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A Star Wars World is definitely needed for Kingdom Hearts III.

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Namely Episode IV: A New Hope, cause I believe the Star Wars series fits well with the Kingdom Hearts series, in terms of story and morals, plus, like how Sora will definitely help in stopping Master Xehanort, did Luke definitely help in stopping Emperor Palpatine and duss, to see these two heroes together, in a more or less very same mission to save their entire universes themselves, would be epic, nuff said :], the main reason why I made this topic is because of the feeling I felt when listening to the following music-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=0GRWSHfyYlc.



Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Thank you, finally. 


Yes, there needs to be a Star Wars world.  Yes, it should be based on Episode IV and YES THERE SHOULD BE A LEVEL WHERE SORA GOES DOWN THE DEATH STAR CHUTE AND 'LOCKS' IT'S LITTLE VENTILATION HOLE TO BLOW IT UP.


In fact, the world should just be the Death Star. That makes the most sense to me. 


Yeah, Sora and the others should join from the point both Luke and the others arrive at the Death Star in the film.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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No. No no no no no no no no. Freaking NO.


Star Wars may be owned by the Disney Corporation, but my God it is not Disney. There is a distinct difference between what is owned by Disney, and what was created by Disney. If they want to maintain the atmosphere that they have established with the previous games, they need to let Star Wars be its own thing and keep it the ruddy hell away. 


Literally, Star Wars and Marvel are the very last things that I want to see in this game. I will lose it if either make it in.

Kingdom Hearts is not supposed to be some fanboy-riddled fanfiction mess with every huge franchise they can think of shoved in where it doesn't belong. 

Thank you. finally, someone agrees with me. Just like Pixar, though those would fit in much better than Star Wars or Marvel.although I may have to change my mind after Big Hero 6 comes out, since that will be Marvel and part of the animated canon.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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No. No no no no no no no no. Freaking NO.


Star Wars may be owned by the Disney Corporation, but my God it is not Disney. There is a distinct difference between what is owned by Disney, and what was created by Disney. If they want to maintain the atmosphere that they have established with the previous games, they need to let Star Wars be its own thing and keep it the ruddy hell away. 


Literally, Star Wars and Marvel are the very last things that I want to see in this game. I will lose it if either make it in.

Kingdom Hearts is not supposed to be some fanboy-riddled fanfiction mess with every huge franchise they can think of shoved in where it doesn't belong. 

But Star Wars fits so well into Kingdom Hearts! Light vs Dark side, space battles, even BBS was basically an entire game based off of Star Wars! If there's any new property that Disney owns now that would work within the series, it's this. I can understand Marvel as the way it is wouldn't necessarily work as well. But Star Wars, using Episode IV as a basis, would work incredibly well, I think. I'm not saying we should follow the entire movie, but the Death Star being the major 'world' would be welcome for me. 



And what's wrong with Pixar films? At the very least Toy Story. It's like you guys don't want anything new in these games. Would you rather re-play Halloween Town for the third time?

Edited by Kaweebo

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No. No no no no no no no no. Freaking NO.


Star Wars may be owned by the Disney Corporation, but my God it is not Disney. There is a distinct difference between what is owned by Disney, and what was created by Disney. If they want to maintain the atmosphere that they have established with the previous games, they need to let Star Wars be its own thing and keep it the ruddy hell away. 


Literally, Star Wars and Marvel are the very last things that I want to see in this game. I will lose it if either make it in.

Kingdom Hearts is not supposed to be some fanboy-riddled fanfiction mess with every huge franchise they can think of shoved in where it doesn't belong. 


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But Star Wars fits so well into Kingdom Hearts! Light vs Dark side, space battles, even BBS was basically an entire game based off of Star Wars! If there's any new property that Disney owns now that would work within the series, it's this. I can understand Marvel as it is entirely it's own thing and wouldn't necessarily work as well. But Star Wars, using Episode IV as a basis, would work incredibly well, I think. I'm not saying we should follow the entire movie, but the Death Star being the major 'world' would be welcome for me. 



And what's wrong with Pixar films? At the very least Toy Story. It's like you guys don't want anything new in these games. Would you rather re-play Halloween Town for the third time?


