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Guys some real crazy shit is happening on or planet O_O

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Okay first off, I've been doing a bit of research and it turns out there are others like the Bermuda Triangle.  
Some names are: Dragon's Triangle(Pacific Ocean, near Japan), Bennington's triangle(Southwestern Vermont), Bridgewater Triangle(Southeastern Massachusetts) and Michigan triangle(Lake Michigan).
However, one article i came across claims that there is a total of 11 such areas.(besides Bermuda)

What creeps me out is that there have been several reported disappearances in all of them.

Can all of this just be BS? Doubt it, some of these incidents appear to be well known(the Bermuda ones at least)
Can most or at least some of it be BS? That can very easily be possible.
But the question is: What if it isn't just a bunch of BS?
Here's an interesting thing:(article?)
So it's interesting to note that there are different places where really odd occurrences have been known to happen.

If those still appear to be difficult to believe then let's just have a look at these:

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Seriously what do you guys think about this?

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Whoa....I didn't know there were others like the Bermuda Triangle....There are still a lot thing undiscovered, this just sounds like one of them....But seriously, there must be something at work with those Bermuda Triangles...It's creepy....

But the disappearances....That's what gets me....it's very much weird that they go and then are never found again...

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The triangles all have to do with the poles of the earth and also ocean currents. There aren't even that many "disappearances" they'd have you believe there are. All of the (actually few) disappearances in the Bermuda triangle have been chalked up to the whip current that surrounds the triangle.


Oh hey look it's a logical geometrical shape with a staircase to get to the top. It's not part of a larger conspiracy, it's a design that different cultures figured out because it suited their abilities and what they were capable of creating. Stone blocks only go into so many shapes.


The statue head "similarities" really aren't even that close. Actually look at them. The one on the left uses more rigid geometric shapes and details. The one on the right is pretty much an entirely different art style, using organic lines. The only true similarity between them is that they're depicting a creature of some sort with a mouth and teeth.


Can all of this just be BS? Yes. Absolutely. There exists something called coincidence.

Stop watching Ancient Aliens, Colonel.

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The deeper you really dig into the cases the less mysterious they are, like the Loch Ness Monster Sightings in Scotland (a full sonar scan of the lake has been carried out multiple times and there's been no results) or Anastasia still living (disproved with DNA technology).  They're always people who like to quote disappearances (or make they up, or in some cases sure reasons for plane crashes (due to pilot error) have been changed to "reasons unknown" as the bereaved family complains).  There's also a lot of "reports" that have been proven false but would still be used by people in attempt to validate their claims.  There's also the fact that the area is traversed by ships and such more often than others increasing the likelihood of a crash happening there by sheer odds.  And a lot of the reports out there are just the same data that was collected by those before them and rehashed.  


There's various theories put forward to explain it, including magnetic fields (which would affect navigation), methane pockets (unlikely though), the differently shaped sea surface, weather and temperature conditions (an experiment was done with homing pigeons and it was found they got lost when the weather was atrocious and they couldn't hear the infrasound of their home cause it was sent upwards over them) etc.  The Bermuda Triangle is actually considered to be largely the creation of Charles Berlitz mistakes (paranormal writer, he wrote a best selling book on the Bermuda triangle) to a point where people would say if Charles reported a boat to be red, it would most certainly be any other colour.  


Either way, I doubt there's anything truly mystical or mysterious about the Bermuda Triangle (as much as I wish the idea that Atlantis is under it being the reason), our world really has nothing of magic other than the unknown that's explained in due course.  


The additional areas most like have named the areas like that to get recognition.  

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Did you know there is also said to be a pyramid in the bermuda triangle that is made of crystal :33 The berumda triangle creeps me out waaay to much...I don't know my my family enjoys telling me this stuff

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Did you know there is also said to be a pyramid in the bermuda triangle that is made of crystal :33 The berumda triangle creeps me out waaay to much...I don't know my my family enjoys telling me this stuff


Yes. A pyramid.

Made of crystal.

Under the water.


Of course.

Sure thing.

Why didn't I think of that.

It's all so obvious now.

It's just the crystal underwater pyramid.

That explains it all.

Edited by RoxSoxKH

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The triangles all have to do with the poles of the earth and also ocean currents. There aren't even that many "disappearances" they'd have you believe there are. All of the (actually few) disappearances in the Bermuda triangle have been chalked up to the whip current that surrounds the triangle.


Oh hey look it's a logical geometrical shape with a staircase to get to the top. It's not part of a larger conspiracy, it's a design that different cultures figured out because it suited their abilities and what they were capable of creating. Stone blocks only go into so many shapes.


The statue head "similarities" really aren't even that close. Actually look at them. The one on the left uses more rigid geometric shapes and details. The one on the right is pretty much an entirely different art style, using organic lines. The only true similarity between them is that they're depicting a creature of some sort with a mouth and teeth.


Can all of this just be BS? Yes. Absolutely. There exists something called coincidence.

Stop watching Ancient Aliens, Colonel.

I don't entirely believe this myself, actually. It's just something I thought would be interesting to ponder over since there's several things about this world we still don't know jack about >_>

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