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Do you think Kingdom Hearts III will be released at the same time worldwide or in Japan first, then everywhere else months later?

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Well everyone is saying that 2.5 is gonna get a worldwide release so if that dose happen then yeah Kingdom Hearts 3 would probably also see a Worldwide release I don't see why it wouldn't if 2.5 got it. But I have to be realistic here although it would be great I don't think that will happen for either of them it will be Japan first then four to six months later everywhere else.

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It's most likely going to be Japan first, everyone else second. But I would like it if there was a little less wait time between releases. Like, if it was only two months or so after the Japanese release. But that really depends on how they balance their development schedule, and they normally save localization and voice acting until after the game is made.

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Japan first, then everywhere else months later. That's always how it's been with Square-Enix.

I agree. I just hope it has me & Bruce Lee in it, along with that Star Wars world everyone was talking about.

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Probably 6 months after Japan gets there copy, and then we'll get extras for the longer wait, but then Japan will get KH3 Final Mix and then we would have to wait 10 years before getting our hands on the Final Mix as I see the pattern now.


So that just means we need to stay away from any spoilers for 6 months.

Edited by Kodakliv

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Probably 6 months after Japan gets there copy, and then we'll get extras for the longer wait, but then Japan will get KH3 Final Mix and then we would have to wait 10 years before getting our hands on the Final Mix as I see the pattern now.


So that just means we need to stay away from any spoilers for 6 months.

No, we have to wait 2-4 years. Stay away from this site, youtube, and/or any spoilers for 6 months. Get our copy, and then wait 10 years for the final mix.

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