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Kingdom Hearts: Universal Remix

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(People sorry 4 not writing more I have been studying 4 my final exams now back to the RP :D) Xanry was hiding when Terra and Flame smashed his computer "Grr, I shall kill them both!" he exclaimed he then went out side and began to look 4 them

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(Thats ok. Sorry for continuing without you.)

"Um, hello?! I'm up here!" Flame said. Then he saw Xanry. "Grr, it's that dude..." he mumbled.

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Atoli see's the Dragon thing that grabed Flame and threw her keyblade as hard as she could at it and jumped up at it and summons her keyblade back to her and hits it.

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Flame fell, but missed the bridge. Right before he hit the water, a normal, black dragon with red trim, caught him and flew back up to the bridge. She then flew back up and killed the Nobody Dragon for good, by tackling it with her massive size. She landed back at the bridge.


Flame looked at the dragon. "Hey, thanks for saving me..." He looked closer at the dragon. "Where do I know you...?" Then he had a flashback. Flame used to grow up on a farm, and dragon eggs were extremely rare. They still were. But his family found one. Once it hatched, the dragon became his best friend for a long time. The dragon helped scare away the crows and the bugs that ate the crops. But eventually she got bigger, and they had to free her.


He gasped. "EMPOLEA!?" He hugged the dragon's neck.



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Atoli fell to the ground and got hit by something in the arm. She put her hand on top of her injured arm and it was bleeding just a little bit. She got up on to her feet and leaned agaistant the wall and just stood there for a minute or so.

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Flame wiped a tear from his cheek. Then he noticed Atoli. "Huh?" He ran toward her. "Atoli! What happened?" He asked. Empolea followed behind.

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"Huh!" He saw her cough and fall. "Are you sure your okay? ... I don't care what you reply, this looks bad." He looked at Empolea. "You got here just in time girl." He picked up Atoli and let her up on Empolea. "Get us to a hospital, quick!" Empolea nodded and started flying.

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"Then what about the coughing?!" Flame asked. "Whatever. We're not turning back. I can't just let you go. If they say nothing is wrong then we'll let you out, but for right now..."


Empolea landed near the hospital. " Thanks Empolea!" he jumped off with Atoli. He took her by the hand and dragged her in the hospital (Not literally).


"Stay here Empolea."

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They immediately realized SOMETHING was wrong with her. They sent her to the emergency room. The doctor came in soon, with an X-Ray in the room. He asked her a few questions while Flame sat in a chair and watched. "Having any dizzy spells or similar?" He asked.

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"No I havent I think I just fell wrong and hit my arm on something sharp but I don't know why I keep coughing though." She said looking at one of the doctors.

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(Hee hee, i'm on my phone. but i cant type well with my phone though. so tell me what is really wrong with atoli so i can continue the story.)

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Empolea was right near the hospital. She noticed Xanry and saw in his eyes he wanted to hurt her best friend. She growled extremely loud and guarded the entrance.

(BTW, you cant just slash at her and kill her, shes like, MASSIVE)

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Flame looked out the window and saw Xanry and Empolea fighting. Sapphrix was out there too. "Huh?! Umm... I'll be right back Atoli!" He jumped out the window and landed summoning his Keyblade. He looked at Xanry.


"All right, what are you doing here?! Why have you been following me? And why did you try to kill me!" (

) He stood up and put hi blindfold on to help him fight. He seemed to fight better with it on then without. Probably because of the auras he can see with it. He has to be focused though.

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Atoli walks out of the hospital after a couple minutes or so with a bandage wrapped around her arm. She starts to look for Flame and wlaks toward the direction he as running towards when he jumped out of the window.

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Flame jumped back and started making a focused fireball. Then he noticed Atoli. "Oh...hey!" The fireball shot out at Xanry. "This is the dude who was trying to kill me!"

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She looks up when she heard Flame ,"Oh thats the guy trying to kill you earlier? Well finish your fight first then we can talk ok." She said and looks up into the sky and thinks to herself.

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