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The Unversed

Kingdom Hearts: Worlds at War 2 (RP)

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Mathias nodded his thanks to Rahe's compliment.

"Thank you." He said. "Though the net isn't really suppose to hold our new acquaintance for long, hence why I have other weapons pointed at him."

He waved one of his hands to draw attention to the disk in his palm, with wires and a metal control arm disappearing back into his coat.

"In fact, I would be most obliged if you would supplement my own weapon pointing with some of your own. Just in case and all that."

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Rahe:  "Sure.  I'd be obliged to help a comrade."  I summon and point it at the intruders' neck from the left side.  I then say:  "I'd be careful if I were you.  Any sudden movements might be....unwise."  I think:  I can't help but feel this person doesn't feel threatened. 

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Neena hissed as the key blade hit the ground  next to her. Thinking quickly, she changed into Light Form, and threw up a barrier of light around the castle and its courtyard. She looked around, trying to determine the source of the attack. "Reason number 77 to hate key blades." She muttered to herself. She gripped her now gold sword tightly, hoping for the attacker to reveal itself.


Embrex dived through the portal of light, reappearing next to Axuqa in Beast's Castle. "So what's the plan commander?" She inquired, observing her surroundings, hands on her weapons, waiting for a fight.

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  On 11/1/2013 at 9:48 PM, Xeveemon said:

(What have I missed that involved me?)

(A dark headed Axel with black eyes has shown up outside the castle James is in and Mathias used his tech to capture a figure in a white and black sneaking around the camp where Victoria is.){Axuqa}"We have three enemy combatants attacking the division." Axuqa explained to Embrex. "One is said to have armor like mine. If this follows the same pattern as before, we should know what the other two look like as well. Once Luna and Cody get here, we will partner up and take on one for each pair. The soldiers and my nobodies will try to pin down the third till we are ready for him."

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Xion looked at her son.

"Seriously? Aexis, 'you seem suspicious' just reinforces the fact I highly doubt you are ready for war. God knows you weren't ready for the first one." She scowled, having to stop her cin her way.arge because Aexis was in her way. She gripped her Keyblade and Midnight Flare as Zion landed behind her. Wings folding and fading away, Zion's Keyblades slotted behind her like wings, waiting. The two armored Keybladers were crazy, the golden-haired keyblade maser thought. But right now one was bad and one not.

Zion frowned to herself though. Not now...please not now.


She stumbled up next to Xion...then threw up, expertly aiming her vomit to splatter the boots of the armored jerk who attacked Xion.

Xion sighed softly, then pulled out a candy bar and a napkin and handed it to Zion, who devouree it and wiped her mouth clean.

"Ok. That over, back to the basics. My idiot son is here, one armored guy saved me, another attacked me. Let's hear explanations for the second two, I'm not sure where me and Roxas went wrong with the first."

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Aexis looks on with a glare at Xion. He folds his arms while looking on at her. He continues to look on at the armored figure sternly. He then speaks to Xion by saying. "Never mind, didn't see the other one, just trying to be cautious, like Yen Sid always said, one must not be keen on details.." Said Aexis, talking to Xion. A voice speaks out to the entire group with the following words. "That does seem like good advice, if I was on YOUR side, which I'm Not.... Hehehehe..." Said the voice, talking to everyone.

Edited by Tom13

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"Next to cautious behind me and not beside me in the path ot one of my Keyblades." Xion glared tenfold back. "You may have aged but I am your mother. I might not be the best mother, I might have a slight temper, but I still brought you into this universe."


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The voice let's out an evil laugh, as Aexis looks up at the sky. The wind is blowing across the field, causing leaves to blow at Xion and her group. Aexis is confused about who the voice is. The voice then speaks to everyone again by saying. "Oh, Xion, you weak-minded woman, you don't seem to understand that the Darkness is supreme, such a foolish little girl, always too sad...." Said the voice, talking to Xion and the others.

Edited by Tom13

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Xion gripped her Keyblades.

But Zion beat her to it. "Show yourself you bastard! Insult my wife again!"


Xion patted Zion's hair, sighing. "I'd say who you are but your choice of words, choice of delivery and diction...ya know, you don't speak nor sound like anyone I know. But through intuition you're probably either Xemnas or Saix. Or someone else. Dunno." She frowned. "Zion? Be ready."

Zion's golden wings were already out. "Always am."

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The voice let's out an evil cackle, as Aexis is angered by what the voice said about his mother. The wind starts to pick up, causing trees to be pulled out of the ground, forming a mysterious huge Wind Demon-like figure, looking down at Xion and the others. Aexis looks on at the monster, and points his Keyblade at it. The voice then speaks to Xion and the others by saying. "I suppose I could reveal who I am, but then, it'll spoil the surprise, weak-minded fools! In the mean time, let's see how you do to THIS creature...." Said the voice, talking to Xion and the others.

