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Neptune Vasilias

New Types in the future~Pokemon

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Do you think that GameFreak will add more types? Do you even want more types? If so what Types would it be?

We just got the fairy type,the current meta game needs time to establish itself before they change it on a whim.


I think we don't need a new type as of now,but I think they might add another one for Gen 7 or Gen 8


even though I don't think they can add more types than what we already have

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Isn't this the same as your previous fhread... Besides one extra question?


No I think it's too early for GF to implement another, even for gen 8. I think they made Fairy to balance out the metagame with those pesky dragons and their Draco spam. lol

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If i remember correctly, wasnt each type added by the 13 plates Arcius had floating around him? I thought he lost a few of them making the types in the games up to gen 5. Maybe they already know where they are going with it?

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I think they'd just rebalance types at this point, like how Steel got nerfed in Gen VI.

Which despite being a little odd I think I'll get used to it


It never made sense to me before why steel is resistant to Ghost and Dark...even though Ghosts can pass through solid matter which includes steel


Though that means Metagross might drop down the rank in his tier because of that 

Edited by Metal Snake

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I don't think steel got nerfed in Gen VI.  They were the weakest type to begin with.  If anything, the addition of the Fairy type is an actual buff to the Steel type because Fairy, for some reason, is weak to steel.  Expect more players to use Steel types in competition, especially with the addition of Mega Lucario.


Steel lost the resistance to Ghost and dark to compensate for this, though.  Steel had to many resistances to begin with because of how weak a type they were.

Edited by Roxas Illini

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I don't think steel got nerfed in Gen VI.  They were the weakest type to begin with.  If anything, the addition of the Fairy type is an actual buff to the Steel type because Fairy, for some reason, is weak to steel.  Expect more players to use Steel types in competition, especially with the addition of Mega Lucario.


Steel lost the resistance to Ghost and dark to compensate for this, though.  Steel had to many resistances to begin with because of how weak a type they were.

Steel was weak offensively but they're good defensively it provides an excellent defense and sp.def for the Pokemon who has it

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Steel was weak offensively but they're good defensively it provides an excellent defense and sp.def for the Pokemon who has it

yeah, but there are too many common types that steel types are weak to.  Fire, Ground, and Fighting type pokemon are pretty common occurances to see.  It does not matter if Steel types have excellent defense and special defense because they stand no chance against those types.

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yeah, but there are too many common types that steel types are weak to.  Fire, Ground, and Fighting type pokemon are pretty common occurances to see.  It does not matter if Steel types have excellent defense and special defense because they stand no chance against those types.

Scratch fire off, the prevalence of rain in gen 5's metagame was higher than gen 4's metagame. So Steels didn't need to worry so much over fire types ruining their day. Hell even Ferrothorn survived unstabbed fire attacks under rain, and it's quad weakness to fire. If that's not shouting out excellent defenses, then I don't know what will. 


Now imagine Ground and Fighting? Fighting I'll give you that, because of dat High Jump Kick upgrade (back in gen 5) and the sheer amount of Pokemon that got Close Combat.

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Scratch fire off, the prevalence of rain in gen 5's metagame was higher than gen 4's metagame. So Steels didn't need to worry so much over fire types ruining their day. Hell even Ferrothorn survived unstabbed fire attacks under rain, and it's quad weakness to fire. If that's not shouting out excellent defenses, then I don't know what will. 


Now imagine Ground and Fighting? Fighting I'll give you that, because of dat High Jump Kick upgrade (back in gen 5) and the sheer amount of Pokemon that got Close Combat.

speaking of Ferrothorn


Holy shit those things are  A PAIN to defeat.


Thanks to it's defenses,it has all the time in the world to set Stealth Rock and spikes,and by the time you kill it it's too late unless you have rapid spin


Also,I HATE High Jump Kick,yes it's so powerful but it's so risky and has piss poor accuracy that if it missed once....you're dead.That's how I predicted so many Blazikens in Showdown so I always....ALWAYS switch to my Gengar every time after they get their first protect for that free speed boost

Edited by Metal Snake

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I think it'd kinda make sense to have a Light and Sound type, but I don't really want any new types

I was thinking exactly the same thing, but if I remember correctly, Psychic type is known as Light type in Japan.

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I was thinking exactly the same thing, but if I remember correctly, Psychic type is known as Light type in Japan.


It is known as Esper Type in Japan, the closest thing we have to Light Type is actually Fighting and Fairy types.

Fighting type is known as the Hero Type which defeats Dark Types.

Fairy Type is the more mysterious beauty Pokémon type that Light Types can have. They also defeat Dark Types.

But yet, there is no Light Type. Dark Type is "Dirty Fighting" rather than Darkness itself. Though I wouldn't say Light Type is out of the blue due to there being a species known as "Light". I honestly think so many great Pokémon could come out of its type.


Besides Light Type doesn't have to be some religious power, it can be referenced to good-willed Pokémon.

You know...

Dark Types = Dirty Fighting

Light Types = Good Willed 

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Steel was weak offensively but they're good defensively it provides an excellent defense and sp.def for the Pokemon who has it

Right. Even super effective 100 power physical moves against my mega Aggron only hit 1/4th of my hp at the most. Sometimes even less. 


It's funny when I get hit with an earthquake with them thinking it'll sweep it, and it barely hurts me. xD


If they use 1x physical moves, they're done for.

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Right. Even super effective 100 power physical moves against my mega Aggron only hit 1/4th of my hp at the most. Sometimes even less. 


It's funny when I get hit with an earthquake with them thinking it'll sweep it, and it barely hurts me. xD


If they use 1x physical moves, they're done for.

Well,I usually prefer Bronzong since it has Levitate and it has a very high defense and special defense

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Well,I usually prefer Bronzong since it has Levitate and it has a very high defense and special defense

Yeah, Levitate does help. But mega Aggron has 614 max defense which is double Bronzong's max. And it almost has as much sp. def. as Bronzong, being only 20 off give or take a few.


And using 6 Curses makes it almost 900 defense, if not more. lmao.

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We just got the Fairy type. Last time that we got a new type was in gold/silver/crystal (dark&steel). It will probably take some time before we see any new types.

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