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Nazty Jah

What Marvel or Lucas Arts films/worlds would you like to see in KH3?

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I was thinking about this when i remembered lucas arts owns tons of games like the force unleashed and things like indiana jones. What do you guys believe about these type of worlds being in kh3 and what worlds from these two mass producers should be in it.?

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As much as I would LOVE to see all of them appear in a Kingdom Hearts game, I'm not quite sure that will happen. Don't get me wrong, KH has done a fine job with live action films so far, but movies like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe are just so huge and diverse that making just ONE world about each of them wouldn't be doing them justice. Unless they can find a way to do it right, I don't want to see them hurt themselves.


Out of all of them though, I guess Indiana Jones would be the most likely to be included, mostly because it has a more down-to-Earth setting, but even then I still have my doubts.

Edited by Hero of Light XIV

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If we're not being totally serious here and just giving out random world ideas, I think an Indiana Jones world would be kind of legit.


But if we're being serious here, hell no. Keep that shit out of Kingdom Hearts; the Disney universe's involvement with the plot is already pretty much non-existant outside the self-contained plots for the worlds.

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Hmmmmmmmmmmm, lemme think, F**KING HELL NO.


It would ruin it, i like marvel and star wars, but it wouldnt work in KH for the same reason HP wouldnt work in KH. It doesnt fit well, Disney fits great with KH, and it should stay that way.

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i'm not here to start a fight, but...


None ever in the history of god, please and thank you.


It's be awful if they stuck STAR WARS into KH. D:

As much as I would LOVE to see all of them appear in a Kingdom Hearts game, I'm not quite sure that will happen. Don't get me wrong, KH has done a fine job with live action films so far, but movies like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe are just so huge and diverse that making just ONE world about each of them wouldn't be doing them justice. Unless they can find a way to do it right, I don't want to see them hurt themselves.


Out of all of them though, I guess Indiana Jones would be the most likely to be included, mostly because it has a more down-to-Earth setting, but even then I still have my doubts.

But the only live action films in KH are Pirates and TRON...

And every complains about those world's animation.

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Before I say this, I will say that Star Wars and Indiana Jones are two of my all-time favorite movies ever...

I don't want them to even be mentioned in KH. It wouldn't fit the universe at all, and would just be awkward...

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A Marvel world will be so out of place for a Kingdom Hearts game


Yes Disney own them now but they didn't start as a Disney property to begin with


Secondly,they occur in the real world or a realistic settings which is a big no no for a fantasy game...you can't expect me to take a Marvel World seriously when I see Sora and Spider Man swinging aroung Manhattan


I would've wanted to see a Star Wars world until I remembered how George Lucas shat on the series and I don't wanna see a world based on the horrible prequels


I know Pirate of the Carribean was kinda realistic but it still has that Disney touch in it,and Tron's Legacy is based on the original Tron,which again,is owned by Disney


Kingdom Hearts is Disney+Square....not Disney+Square+Marvel+Lucas Arts=clustershit

Edited by Metal Snake

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The only way I can see it happening is if you had a specific Star Wars original trilogy style world. And have Han Solo and Cid Highwind be old buddies and both involve interspace/interworld type of stuff

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I'll be honest, I don't think that a Marves, Star Wars, or Indiana Jones world would work, just like I don't think that a Finale Fantasy or TWEWY world wouldn't work. That said, I'd love to see characters such as Indiana Jones and Gambit in the KH games, as long as they do it right. Make the characters conform to the game, and not the other way around, much like what has happened with the Square characters.

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i'm not here to start a fight, but...


None ever in the history of god, please and thank you.


It's be awful if they stuck STAR WARS into KH. D:

But the only live action films in KH are Pirates and TRON...

And every complains about those world's animation.


I thought they were creative, the only things that bugged me were how Sora and co. just stood out from the dark environments and how weird the characters' hair looks when they move...or don't move I should say.

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I thought they were creative, the only things that bugged me were how Sora and co. just stood out from the dark environments and how weird the characters' hair looks when they move...or don't move I should say.

The contrast was intentional: it's even mentioned in the dialogue.

" This place looks...'

" kinda different."

Sora and goofy, KH II Port Royal opening clip.

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