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Yami Tsuki

How long have you been playing KH?

How long have you been playing the KH games?  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. How long have you been playing the KH games?

    • 1 year
    • 2-4 years
    • 5-7 years
    • 8-10 years
    • All 11 years
    • Never played KH before

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Hello there, 


How's everyone doing today? I'm doing great because I have awesome homework assignment! What my assignment you ask? It's to get involved with my favorite gaming community (KH13.com) and write about my how I communicate with it. I'm a gaming major (with a minor in new media) and my Game Mod class professor gave our class a assignment on how we involve ourselves with gaming communities.



So I thought I take a general poll on how long KH players has been playing the KH games and write about that. (the details of the assignment is pretty free lance). I've been playing KH since I was 11 years (I'm 21 -_- so old) My first KH was the first one, but I beat KH II before one. What about you, how long have you been playing KH?  

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All 11 years. I've been there since the start, and I'm still going just as strong, if not even stronger! I now own every game released in the US except for 1.5 HD ReMix, which I plan on getting soon. It's been a great 11 years, and I've been able to watch the series grow since the very start.

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Only about 4 or so years, and in a very strange order too.

I played CoM GBA version first, after an impulse buy at Gamestop, and the credits said something about KH, so I bought that one. I then got 358/2 DAYS for my bday, played that one. My KH disc broke, so we got a new one, and it was KH II, because the moron behind the counter SWORE it was KH with a new cover. ( I was a KH noobie, cut me some slack. ) Then I found out it WAS the 3rd game, and Roxas was in it again. ( It's weird to know exactly what happened to him when you start KH II: Made it 100 times sader when he goes. )

The rest I played in order, one every year for my past 3 birthdays.

So, yeah, 4 years, give or take a month or two.

That'd be about 13 to my present age, 18. ( That just made me feel so old... :O )

Edited by TheTimidLight

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I've been playing since the very beginning, though in actuality I never owned a Kingdom Hearts game until a couple years ago when I bought 358 for the DS. I always borrowed the original Kingdom Hearts from my cousins when I was little, and by the time I was old enough, I realized that there were Final Mix versions released only in Japan, which really hampered my motivation to buy the English games. So I bought all of the spinoff games in the meanwhile to make up for it. (besides DDD) 


Of course, then I learned that there was a Final Mix of Birth By Sleep and...well, I kind of put off Kingdom Hearts for a while. 


Then 1.5 came out and my interest regrew and my love for the series continued as I was finally able to witness the Final Mix for the first time, and can't wait for 2.5 to come out. 

Edited by Kaweebo

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I have only been playing the series since the release of Dream Drop Distance, but I have known of the series since 2005; when I saw an advertisement for it at the back of a Pokémon manga volume.

Edited by Varnish

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Only seriously since the beginning of the year, but I started KHII some years ago, but quit when I reached Demyx and I was not a fan back then either. Same thing with 358/2 Days and BBS until the start of 2013, then I picked BBS up again, finished it, continued with Days and finished it as well, KHII, Dream Drop Distance, KHI and Re:coded followed in this order. I was lucky that I owned all systems necessary except the 3DS which I bought just for KH3D. 


I still know how the 9/10 year old me saw the commercial of KH in TV like it was yesterday, but somehow I didn't seem to be interested at all except that I found it cool and I kinda regret that. And I sort of envy those who are with KH for over a decade now, KH being part of their lives for so long. But I'm still happy that I came to love it NOW and I'm pretty positive that will stay this way.

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About 8 years. I was introduced to it by my next door neighbor, he let me borrow it and I instantly fell in love with it.  I'm currently trying to play all of them and once 2.5 comes out, I'll have the means to do so(re:coded and BBS are the only ones I haven't played)

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about 8 years, i'm not sure. But i saw it already  at my cousin who played the battle again ansem, without knowing that this is kingdom hearts. and about 1-2 yearts later i got it in a shop, just because it looked cool and i remembered the scene after i saw the character.^^

but to be honest i finished kh1 the first time last month and i already finished all other KH games. xD

But i knew the end from somewhere, but i don't know from where.

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