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has any one else noticed that the trios r manly 2 boys 1 girl lik sora riku kairi, hayner pence olette, roxas axel xion, terra ven aqua, i mean aside of sora donald and goofy its always 2boys 1girl wat up with that

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Yaoi shields. 83


I think it's just a coincidence, really. Or then Nomura and others like the idea of two girls and one boy, who knows. Maybe they want to keep that pattern throughout the series, to bring similarities in between the games.

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Maybe girls are harder to design or something? idk ._. I think it's just a prefrence of boys rather than girls. Plus the guys attract more femal gamers 8D

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Why can't it be 2 girls and 1 boy? I mean finally we have a game where we can as a girl in Kingdom Hearts. And really in Organization 13 there's only ONE girl? That kinda made me pissed off.


Techinically 2 girls. Larxene and Xion.

AND Marluxia was suppose to be a girl but they changed him to a male later.

Therefore, there ae 2 1/2 girls in the Org. 13 ^^

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Why can't it be 2 girls and 1 boy? I mean finally we have a game where we can as a girl in Kingdom Hearts. And really in Organization 13 there's only ONE girl? That kinda made me pissed off.


Marluxia was originally supposed to be female, but you know, the idea of the only two female members of a dominantly male Organization trying to overthrow them wasn't exactly the best...

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In almost every series that I see if there is a trio there are 2 boys and 1 girl.

Harry Poter is an example out of Kingdom Hearts universe. (at least in the two first books, was too lazy to read the others).

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Everything's better than two girls and one cup, I guess.


Wonder if there's been a girl aside Master Xehanort and Master Eraqus. We probably will never know.

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I'll try to answer from director's side

But why can't we have a quartette with two guys and two girls?


They say, three is too much and that'll be interesting for story.

The main problem with 4 is they will automatically form 2-2 subgroup on their own, it's just natural human behaviour, mostly the relationship will be stronger and separated in the guys and the girls. But in 3 person, if 2 form subgroup the one will be left alone, and as besties they can't do this, so the group will stand together for that reason. Besides, 3 is the minimum number of a group to be considered "crowd" an of course we want friends to be "crowd". It also implies un-possessive-ness.


Why can't it be 2 girls and 1 boy? I mean finally we have a game where we can as a girl in Kingdom Hearts. And really in Organization 13 there's only ONE girl? That kinda made me pissed off.


First, imagine what kind of boy would be in a group with 2 girls and him boy alone? That implies weak and servant-ness, which won't be let to happen in friendship theme. Of course that can make special exception but kh isn't all about friendship. Yet a girl among boys implies that girl to be strong, have sportmanship, and all.

Second, boys characters are easy to be liked by girls without having to be bishie, yet girls characters hardly can be liked by boys when not beautiful. Since this friendly thing requires to be relax and settled, really, it's better a girl among boys.


Hm maybe because the orgy supposed to be villain in the first place, so they gotta have villainish woman in place, which mostly only have two common choices: annoying or seductive, since it's kid's game they can't have seductive (or Marluxia was planned to be the lightly one, but has to be man or else com rebels leaders will be all women which implies something bad), so they go annoying and really doesn't have anyone else. And there's Xion who is technically isn't villain and only be in days, so yeah, that leaves Larxene alone.


too much writing again

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Pfft...I see that all the time, as well. (In Interview With the Vampire, the Harry Potter series, the Molly Moon series...I could go on forever. :|)

The only time I've seen a mostly girls friendship is in When the Cicadas Cry...and that was more like 5 girls and 1 guy. xD

I just realized that I've never seen a 2 girls and 1 guy friendship before in fiction... ._.

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my first kh was days and i thought marxula was a girl for a while.........and why did all of the org.girls go?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!you only get onw misson with larxene!!!!!!its no fair.

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lol I thought at first that Marluxia was a girl xD


He was supposed to be one anyways, but of course, the idea of the only two females in a dominately male Organization trying to overthrow them didn't fly, not the mention the fact that both of them kicked the bucket rather early.

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