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What first introduced You to "Kingdom Hearts"

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Hello there,

Your on this site because you are a Kingdom Hearts fan? Right. If your not, close this tab. ( :P ) Everyone has a story...A way that they were first introduced and/or how you got interested and why to Kingdom Hearts? Tell me in the comments section below! 


I personally was around 12 at the time. Kingdom Hearts 1 was a hit at the time, and I was givin' a few dollars from my grandparents to spend. I couldn't find anything I liked so I kind of just browsed. Found "Kingdom Hearts" and, the name turned it off for me, but I saw the back, looking at ALL the Disney worlds, and how interesting it looked. So, I bought it. Was surprised, and went from there. And have been an addict since.


So, as said above I would like to know what first introduced you to Kingdom Hearts, and how/why you got interested. Tell me in the comments section below!


Thanks, -Ansem

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Technically, I was introduced to it twice. When I was 5, I saw commercials for the first game, and wasn't interested in it (For whatever dumb reason). However, I went to my cousin's house shortly after its release and saw him playing it, and thought it looked really cool. I asked him what it was, and was completely surprised to find out it was the same game I'd seen in a commercial before. I got it on Christmas that year, and that's basically the first chapter of my KH story.

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I first found out about the series when I saw an advertisement for it in the back of a Pokémon manga volume in 2005, but I did not pay much attention to it from there.

In 2012, I played the DDD "demo", and I loved the music and gameplay, so I bought the game soon after (even though I had no idea what was happening in the story). From there, I went on to research the story of the series, and I have also bought Re:Coded and 358/2 Days.

Edited by Varnish

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Well when I was 5 I would always watch my big sis play it. She actually played KH2 first instead of KH1. When I first saw her play it, it was like love at first sight. Everytime she played it I would always be there to watch it. Then, in I think about the 5th grade I started playing and here I am now. (:

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I always knew about it from the old commercials they would show on Disney Channel, but since I didn't get a PS2 until 2008 or so I never had the chance to play them. I tried the first one but gave up on how bad it was, and a couple of years ago SK3 (r.i.p. never forget) said I should try KH2 instead, and I did, so here I am.

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My friend told me about it and then dragged me to his house to try it out the start of kh1 was so amazing for me that i went out and bought it the next day :D and now i've bought every console in existence because of him -.- it's both a blessing and a curse but i wouldn't give up my kingdom hearts for anything :P

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My next door neighbor/babysitter/role model had KH1 and she would play it when I came over to hang out with her. I was 6 or 7 at the time and she was 13, I'm glad she spent time with me lol. I remember going through the game with her up to Deep Jungle where she got stuck on the Clayton fight.

-on a side note she would make it really funny when she played the game, and I even mimicked her choices when I played my own copy (choosing Tarzan over Donald in Deep Jungle because he was "mean"),

So she was stuck at deep jungle and said here you try. And after a couple go's I defeated him and she said ok you play from here on out. Well that only lasted a couple more days because we eventually forgot or got tired. I asked for a ps2 for Christmas as well as KH1, but instead I got KH2. I was 8 or something at the time so when I played it I thought wow this is really different from what I remember... Then I realized it was the second one. Soo I don't think I defeat that game until after I got Kh1 for my 9th birthday a few months later

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Ah I remember the first time I picked up the game thinking to myself.......how incredibly stupid it looked xD My mom and I were in the used section of Gamestop looking for a game for my brother and I found KH2. We decided to get it for him and he didn't get very far into Roxas's story before he became bored with it. So KH2 sat on our shelf in the basement for quite a few years until I decided to play it on Christmas Eve in 2010 while waiting to open some presents and eat. I was bored and not particularly paying any attention to it. Then the main menu music and Sanctuary played. My family had to practically drag me from the PS2. It helped/inspired me through the rest of high school, introduced me to my best friends, gave me an incentive to play piano again, and brought me new ideas for art. Thus KH2 was the first encounter I had....and was incredibly confusing the first time around O____O Never would've realized I was playing the second game if my friend hadn't pointed it out *facepalm*

Edited by xoblivionx13

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I was about 6 or 7, maybe 8, when Chain of Memories. Me, a boy with a brand spakin' new Game boy Advance, thought the game box art looked cool (And hey, it had Donald on it!) so I asked my mom for it. Even then, I eventually lost the game and completely forgot about it.


