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I Wonder What Trophies Will Be In KH3?

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You know, I'm curious as to what kind of trophies we'll get and need to unlock in KH3 since PS4 supports trophies like the PS3 does? I really look forward to platinuming KH3 once it comes out. I'm almost done with getting all the trophies for KHFM in 1.5 remix (but I will get all trophies for Re:CoM as well after I get all trophies for KHFM). I'm already hyped to platinum KH 2.5 Remix. But man once KH3 comes out I'm going to platinum the heck out of that game. KH3 and MGS5 are about the only two games so far that I'm interested in platinuming for the PS4. It's kinda funny how I look forward to platinuming both games and I usually hate completing a game 100% because it requires extra work.

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