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I Wonder Which Will Win the New Gen of Consoles?

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SInce the last gen/current gen systems (Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360) came out Nintendo Wii won the last gen/current gen console race. So I wonder: Since we're moving on to the new generation of consoles (Nintendo Wii U, Playstation 4, Xbox One) I wonder which will win the new gen console race?


What do you think?

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And here is the question that will generate a console war comments here that plagued other sites

Well I doubt it will start a console war since a lot of people here are pretty nice and don't seem like they'd start a console war with each other.

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Going by facts so far, anything but the Wii U sadly. I doubt it will be the top console, but that doesn't mean it will fail. Nintendo did way too many mistakes that is and will hurt it in the long run. Do not give me the PS3 story, as despite of the good success they made, the Wii still managed to be on top. Again sorry, but I'm not seeing the Wii U top it this generation after all the mistakes. Maybe next time.


As for who will win the race, I'm not sure. I want to give it 1-2 years, and even then it'll be a prediction. 

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As it's looking, the ps4 will win. It's sold out everywhere. The xbone seems pretty cool, and even though I love my wii u, I can admit, Nintendo has made the wrong decisions with it

Agreed. The PS4 is even more appealing and it's only been officially released for a day! My Wii U sits waiting for either relatives (Nintendo Land) or the 22nd for Super Mario 3D World. Even Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS seemed more like a 3D version of New Super Mario Brothers 2...

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Agreed. The PS4 is even more appealing and it's only been officially released for a day! My Wii U sits waiting for either relatives (Nintendo Land) or the 22nd for Super Mario 3D World. Even Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS seemed more like a 3D version of New Super Mario Brothers 2...

the ps4 has the third party appeal, and I like a Lot of sony platformers like ratchet and clank. I'm enjoying wind waker hd though, and I liked the sonic lost world demo so I might get that

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When deciding which console is the best of it's generation you've got to look at three things.


1. Sales

2. Hardware

3. Games


For the PSOne, it won it's generation because it sold over 100 million, had better hardware and was slightly better than the 64 for games.


For the PS2, it won it's generation because it's the highest selling video game console of all time, has the greatest library of games ever made and it's hardware was perfect for the time.


For the PS3, it won it's generation because it had the best hardware ever seen in a video game console, for games it edges out the Wii for the best games and for sales it currently edges out the 360 because it's about 1.5 years younger. And while it's unlikely it could match the Wii for sales by the end of it's life span. 


For the PS4, it will win it's generation because it has the greatest hardware ever seen in a video game console, will sell more than all the others (it could get ugly like the old days) and it's got a better games library than the Xbox One and Wii U.

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the ps4 has the third party appeal, and I like a Lot of sony platformers like ratchet and clank. I'm enjoying wind waker hd though, and I liked the sonic lost world demo so I might get that

Oh yes. I bought the Wii U Zelda Wind Waker bundle. So I has pretty markings on my gamepad. Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda game, so basically that's the main reason that I bought it this early.

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you realize the console with the best hardware has never sold the best, also the wii won its generation

When deciding which console is the best of it's generation you've got to look at three things.1. Sales2. Hardware3. GamesFor the PSOne, it won it's generation because it sold over 100 million, had better hardware and was slightly better than the 64 for games.For the PS2, it won it's generation because it's the highest selling video game console of all time, has the greatest library of games ever made and it's hardware was perfect for the time.For the PS3, it won it's generation because it had the best hardware ever seen in a video game console, for games it edges out the Wii for the best games and for sales it currently edges out the 360 because it's about 1.5 years younger. And while it's unlikely it could match the Wii for sales by the end of it's life span. For the PS4, it will win it's generation because it has the greatest hardware ever seen in a video game console, will sell more than all the others (it could get ugly like the old days) and it's got a better games library than the Xbox One and Wii U.

you realize the console with the best hardware has never sold the best, also the wii won its generation. The xbox was the most powerful of its generation, and the ps1 was weaker than n64 Edited by Death the Kid

