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Kingdom Hearts: Universal Remix

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He saw her. Something bad must have been happening. "Sorry to interrupt our little dance, but I have to do something!" He said to Xanry. Empolea pushed him away with her leg. "Come on, Atoli... let's go." He helped Atoli up on Empolea.

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She looks up at Flame as he helped her on Empolea,"Why didn't you finish your fight?" She said as she sat down on Empolea's back and then looks at him.

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Empolea flew up into the starry night sky. "Because you looked like you had something on your mind... that you wanted to let out. So what did they say?"

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She looks at him and says,"They said that my cut was pretty deep and the reason for me coughing so much was because of the amount of blood I lost so they put this bandage on my arm so it could stop bleeding and start to heal."

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(Emploea is a dragon right? Sorry 4 not posting 4 a little while guys but i'm glad that u guys backed me up 4 that :D BTW Xanry has a suit like Vanitas does and he has my type of hair, black, and has golden eyes) Xanry decided to go back to his lab, after all, it was a long night. On his way back, he saw Terra sleeping with his skate board and he decided to steal it and run away back to his lab

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(@xion101: OK thanks now I can follow it better xD and @Emo/Yami: ohh in the rp well, Atoli, xion101 is in a hospital with Flame, Axel1730, and his dragon, Empolea, while I'm in my evil lab sleeping, and Terra, Terra the Man, I stole his skate board out in a field xD) when Xanry got back to his lab, he fell asleep right away. He didn't think that fighting that dragon and Flame would be so tough.

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(@Emo/Yami, you can start where ever u want but as long as u r in Radiant Garden)

When Xanry woke up, he had to do some simulation practice if u would like to call it that. For his wake up call, he killed a bunch of trees by using dark aura spheres, fire, blizzard, and his darkness form of the Ultumia Weapon keyblade

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Terra woke up and found his skateboard was not anywhere around him. He was wondering if the theif wanted him to follow him so he said to himself "I can fight him I'm prepared!!!" so he started on the only path that he could see.

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(that was payback 4 breaking the computer xD, the skate board :D)

Xanry used his new computer that he bought that had the exactly same things except for new updates on it like scanning where everyone in the world was and he saw Terra going on the path to his lab, and he panicked so he summoned his darkness version of the Ultumia Weapon and headed for the front door

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Xanry had his mini laptop with the scanner which he bought and then turned the door knob open and he looked at his computer, it said that Terra was up in one of the trees in the lab, he didn't have the time to climb them all so he used his Ultumia Weapon to chop them all down. Terra has never seen him before but Xanry has for sure seen Terra before and when Terra fell out of the tree, he knew it was Terra

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"you broke down my computer!" Xanry said "now I shall break down you!!!!!!!!!!!!" Xanry summoned his darkness version of the Ultumia Weapon and summoned dark spheres and forced them at Terra

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(@Emo/Yami: good 4 u to join :D)Xanry blocked Terra's keyblade and teleported behind of him and said "I want revenge, Terra, submit to the darkness or die" he then pushed him against the wall

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