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I post too much threads in this section. D:


I'm sooo proud of this one, it's one of the best Axels I've ever drawn. ? The surprising thing is, that I drew this at school. My brain's usually on off-mode when I'm in class, so it's odd that this came out so good. owo;;


I fail at flames, though. 3

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I love how you did the expression, and the flames look fine to me xD



Yayyy, thank you. <3


: O love how part of his body is fading into flames. awesome job (:


Thanks Jen~ c8 <333


And thanks for the comment to you as well, Gizelita! <3

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Dude, why do you draw so well? I love it, your style really impresses me and I love the idea you had for this drawing. I look forward to seeing more of your drawings and I also love how he is fading into the flames.

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His hair and his facial expression look amazing as well, and I liked it just with pencil, I don't know why but I guess if you had it colored it wouldn't look as good as it's.

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this is awesome...

like im lost at words...


i cant draw axel hair

and seeing this

makes me feel like the noob i am

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His hair and his facial expression look amazing as well, and I liked it just with pencil, I don't know why but I guess if you had it colored it wouldn't look as good as it's.




Yes, I agree with you there. I suck at colouring so much. >w>;;


ur a very talented drawer :D, unlike me, I suck at drawing


this is awesome...

like im lost at words...


i cant draw axel hair

and seeing this

makes me feel like the noob i am


Thanks to both of you! <3

And I'm sure you can draw, don't be too self-critisizing! ;3 And if you can't, you know what they say about practise making perfect~

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Dammit...everyone already said what I was going to say. DX

I love his facial expression...he just looks so sad. T_T

Beautiful pic?

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Dammit...everyone already said what I was going to say. DX

I love his facial expression...he just looks so sad. T_T

Beautiful pic?


Yes, I aimed for this slightly sad look. c: Thank you~ ?

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Wow you got the hair just right! His facial expression is so cute and sad~ The flames are nice. They don't look arranged, they look like.. like how flames are SUPPOSE to look. This is one of your best drawings. It's really nice ^^

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Wow you got the hair just right! His facial expression is so cute and sad~ The flames are nice. They don't look arranged, they look like.. like how flames are SUPPOSE to look. This is one of your best drawings. It's really nice ^^



Thank you so much for the comment. <333

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ZOMG;; that's A M A Z I N G. I wish I had your skills. Dewd that's liek .. totez win. 8D I love his facial expression and his hair is so perfect. The shading is so perfect. ((((: I don't know what else to say, I'm speechless. Keep drawing! DRAW ME. 8D

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dude that is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =O im jealous....! *eyes picture*


Thanks, you. <333

You are such a fine artist too, you have no need to be jealous. ;w;

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Really, you did an astounding job with this drawing. I can't say anything else without repeating what others have said, but yeah, really good work.


And fire really isn't something you can perfect with drawing, as it has no physical shape. It being amorphous makes the element so wild and mysterious. What you have in this drawing fits so well with what you were going for, it seems.

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Omgthankyousomuch. <3333


Draw you? owo;; Ohmy. I don't even know what you look like. 8D;;


you'rewelcome<33333 roflmfao. 8D

i look sexy. o-o anyone could tell you that. /shotshotshotsuicide [[[:

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Really, you did an astounding job with this drawing. I can't say anything else without repeating what others have said, but yeah, really good work.


And fire really isn't something you can perfect with drawing, as it has no physical shape. It being amorphous makes the element so wild and mysterious. What you have in this drawing fits so well with what you were going for, it seems.


Thank you, Gunmetal. <3

And you're right about the fire, but I still could have done better with it. ;3


really guys, everyone is a good drawer even though when they say they aren't because people always have ways of viewing what makes good art work


YES. <3 So true. c:


you'rewelcome<33333 roflmfao. 8D

i look sexy. o-o anyone could tell you that. /shotshotshotsuicide [[[:


<333 c8

Ohmyyyyy, then I really should draw you. 8DDDDD

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