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well FOR ME, nintendo and xbox&ps can't be rival because nintendo has its own uniqueness. its game also quite diff with the other two. there's no mario and zelda, pokemon etc for ps&xb, while there's a lot of ps3 game that can be played on xbox 360. it depends on the game. 


no matter how much I love playstation console, because of kh I bought 3DS instead of Vita. now I'm hoping there's no KH game of Vita > :O


this generation we see a lot of similarity between ps4, xbone and now there's steam. look at Wii U, it has its own uniqueness. people can bought xbone or ps4 for FF but we need to buy wii u for zelda. Wii U might be the best of this generation, well still it depends on the game.


a console can't sell if there's  no good games.


by the way, I choose ps4 to win this generation

Edited by tothecikpah

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you realize the console with the best hardware has never sold the best, also the wii won its generation. The xbox was the most powerful of its generation, and the ps1 was weaker than n64


It does half the time. The PlayStation One is more powerful than the Nintendo 64. If the 64 was more powerful, Sony would never have entered the video game industry.


Yes, the Xbox has better hardware than the PlayStation 2, but it didn't matter. No one cared about their console having a HDD at the time. I said the PS2's hardware was perfect for the time.


The Wii didn't win it's generation, how could a SD console win that generation? Lol. Yes, it has sold more so far but that's only because it's been so much cheaper and that's only because it's hardware is ancient these days.

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It does half the time. The PlayStation One is more powerful than the Nintendo 64. If the 64 was more powerful, Sony would never have entered the video game industry. Yes, the Xbox has better hardware than the PlayStation 2, but it didn't matter. No one cared about their console having a HDD at the time. I said the PS2's hardware was perfect for the time. The Wii didn't win it's generation, how could a SD console win that generation? Lol. Yes, it has sold more so far but that's only because it's been so much cheaper and that's only because it's hardware is ancient these days.

the n64 had better hardware, but the cartridges vs discs is what made the 3rd party flock to play station. Either way, the Saturn beats both by far. The ps2 was weakest of its gen

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the n64 had better hardware, but the cartridges vs discs is what made the 3rd party flock to play station. Either way, the Saturn beats both by far. The ps2 was weakest of its gen


No it didn't. The PS2 easily beat the GameCube. Nintendo's hardware is always the worst.

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No it didn't. The PS2 easily beat the GameCube. Nintendo's hardware is always the worst.

Last I checked,The GameCube was stronger than the Ps2 when it comes to graphics but it has less disc space.....so yeah


Same thing for the N64,it was more powerful but it has less space because of the cartridges


every side has it's pros and cons

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I just love how Death and Sora96's arguments are virtually the same every time.Here's where I toss in my two sense:PS1 won against the N64. The N64 didn't have the hardware to compete. FMVs proved this. And I agree with Sora96 on this. If the 64 was more powerful, Sony wouldn't have entered the business. In fact, the N64DD would have been a great success due to that.PS2 won against the Gamecube. People hated everything about the Gamecube (namely the games they choose to launch the system), and the PS2 is still regarded as the best console ever made. The last big name game made for the PS2 was released in late 2010. The console released in 2000. It even overlapped the PS3 and had great games that were on both PS2 and PS3. Heck, sometimes the PS2 versions were better (I'm looking at you, Force Unleashed and Iron Man).The Wii won against the PS3 due to the price tag. I admit I like my PS3 more than my Wii, but there was something about the Wii that made people buy it. Maybe it was the fact that it was more kid-friendly than the other systems. Maybe it was the motion controls. The Wii still has the most outdated hardware of the systems, but game devs ARE STILL RELEASING GAMES FOR AN UNDERPOWERED SYSTEM DUE TO THE MARKET.If we want to go into handhelds, then the DS won against the PSP. Forget hardware, touch screens are were it was at! It had a stronger library than the PSP, It's lasted longer than the PSP (it's still getting games made FOR THE FIRST VERSION OF THE SYSTEM), and once again, the family-friendly image (nothing against the PSP, but I can't recall any game for it that was good and kid-friendly).From what I've seen so far on the next-gen consoles, the Wii U will win. It did start out bad (cause Nintendo doesn't care about great launch titles anymore), but with its ever growing library, its catching up on the other consoles. The Wii U was the only next-gen system that turned my head. The only thing that had me interested on the PS4 was Infamous Second Son. On the XBox One, it was Fantasia: Music Evolved. The Wii U had Wind Waker HD, Smash Bros, all the good stuff people rave about online.

