivated. I try to get through it and try to distract myself. 

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I'd like to politely disagree on the front that "self-diagnosis is not reliable". Some people either cannot afford or, for their own safety, cannot see a doctor to receive diagnosis. I believe as long as they do long research about the condition, read personal accounts of the condition from those who have it, perhaps look through the DSM, and consider if it affects their daily life, self-diagnosis can be as reliable as a doctor diagnosis. No one can know you better than yourself. I do recognize, however, that there ARE some people who look at one or two symptoms of an illness and decide to misdiagnose themselves with it.


Anyways, I've been diagnosed with social anxiety, depression, BPD, PPD, AVPD, PTSD, and DID. I currently do see a therapist and am on medication.

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I take pills for my anxiety and depression, and I generally keep my BPD under control



I found this funny little animation about it, gave me some laughs. Thought I'd share ;P


Edited by Yuno Gasai

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