I truly do respect your opinion on this. It's much better reasoning than pretty much any other argument I've heard for it so far ("But guyz, I want a lightsaber keyblade wouldn'tthatbejustthecoolest")


However, I still feel like Disney has too much to offer of its own library to start using such properties as Star Wars. Of course I want variety and new developments for this game, new worlds are the best! But I want them to pull from what they've been building for years, not what they just bought a year ago. It would all feel too forced in for my taste. When you're talking about this game's story, you cannot have one of the worlds' individual plotlines become bigger than the overarching story they're trying to tell with the series. For instance, BBS was a brilliant story. But if Star Wars was a world in that game, don't you think that incorporating that huge of a universe would kind of overshadow the story already being told? The Disney worlds help to move the plot along and allow interesting locations for the action to take place in, but the game can never forget what it's trying to do in the first place. 


Also on that note, I want VERY much for Pixar to be included. Pixar sprang from Disney, and when you get right down to it, it is Disney rather than just being owned by it. I want Incredibles and Toy Story worlds so bad it hurts. But they just feel more like they belong to me, more than Star Wars I mean.

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Namely Episode IV: A New Hope, cause I believe the Star Wars series fits well with the Kingdom Hearts series, in terms of story and morals, plus, like how Sora will definitely help in stopping Master Xehanort, did Luke definitely help in stopping Emperor Palpatine and duss, to see these two heroes together, in a more or less very same mission to save their entire universes themselves, would be epic, nuff said :], the main reason why I made this topic is because of the feeling I felt when listening to the following music-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=0GRWSHfyYlc.

Posted ImageYes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

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I've already made a giant list on previous topics why I don't want it.  I understand if Nomura can obtain the rights he most likely will chuck it in since he's a fan himself, and that's grand, for later games/side games, I personally feel it would subtract the entertainment from KH3 for me personally cause I don't want it or care for it, and would hate to see a prime spot for an actual Disney movie, taken away for one they just acquired the rights for.

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But Star Wars fits so well into Kingdom Hearts! Light vs Dark side, space battles, even BBS was basically an entire game based off of Star Wars! If there's any new property that Disney owns now that would work within the series, it's this. I can understand Marvel as the way it is wouldn't necessarily work as well. But Star Wars, using Episode IV as a basis, would work incredibly well, I think. I'm not saying we should follow the entire movie, but the Death Star being the major 'world' would be welcome for me. 



And what's wrong with Pixar films? At the very least Toy Story. It's like you guys don't want anything new in these games. Would you rather re-play Halloween Town for the third time?

At first bold print:How exactly?


And at second bold print: Did we say we don't want anything new? No, we didn't. It HAS to belong to Disney, if it isn't it won't make it in, and even if it did, there would still be people questioning why they put it in since, although they have the rights, it wasn't theirs to begin with. Oh and also Halloween Town, as repetitive as it is, there are those who really enjoy it, and having out would feel...it just wouldn't feel right. Now granted Re:Coded did that, however there was so much space you could fit into one DS game card. And yes DDD did that too but the world's were all different, that there was not a single Disney world from the other games that made it into it. 


So Square still has more things to work with, and you don't seem to notice it, especially with DDD's worlds, which were all new with the exception of two. 

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My reasoning behind not wanting it is that Star Wars itself has a very developed plot.  It's not like other worlds introduced thus far into the Kingdom Hearts series.  I feel like the plot of any potential Star Wars world would carry too great of significance, and override, or perhaps cause conflict with the plot for any particular Kingdom Hearts games to come.That being said, if Nomura can work his magic in such a way that the two plots coincide without any plot confusion, or "awkward-ness", then sure, I'm all for a Star Wars world in Kingdom Hearts.

Edited by Xetorph

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I truly do respect your opinion on this. It's much better reasoning than pretty much any other argument I've heard for it so far ("But guyz, I want a lightsaber keyblade wouldn'tthatbejustthecoolest")


However, I still feel like Disney has too much to offer of its own library to start using such properties as Star Wars. Of course I want variety and new developments for this game, new worlds are the best! But I want them to pull from what they've been building for years, not what they just bought a year ago. It would all feel too forced in for my taste. When you're talking about this game's story, you cannot have one of the worlds' individual plotlines become bigger than the overarching story they're trying to tell with the series. For instance, BBS was a brilliant story. But if Star Wars was a world in that game, don't you think that incorporating that huge of a universe would kind of overshadow the story already being told? The Disney worlds help to move the plot along and allow interesting locations for the action to take place in, but the game can never forget what it's trying to do in the first place. 


My counter-argument is Lilo and Stitch. Clearly the alien Federation has many more worlds out there that they control. They're a galactic government, essentially. Yet they showed up in BBS and nobody really seems to be making a fuss about it. If incorporating such a huge universe is a no-no, then Stitch shouldn't have been included, either. At least not in the way it was.


