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2.5 Dreams; 3.5 coming

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lol weird title. I want a 3.5 so bad. With me and my 2.5 coming to my house next year, I can't wait for 3.5.

It might include



& KH BBS Volume 2

I hope Square makes KH BBS Volume 2.

OMG 2.5 IS COMING!!!! I am so hype you can't understand.

So you wanna KH 3.5 or naw?

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Nomura confirmed BBS V2 was not going to happen. EVER

also, I highly doubt they would put KH3 and DDD in a collection

Edited by Kuriboh

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I don't think BBS V2 is gonna happen. And there is also no need for making a 3.5, because the 1.5 and 2.5 are HD remasters and to have all the games on one system (and I think to fill op the time for KH3), and KH 3 does not need (to be part of) a remaster, that's just pointless if you ask me. But I wonder what will happen with DDD. Is Square gonna leave it on the 3DS? Gonna make a remaster? A remake? Well, we will see :P

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it wont be called 3.5, but what you said does sound great. 2.5 has its name because of Kh2 (2) and recoded (2.5) While 1.5 gets its name from Kh1 (1) and Kh:com (1.5). So in order for it to be the 3.5 remix it would have to contain a game that takes place after kingdom hearts 3. Watch the bbs fm ending and one of the 1.5 trailers for reference and evidence of the official game numbering.

Edited by EternalReckoning

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It simply wont happen. PS4 BluRays are about 50GB. Looking at what other file sizes are for next gen game they are all close to 40GBs. True there is still about 10GBs left but how would they be able to fit 3 games that look next gen on that one disc. They could do multiple discs, but thats just going to make it even more expensive. Overall 3.5 just seems illogical. At least for now, but I honestly do not think we will ever see it.

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