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Ruby Rose

If You Had a Morgan Freeman Icon...

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Fool. Type in titty sprinkles.

Titty sprinkles

What's a " titty sprinkle " ?Sounds kinky. ^_^* Fights the Morgan-Freeman-peer-pressure and keeps own avatar.*

Don't be a slave to trends.

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To put it simply, Morgan Freeman is everything and yet nothing at the same time- he is anything and nothing you want him to be- he simply IS.

Sounds interesting. the existing the now and what is and not are. hmmm. 

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I'm reading this whole thread in Morgan Freemans voice.

As you should! xD

PSH. I all ready read everything in a Morgan-Freeman voice.

If that is true, you live a truly charmed life o.o

Whenever i have to make a difficult decision, i think,what would Morgan Freeman do?

Or better yet, what CAN'T he do?

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Who is Morgan Freeman? I have seen some movie previews, is he his occupation an actor or does he do more?

Morgan Freeman is... Morgan Freeman xD There is no equal

Joking aside, he's an actor who became legendary for his voice...

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