The only thing I can sort of agree on is a storyline that surpasses that of the actual storyline for KHIII might be a bit underwhelming. A giant space station that can destroy entire worlds might be a little bit more of a threat than what MX has planned. Even then, I could be completely wrong and it'd totally be justified, but I think it's a necessary sacrifice, regardless.


In my opinion, Star Wars has too much to offer to Kingdom Hearts NOT to be included. It is simply too perfect of a fit not to happen AT LEAST once. The ideologies and themes mesh too well. 


@AT-LOW Kihara


Do I need to spell it out? An ancient order of knights wielding blades that try to keep peace against an invading force of dark beings? Terra's seduction and fall to the dark by Master Xehanort and subsequent transformation? MARK HAMILL playing a Keyblade Master? It's perfectly clear how it mimics Star Wars.


And again, Disney DOES own Star Wars. Regardless of if it was created before being bought out or not, the simple fact is that it is here NOW. Quote honestly, Disney has practically owned Star Wars for years, anyway, given the collaborations they've done together. There's been a section devoted to Star Wars in Disney World for several years, now. The point I'm making is that there really isn't a ton left that we haven't already covered with regards to Disney properties. (And yes, I am including DDD, but that just narrowed down the list of Disney worlds even more. What else are we supposed to do with Pinocchio, Tron, and Hunchback of Notre Dame? There's nothing else to do.)


I can only think of a few that would really work. Treasure Planet comes to mind, perhaps Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph. Pixar films (Although I really only think Toy Story or WALL-E would really work) Almost everything else would basically just be a re-tread or sequel to what we've seen so far. Kingdom Hearts needs to branch out a bit or else we'll be playing the same worlds over and over again. 

Edited by Kaweebo

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My counter-argument is Lilo and Stitch. Clearly the alien Federation has many more worlds out there that they control. They're a galactic government, essentially. Yet they showed up in BBS and nobody really seems to be making a fuss about it. If incorporating such a huge universe is a no-no, then Stitch shouldn't have been included, either. At least not in the way it was.


The only thing I can sort of agree on is a storyline that surpasses that of the actual storyline for KHIII might be a bit underwhelming. A giant space station that can destroy entire worlds might be a little bit more of a threat than what MX has planned. Even then, I could be completely wrong and it'd totally be justified, but I think it's a necessary sacrifice, regardless.


In my opinion, Star Wars has too much to offer to Kingdom Hearts NOT to be included. It is simply too perfect of a fit not to happen AT LEAST once. The ideologies and themes mesh too well. 


@AT-LOW Kihara


Do I need to spell it out? An ancient order of knights wielding blades that try to keep peace against an invading force of dark beings? Terra's seduction and fall to the dark by Master Xehanort and subsequent transformation? MARK HAMILL playing a Keyblade Master? It's perfectly clear how it mimics Star Wars.


And again, Disney DOES own Star Wars. Regardless of if it was created before being bought out or not, the simple fact is that it is here NOW. Quote honestly, Disney has practically owned Star Wars for years, anyway, given the collaborations they've done together. There's been a section devoted to Star Wars in Disney World for several years, now. The point I'm making is that there really isn't a ton left that we haven't already covered with regards to Disney properties. (And yes, I am including DDD, but that just narrowed down the list of Disney worlds even more. What else are we supposed to do with Pinocchio, Tron, and Hunchback of Notre Dame? There's nothing else to do.)


I can only think of a few that would really work. Treasure Planet comes to mind, perhaps Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph. Pixar films (Although I really only think Toy Story or WALL-E would really work) Almost everything else would basically just be a re-tread or sequel to what we've seen so far. Kingdom Hearts needs to branch out a bit or else we'll be playing the same worlds over and over again. 


Very good point about the Lilo and Stitch thing. Maybe it feels different because we were never shown much of the rest of the universe in the movie, so it doesn't feel as huge? Hmm. 


In any case, I still have to disagree. Maybe it'll get in and I'll be surprised that it works, but we'll just have to see. I'll try to withhold judgment until the game actually comes out.


On another note, I'm considering renaming this thread "How to properly have a Civilized Discussion/Disagreement/Debate on the Internet". The worlds of Youtube and IMDB could seriously benefit from this.

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@AT-LOW Kihara


Do I need to spell it out? An ancient order of knights wielding blades that try to keep peace against an invading force of dark beings?  Terra's seduction and fall to the dark by Master Xehanort and subsequent transformation? Terra fell to the dark because of his hatred for Xehanort because Xehanort and Vanitas hurt Terra's friends, causing Terra, as I said, to fall into the dark, and subsequent transformation? Xehanort's heart entered Terra, thus, Terra was Xehanort's vessel. MARK HAMILL playing a Keyblade Master? How is a voice actor of all things related to KH? It's perfectly clear how it mimics Star Wars.


