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Dio Brando

As a member of KH13,is the Kingdom Hearts series your favorite video game franchise?

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While Kingdom Hearts is still my favorite franchise of all time.....Pokemon comes very close....very very close to it in my heart for a variety of reasons


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Love this image. The more I look at it the more I like it. 


I'd have to yes. Not necessarily because it has my favorite games, or is a series I've grown up with, but because I don't think there is another single video game franchise that has affected me more as a whole. It helped me learn to draw, it framed my perception for RPGs as a genre, and became the first series I'd ever learn as much as possible about.


The close runners up are Mass Effect, Halo, and Pokemon. 

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It's definitely my favorite......I haven't played any other franchise though (unless you can count FF Theatrhythm). It's very close to me and inspired me in many ways I probably wouldn't have discovered otherwise; KH takes up a hunk of my heart. It's like the stain you can't get out of your shirt no matter how many times you wash it but after a while you don't care anymore because it gives said shirt a personality.

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Although I first played Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts is my favorite video game franchise, because of it I have found great games like TWEWY and most of the Final Fantasy games. My sister bought 358/2 Days after she had seen a commercial, and now I have every game, including the remakes. Its such an awesome, literally full of awe, series that has a breathtaking story, beautiful music, and amazing fans that love it so much! :D

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The reason I'm putting this here instead of the KH forum is because I'm talking about franchises in general.



As a member of KH13.....is Kingdom Hearts your Number 1 favorite franchises or did you join this forum as a KH fan but you have another franchise that you like more.


Now I'm sure that 99% of people here,including myself,will answer with yes but I'm gonna put a little twist in my answer


While Kingdom Hearts is still my favorite franchise of all time.....Pokemon comes very close....very very close to it in my heart for a variety of reasons


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I think I've mentioned that previously but I'm gonna say it again:Without Pokemon,I might've never got introduced to the RPG genre,which would lead to me missing Kingdom Hearts completely since I wouldn't have cared about RPGs if it wasn't for Pokemon


Pokemon Yellow(and Red to a certain extent) was the first RPG I've ever played in my life and the first RPG that I've fully completed by myself despite my weak English back then....and I actually learned some English because of Pokemon when I was a kid.


I could go on and on but I'm gonna bore everyone with my story if it went longer than it should.....so what about you guys??

I totally agree with you. Kingdom Hearts is my favorite franchise, but Pokemon comes in close second. Before Pokemon, I only really played 3D platformers such as the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro games. Then I played Pokemon Fire Red( or Leaf Green, I can't remember), and I was instantly hooked. The kind of games I play would probably be completley different if not for Pokemon.

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My favourite is probably Pokemon like you... I thought that KH was, but I had no desire to buy a 3ds for KH3D, whereas for Pokemon X/Y I had to buy one instantly.I'll probably buy a ps4 for KH3, though. Well, for FF15, but still xD

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Kingdom Hearts is my number one......but.......


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Sonic is a very, very, very, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY close second (fonts are fun! :P )!! Sonic is the reason I've taken up running and sprinting. Just when I thought I wouldn't spend any of my four years of High School on sports team, I found myself on the Track team all four years! I can honestly say that this franchise is the only video game franchise that motivates people to be active on a regular basis (Wii Fitness? As if!). Now I'm seeing if I can try to get myself fit enough for parkour.


Anyway, I always thought that both franchises were really awesome and I've always thought that they're gameplay styles would work well together.....well, maybe in Kingdom Hearts's favor anyway, since Sonic and the Black Knight was about as close to Kingdom Hearts as Sonic can get and...well, I won't be ready for Sonic to wield a sword again until he can do it while running, LIKE A BOSS!! But Kingdom Hearts could definitely benefit from taking elements from Sonic's more recent games, I want more speed and running action to spice up my gameplay. Let's hope Nomura delivers just that in Kingdom Hearts III!

Nah. It's one of my favorites but not my number 1. :P


Hmmm, I wonder what you're number 1 could be then...*coughhedgehogcough*!

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Its complicated, the game series that introduced me to RPG's was the Mother/Earthbound games and i hold it extremely close to my heart. It rivals KH for my favorite RPG series ATM. Final Fantasy is pretty good too.

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Kingdom Hearts is definitely my favorite franchise, and Pokemon is definitely a very close second. My favorite game is The World Ends With You, though (I don't consider it as being in a franchise since there's only one game, iOS remake isn't counted).

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If I'm to speak honestly: As a Franchise, yes. Each individual game, no.  The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is my number one favorite title in overall gaming, followed by KH2, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl in 3rd (soon to be replaced by either Super Mario 3D World or the next Smash title).

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