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Favorite main series final fantasy villan?

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I'd hate to think the avatar gave it away, but Kefka.


Basically, Kefka fills all the story roles of a villain perfectly. One of FF6's themes is love vs. despair. Everyone of the main cast deals with losing everything that matters to them in one way or another, and how they choose to handle it. For Kefka, he has already come to grips with the concept of loss and meaninglessness in a way that most have not. He accepts that there is no inherent point to anything, and thus nothing matters. What this means, of course, is that he can deny himself love. Or, at least, he thinks he can. Emperor Ghestahl showers his attention on Leo and Celes, and leaves Kefka in the dirt, in spite of the latter trying everything he can to make the Empire great. Having been denied love, Kefka turns this emotion into hatred, and tries to shower his angered existence onto everyone else in the world. Why should they get to experience love, when he himself cannot? This fuels Kefka to destroy everything in his path, in an attempt to force everyone to feel the same vein of hopelessness that he does. But, in the end, even after destroying the world and killing hope, he still fails. For the cast of heroes, in spite of also losing everything, can still find enough glimmers of hope to keep them running that they still have the will to fight for a future, even if Kefka is too small to understand it. 


Ultimately, Kefka simultaneously develops his own character, while helping to push along the heroes quest and make them look good in the long run.


My other two favorites are Kuja and Vayne, which I may write about later if the feeling strikes me.

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I'd hate to think the avatar gave it away, but Kefka. Basically, Kefka fills all the story roles of a villain perfectly. One of FF6's themes is love vs. despair. Everyone of the main cast deals with losing everything that matters to them in one way or another, and how they choose to handle it. For Kefka, he has already come to grips with the concept of loss and meaninglessness in a way that most have not. He accepts that there is no inherent point to anything, and thus nothing matters. What this means, of course, is that he can deny himself love. Or, at least, he thinks he can. Emperor Ghestahl showers his attention on Leo and Celes, and leaves Kefka in the dirt, in spite of the latter trying everything he can to make the Empire great. Having been denied love, Kefka turns this emotion into hatred, and tries to shower his angered existence onto everyone else in the world. Why should they get to experience love, when he himself cannot? This fuels Kefka to destroy everything in his path, in an attempt to force everyone to feel the same vein of hopelessness that he does. But, in the end, even after destroying the world and killing hope, he still fails. For the cast of heroes, in spite of also losing everything, can still find enough glimmers of hope to keep them running that they still have the will to fight for a future, even if Kefka is too small to understand it.  Ultimately, Kefka simultaneously develops his own character, while helping to push along the heroes quest and make them look good in the long run. My other two favorites are Kuja and Vayne, which I may write about later if the feeling strikes me.

this is something like what I was going to write about about sephiroth.

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Lol,there's so many :


FF I - Garland

FF IV - Golbez

FF VI - Kefka

FFVII - Sephiroth,Genesis

FF VIII - Seifer

FF X - Jecht,Seymour

FF XII - Gabranth

FF XIII - Caius

Dissidia 013/012 FF - Chaos,Feral Chaos

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Golbez(yeah he wasn't a villain in the end,but when he was before the Giant of Babel,he was one of the cruelest and most intimidating villains in the series)


Caius Ballad


Kefka(Basically the Joker of Final Fantasy)




Exdeath(if only because of all the void jokes I found about him)




Emperor Mateus from FFII

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I always felt Jecht was one of the more complex antagonists, to the point where he isn't truly a villain at all.

I would consider the Tidus - Jecht relationship the high point of the series.

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