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KHDays "Who else will I have ice cream with?" (358/2 Days Spoilers)

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I honestly never thought that line was stupid to begin with. If put in the same situation, I would have said the same thing. It just breaks my heart every time I think of that line...


I guess it may not make sense to people who missed out on the context, but when all they do after each mission every day in the game is sitting on the clock tower, eating ice cream, and being friends, you would have to be pretty oblivious to miss out on all that context and what it meant to Roxas this whole time in the first place. I thought the message was perfectly clear, but I guess some people just don't like to hold too much plot exposition at once when they see something for the first time (I tend to though, so I catch on a little quicker, though DDD threw me off a few times).

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even after hearing this explanation of that scene i shall never be able to actually watch the "who else will i have ice-cream with" scene without laughing sorry but i just cant take it seriously no matter how many times i watch it

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Oh, the infamous ice cream line... It's always been one of my favorite lines in the series. It's well written, and is actually a great example of Roxas' identity conflict. However, due to the delivery, many fans took it as Roxas just being an idiot who only cares about ice cream. I'll admit, I found it strange at first too. The Japanese translation, "You, me, and Axel... let's all go eat ice cream, the three of us!" (Note: I probably messed that quote up, it's been ages since I've seen the translation) always made more sense to me. However, after seeing disputes about the meaning behind the ice cream line, I've come to understand it, and appreciate it. Now, this is probably going to be a really weird thread. I mean, who writes a logical argument about ice cream? However, I wanted to make it more clear about the meaning, that way it makes more sense to those who misinterpreted it.


Now, think back to early on in Days. Remember when Roxas and Axel were eating ice cream, and watched Hayner, Pence, and Olette? Roxas remarked about how strange they looked, getting into arguments and racing each other, but still laughing and eating ice cream together. Axel told him that this was because they were friends. Roxas had no memory of his life prior to being a Nobody, so he didn't know what a "friend" was. He compared this with the ice cream the three were eating, and asked Axel if friends are people who eat ice cream together. Axel confirmed this, realizing that Roxas probably wouldn't understand the full concept of friendship due to his amnesia.


Now, skip ahead to the end, after Roxas fought Xion. He had left the Organization, and believed that he'd lost Axel's trust and friendship. Xion was the only person who he thought he could call a friend. However, she attacked him, with the intent that he'd destroy her and regain his power, also helping Sora awaken. Upon killing her, he'd lost his final friend. He finally remembered her when she touched him, which led to his infamous question: "No, Xion! Who else will I have ice cream with?" This was a throwback to his original definition of friendship, when he assumed that friendship meant eating ice cream together. The time he spent with Axel and Xion on the clock tower made up his fondest memories of his life as a Nobody, and they would never be able to meet like that again now. He'd lost both of his friends. His hopeless question reminded the audience just how confused he was.


So, that's it. I'm sorry if this seemed like a strange topic idea, but I wanted to settle the confusion about the line. I haven't seen any recently, but it's something that's bugged me ever since I learned about this years ago, and I wanted to explain it somewhere. Thanks for reading!

Posted Image  No sarcasm intended: I love this description of the " ice cream " line.

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When I saw the title of the thread, I instantly assumed that this would be a thread about how stupid that line was. I was actually preparing myself to argue the point that you made this thread to explain. Needless to say, I was ecstatic when I saw the first post. xD


This line really is unjustly hated. Sure, it sounds kinda weird at first. But if you just think about it a little, it really gives you an emotional gut punch. Its like people don't think games are deep enough to warrant analysis or something.

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I cried when this part happened, the "who els will i have ice cream with" line....may sound and or be stupid but to me it was a great 



why wasn't Lea there? oh man what a great scene i loved it, but not as much as the part where Axel and Xion Confront one another

and he does this Line "Go on you just keep on runnin,Cause i'll Always be there to bring you back!" so touching

this just shows how important Roxas and Xion are to him even tho he isn't suppose to have a heart,this show us exactlly how special these bond are between all 3 of them


this was a good thread to read thanks for putting it up  :)

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HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ICE CREAM! thre is no "special" meaning behind this line i dont know why you people think there is but there isn't. They ate ice cream all the time so thats what he was talking about, and he didn't mean anything on the lines of "whos going to be my friend" becaus he still had Axel


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HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ICE CREAM! thre is no "special" meaning behind this line i dont know why you people think there is but there isn't. They ate ice cream all the time so thats what he was talking about, and he didn't mean anything on the lines of "whos going to be my friend" becaus he still had Axel

Uh... Did you even read my whole thing about how this relates?

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i dont know why you people think there is but there isn't.

Well, you can't say for sure that he meant it the way it was discussed in this topic. but isn' it kinda obvious? I think they wouldn't have him say such a line with no deeper meaning behind it in Xion's death scene, as it isn't quite fitting. It is however fitting if you assume that he connects friendship with ice cream (sounds kinda silly writing this) and consider the fact that he thinks his friendship with Axel is over due to him leaving Org XIII, so I think Black Star is right.

Edited by MeRoXas

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Oh, the infamous ice cream line... It's always been one of my favorite lines in the series. It's well written, and is actually a great example of Roxas' identity conflict. However, due to the delivery, many fans took it as Roxas just being an idiot who only cares about ice cream. I'll admit, I found it strange at first too. The Japanese translation, "You, me, and Axel... let's all go eat ice cream, the three of us!" (Note: I probably messed that quote up, it's been ages since I've seen the translation) always made more sense to me. However, after seeing disputes about the meaning behind the ice cream line, I've come to understand it, and appreciate it. Now, this is probably going to be a really weird thread. I mean, who writes a logical argument about ice cream? However, I wanted to make it more clear about the meaning, that way it makes more sense to those who misinterpreted it.


Now, think back to early on in Days. Remember when Roxas and Axel were eating ice cream, and watched Hayner, Pence, and Olette? Roxas remarked about how strange they looked, getting into arguments and racing each other, but still laughing and eating ice cream together. Axel told him that this was because they were friends. Roxas had no memory of his life prior to being a Nobody, so he didn't know what a "friend" was. He compared this with the ice cream the three were eating, and asked Axel if friends are people who eat ice cream together. Axel confirmed this, realizing that Roxas probably wouldn't understand the full concept of friendship due to his amnesia.


Now, skip ahead to the end, after Roxas fought Xion. He had left the Organization, and believed that he'd lost Axel's trust and friendship. Xion was the only person who he thought he could call a friend. However, she attacked him, with the intent that he'd destroy her and regain his power, also helping Sora awaken. Upon killing her, he'd lost his final friend. He finally remembered her when she touched him, which led to his infamous question: "No, Xion! Who else will I have ice cream with?" This was a throwback to his original definition of friendship, when he assumed that friendship meant eating ice cream together. The time he spent with Axel and Xion on the clock tower made up his fondest memories of his life as a Nobody, and they would never be able to meet like that again now. He'd lost both of his friends. His hopeless question reminded the audience just how confused he was.


So, that's it. I'm sorry if this seemed like a strange topic idea, but I wanted to settle the confusion about the line. I haven't seen any recently, but it's something that's bugged me ever since I learned about this years ago, and I wanted to explain it somewhere. Thanks for reading!

Maybe you should read the explanation before saying things that I clearly explain?

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