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Is it bad knowing Kingdom Hearts for a year?

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Is it bad that I only knew Kingdom Hearts for a year?? >___< I love the series, but everyone who has been playing the Kingdom Hearts since the beginning makes me feel like I'm not a real fan to the series. T.T I also feel like a noob and that I was 10 years late to ever begin playing the series. Like I missed out on everything.. How long have you guys been playing?? 

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Nope. I've only been following it for almost 3 1/2 years....discovered it Christmas Eve in 2010. You're fine. Plus it doesn't matter how long you've followed the series as long as you enjoy it and the good things that it brings.

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There's no such thing. You are a fan because you enjoy it. How long you have does not factor into it. I never played the most recent games until about last year. Am I any less of a fan than those who got them on opening day? 

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I do believe I have come across some people who have not played KH at all, but love the story so you are fine.

Me it has been about 12 years, for I was into since I saw teasers and trailers back in 2001 and fell in love with it.

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Is it bad that I only knew Kingdom Hearts for a year?? >___< I love the series, but everyone who has been playing the Kingdom Hearts since the beginning makes me feel like I'm not a real fan to the series. T.T I also feel like a noob and that I was 10 years late to ever begin playing the series. Like I missed out on everything.. How long have you guys been playing?? 

are you kidding?!? i wasent a fan of kh for that long either. just look at when i joined. that was when i started to LOVE it! i consider you a hardcore kh fan like the rest of us.

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It makes no difference,I've only been a KH fan since 358/2 Days and I consider a big KH fan.


I consider myself a KH fan to the same level as my friends who've been KH fans since the first game

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don't worry i been only a fan since march and doesn't matter if you just a year old fan if you love KH with passion you'll be fine ^_^

Edited by Mlplover37

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As has been stated before me, how long you've liked something has nothing to do with being a true fan. At 12 I was obsessed with KH (that's also when I joined this site) but it had already been out for quite a while. The fact that I got into it later than people who played from the start doesn't change how much I enjoy the games. 

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I knew Kingdom Hearts for about 3 years, but I started playing it this year, it's never been late...

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