And again, Disney DOES own Star Wars. But when Star Wars began, was Disney part of production? No, it wasn't. Regardless of if it was created before being bought out or not, the simple fact is that it is here NOW. Quote honestly, Disney has practically owned Star Wars for years, anyway, given the collaborations they've done together. There's been a section devoted to Star Wars in Disney World for several years, now.  The point I'm making is that there really isn't a ton left that we haven't already covered with regards to Disney properties. Search up Disney Movies, then tell me that Disney is running out of things to use.


I can only think of a few that would really work. Treasure Planet comes to mind, perhaps Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph. Pixar films (Although I really only think Toy Story or WALL-E would really work) Everything else would basically just be a re-tread or sequel to what we've seen so far. Kingdom Hearts needs to branch out a bit or else we'll be playing the same worlds over and over again. 

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@AT-LOW Kihara


Do I need to spell it out? An ancient order of knights wielding blades that try to keep peace against an invading force of dark beings?  Terra's seduction and fall to the dark by Master Xehanort and subsequent transformation? Terra fell to the dark because of his hatred for Xehanort because Xehanort and Vanitas hurt Terra's friends, causing Terra, as I said, to fall into the dark, and subsequent transformation? Xehanort's heart entered Terra, thus, Terra was Xehanort's vessel. MARK HAMILL playing a Keyblade Master? How is a voice actor of all things related to KH? It's perfectly clear how it mimics Star Wars.


And again, Disney DOES own Star Wars. But when Star Wars began, was Disney part of production? No, it wasn't. Regardless of if it was created before being bought out or not, the simple fact is that it is here NOW. Quote honestly, Disney has practically owned Star Wars for years, anyway, given the collaborations they've done together. There's been a section devoted to Star Wars in Disney World for several years, now.  The point I'm making is that there really isn't a ton left that we haven't already covered with regards to Disney properties. Search up Disney Movies, then tell me that Disney is running out of things to use.


I can only think of a few that would really work. Treasure Planet comes to mind, perhaps Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph. Pixar films (Although I really only think Toy Story or WALL-E would really work) Everything else would basically just be a re-tread or sequel to what we've seen so far. Kingdom Hearts needs to branch out a bit or else we'll be playing the same worlds over and over again. 

It plays out quite faithfully to the prequel films (regardless of opinion) and the fall of Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader. Different circumstances, yes, but given the other connections to Star Wars it fits in just the same. Of course it isn't going to be word-for-word the same, but the main focus is that he 'fell' to the Dark and was transformed into - essentially - another being entirely. That's the whole point of Anakin's fall and that's literally what happened to Terra. His hatred was being used to turn him into a creature of the dark so that Xehanort could possess him. 


Mark Hamill played Luke Skywalker, in case you don't know. The main character of the original trilogy.


It doesn't really matter if Disney was involved in the production of Star Wars. It has a huge base of fans which warrants it's inclusion should Disney wish it to be there, and Tetsuya Nomura has labeled himself a fan of the movies. There isn't some line that can't be crossed, they can do whatever they want. It just so happens that I support this particular investment. 


And I have looked up the most suitable Disney movies. Hell, I've watched most of them. But let's be realistic here, several of the ones they've released simply wouldn't work as fully-fleshed worlds in Kingdom Hearts. They used their biggest players in 1 and continued that trend with 2, milking even more franchises. (Pirates, anyone?) Sure, there's several more movies that Disney has made, I'm not arguing this. But I don't think a movie based off of Dinosaur or the Aristocats would work. There's plenty else out there that could work in KH, but not so many to fill up an entire game, I think, when taking into account the stories and what would work the best gameplay-wise. 


And besides, most of those films are, simply put, second-tier comparatively. Films like Robin Hood has its fans, but it's not nearly as well-known as movies like Pinocchio, Aladdin, Peter Pan, etc.


We'll just have to wait and see what happens, and I can see why you wouldn't necessarily want it in the games. It's just my opinion that I think it would work perfectly, because the themes really do match up quite well. 

Edited by Kaweebo

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If they do put a Star Wars world (which would be awesome, btw, I'd love to see Sora fight Darth Vader) should they change costumes once they enter the world to help blend in better?


For example: Sora could have a jedi-like costume, Donald could have a minture Stormtrooper costume, and Goofy could be a sort of Chubaka-like thing.

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