That is, until a kid at a summer camp brought his Kingdom Hearts II guide book. I was enthralled with the fact that Sora could become a lion, and decided to actually check this series out.

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I was 12 and it was near Christmas time and I saw a Kingdom Hearts 2 commercial and was like"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DISNEY I WANNA PLAY DISNEY"

I like Disney.  I thought it looked so magical I got the name of the game wrong when trying to look it up to buy it (I looked for Kingdom of Hearts).  I got KH2 for Christmas, it got me into gaming (previously I had irrationally put off playing games since I was afraid of dying and would get my father to do it for me, and he left so I thought I couldn't play any more games again) and I got KH1 the following Christmas and then followed along getting subsequent games on birthdays and christmas' til I started getting my own money and bought it whenever it came out.

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i went over to my cousins house and she happened to be playing the first Kingdom hearts she was playing Olympus coliseum and having quiet a bit of trouble with Cerberus at the time might i add so she asked me if i wanted to give the game a go so i did and when i did i tamed that puppy and dam did i tame him good haha and been hocked to KH ever since  

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Technically, I was introduced to it twice. When I was 5, I saw commercials for the first game, and wasn't interested in it (For whatever dumb reason). However, I went to my cousin's house shortly after its release and saw him playing it, and thought it looked really cool. I asked him what it was, and was completely surprised to find out it was the same game I'd seen in a commercial before. I got it on Christmas that year, and that's basically the first chapter of my KH story.

Very interesting!

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Commercials, ads, and teasers got me into it when it first came out. I remember the first time I saw the trailer, I fell to my knees and knew this game would be awesome, much like a calling.

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My friend told me about it and then dragged me to his house to try it out the start of kh1 was so amazing for me that i went out and bought it the next day :D and now i've bought every console in existence because of him -.- it's both a blessing and a curse but i wouldn't give up my kingdom hearts for anything :P

Wish I could say the same for you. Never bought a 3DS. Pesky, constant console switches.

I was 12 and it was near Christmas time and I saw a Kingdom Hearts 2 commercial and was like"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DISNEY I WANNA PLAY DISNEY"

I like Disney.  I thought it looked so magical I got the name of the game wrong when trying to look it up to buy it (I looked for Kingdom of Hearts).  I got KH2 for Christmas, it got me into gaming (previously I had irrationally put off playing games since I was afraid of dying and would get my father to do it for me, and he left so I thought I couldn't play any more games again) and I got KH1 the following Christmas and then followed along getting subsequent games on birthdays and christmas' til I started getting my own money and bought it whenever it came out.

Very interesting :)

Commercials, ads, and teasers got me into it when it first came out. I remember the first time I saw the trailer, I fell to my knees and knew this game would be awesome, much like a calling.

I first thought you could play as Disney characters, roaming around a big open-world, and having the option to play as weird Japanese kids. lol, but nearly 8 years later we have that: Disney Infinity.

Edited by The Seeker Of Darkness

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I was about 6 or 7, maybe 8, when Chain of Memories. Me, a boy with a brand spakin' new Game boy Advance, thought the game box art looked cool (And hey, it had Donald on it!) so I asked my mom for it. Even then, I eventually lost the game and completely forgot about it.


That is, until a kid at a summer camp brought his Kingdom Hearts II guide book. I was enthralled with the fact that Sora could become a lion, and decided to actually check this series out.

same here about the gameboy and cover and age. Though I actually still have it but back then I couldn't pass the tutorial and stopped playing it until I was 10

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same here about the gameboy and cover and age. Though I actually still have it but back then I couldn't pass the tutorial and stopped playing it until I was 10


Oh my gosh. I could never pass that tutorial...(Freaking rolls..) and then I pick up the game years later, and find that segment to be so simple.

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Oh my gosh. I could never pass that tutorial...(Freaking rolls..) and then I pick up the game years later, and find that segment to be so simple.

i learned how to roll by accident since my english was still weak at10

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I've always heard about Kingdom Hearts through a friend of mine and various TV commercials since about 2007. I was too occupied with other series to care though, and I was under the impression that the games were not my type, even though I had never tried or understood any of them. In 2010, that friend let me try Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, which was brand new at the time. This still did not spark any interest. But in mid-2012, I played Birth by Sleep again, fully, and I became hooked. 

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