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Just to throw it out there the N64 was more powerful than the PS1, and both the Gamecube and Xbox were more powerful than the PS2.Now for the upcoming gen, I don't think Nintendo will capture the amount of sales as it did last gen. And with that said it is obvious the PS4 will win. With its powerful hardware, better architecture, better upcoming games, and lower price (compared to the X1) there is literally nothing holding it back. Im sure at this point the PS4 is already selling better in North America, and for some people who don't know, Xbox sells the most in North America. So if it is already being beaten in its highest buying country, I have no doubts the PS4 has more than likely already won.

I just love how Death and Sora96's arguments are virtually the same every time.Here's where I toss in my two sense:PS1 won against the N64. The N64 didn't have the hardware to compete. FMVs proved this. And I agree with Sora96 on this. If the 64 was more powerful, Sony wouldn't have entered the business. In fact, the N64DD would have been a great success due to that.PS2 won against the Gamecube. People hated everything about the Gamecube (namely the games they choose to launch the system), and the PS2 is still regarded as the best console ever made. The last big name game made for the PS2 was released in late 2010. The console released in 2000. It even overlapped the PS3 and had great games that were on both PS2 and PS3. Heck, sometimes the PS2 versions were better (I'm looking at you, Force Unleashed and Iron Man).The Wii won against the PS3 due to the price tag. I admit I like my PS3 more than my Wii, but there was something about the Wii that made people buy it. Maybe it was the fact that it was more kid-friendly than the other systems. Maybe it was the motion controls. The Wii still has the most outdated hardware of the systems, but game devs ARE STILL RELEASING GAMES FOR AN UNDERPOWERED SYSTEM DUE TO THE MARKET.If we want to go into handhelds, then the DS won against the PSP. Forget hardware, touch screens are were it was at! It had a stronger library than the PSP, It's lasted longer than the PSP (it's still getting games made FOR THE FIRST VERSION OF THE SYSTEM), and once again, the family-friendly image (nothing against the PSP, but I can't recall any game for it that was good and kid-friendly).From what I've seen so far on the next-gen consoles, the Wii U will win. It did start out bad (cause Nintendo doesn't care about great launch titles anymore), but with its ever growing library, its catching up on the other consoles. The Wii U was the only next-gen system that turned my head. The only thing that had me interested on the PS4 was Infamous Second Son. On the XBox One, it was Fantasia: Music Evolved. The Wii U had Wind Waker HD, Smash Bros, all the good stuff people rave about online.

How is the Wii-U catching up on other consoles when the PS4 only just came out in NA and the Xbox One isnt even out yet?

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Just to throw it out there the N64 was more powerful than the PS1, and both the Gamecube and Xbox were more powerful than the PS2.Now for the upcoming gen, I don't think Nintendo will capture the amount of sales as it did last gen. And with that said it is obvious the PS4 will win. With its powerful hardware, better architecture, better upcoming games, and lower price (compared to the X1) there is literally nothing holding it back. Im sure at this point the PS4 is already selling better in North America, and for some people who don't know, Xbox sells the most in North America. So if it is already being beaten in its highest buying country, I have no doubts the PS4 has more than likely already won.How is the Wii-U catching up on other consoles when the PS4 only just came out in NA and the Xbox One isnt even out yet?

The initial releases of the Wii U didn't exactly make me want to buy the system. Now, they've released a few of their bigger names, brand new IPs, and have great releases upcoming, it made me get a Wii U. The PS4 and XBone have better launch titles than Nintendo tends to with their newer consoles (staring straight at the 3DS).

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