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  On 11/1/2013 at 11:12 AM, The Unversed said:

Division 2 (Beast's castle)

Axuqa was the first to made it onto this world & spent no time in trying to get the battlefield situation info down, the troop Axuqa walked up to spoke saying "Commander Axuqa, Sir! It's horrible! we're having extreme trouble on the battlefield! there are 3 keyblade wielders devastating the battlefield destroying both our troops & there on allies! we need help out there NOW!! commander, if you step outside of the castles gates you will surely be beaten. I heard that one of the keyblade wielders has armour exactly like yours commander" said the troop with a very worried look on his face.


Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)

Ika soon saw Neena appear next to him "Great to have you here, Commander Neena, hehe" said Ika giving a little giggle about her being a commander. Neena soon jumped outside the window Ika was looking out of. After that Neena said to be on our guard, Ika just turned his head away from the window only to see Toca jump through the window too & Ghost just standing there "I guess everyone is jumping out of windows today, right Ghost?" said Ika with a confused look on his face "I'll take the castle front doors thank you" said Ika to himself as he walked to the castle front doors opening them to see Neena just outside the castle & Toca right in front of the castle gates. As Ika was walking down the stairs he soon saw something glittering in the sky "Whats that" said Ika. Soon the glittering thing hit the ground right in front of Neena, it was a keyblade, soon 4 more keyblades hit the ground inside the castle gates around the center on the castle grounds, soon 23 more keyblades hit around the castle grounds, then even more & more "IT'S MUST BE AN ENEMY RAID! GET BACK INSIDE BEFORE YOU GET STABBED EVERYONE!!" yelled Ika.


  On 11/1/2013 at 11:15 PM, Yuffie Kisaragi said:

Neena hissed as the key blade hit the ground  next to her. Thinking quickly, she changed into Light Form, and threw up a barrier of light around the castle and its courtyard. She looked around, trying to determine the source of the attack. "Reason number 77 to hate key blades." She muttered to herself. She gripped her now gold sword tightly, hoping for the attacker to reveal itself.


Embrex dived through the portal of light, reappearing next to Axuqa in Beast's Castle. "So what's the plan commander?" She inquired, observing her surroundings, hands on her weapons, waiting for a fight.


  On 11/2/2013 at 12:38 AM, rikunobodyxiii said:

{Axuqa}"We have three enemy combatants attacking the division." Axuqa explained to Embrex. "One is said to have armor like mine. If this follows the same pattern as before, we should know what the other two look like as well. Once Luna and Cody get here, we will partner up and take on one for each pair. The soldiers and my nobodies will try to pin down the third till we are ready for him."

Ghost eyed the incoming keyblades as she tried to pinpoint the source, her eyes carefully watching the trajectory of each and every single blade as she dodged each attempted attack and made her way to a safe haven. Before crossing thee door, she turned around the threw her own keyblade out into the distance, feeling confident that her weapon would connect with whatever was attacking the group.




As soon as Axqua went through the portal, Cody and Luna promptly went through as well. Cody immediately broke off with his rifle at the ready, expecting hostiles right off the bat. Luna stayed closely behind him, keyblade at the ready. "We have three enemy combatants attacking the division." They heard Axqua explaining to Embrex. "One is said to have armor like mine. If this follows the same pattern as before, we should know what the other two look like as well." 


"Here and waiting, Commander." Cody calmly replied, now looking around and feeling the all too familiar anxiety of the calm before the fight.

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(WOW! The 3 teachers to Xehanort, Eraqus & Shera are here  :blink: now that there is awesome  :D )


Kingdom of Keys

Kumara saw everyone has finally gone to their worlds, Kumara was ready to leave into her divisions light portal, but as she was about to enter the light portal, it closed, fading away. Kumara turned her head to see that it was the 'Key Council' that had closed her divisions light portal "I thought this would happen much later on, but I guess you just couldn't wait, could you... Lumaria, Eralen, Medy, Ludro & of course the youngest one of the lot, ino" said Kumara. Lumaria soon took a bite out of the green apple he had in his hand "Sorry Kumara, but we can't let you interfere with Lynn's plans knowing that you have stolen the one weapon that could destroy everything we've worked so hard for" said Lumaria. Soon Lumaria threw his green apple into the air & just as it hit the ground all the 'Key Council' members jumped at Kumara. Kumara closed her eyes for a moment before opening them. Powerful battle sounds could be heard coming from within the Kingdom of Keys castle walls until Kumara was sent flying straight through the back wall of the castle landing on her feet, Kumara was right near a cliff with an ocean crashing against the cliff (The cliff is behind the castle walls). As Kumara saw the ocean crashing against the cliff behind her, she then saw the "Key Council' members jump out of the hole they pushed her through landing not to far from where she was standing.


Kumara was in really bad shape from battling with them as she was missing her right arm & half of her left leg (she's holding herself up with her sword). Kumara was bleeding a lot from her missing body parts, Lumaria then removed his hood revealing his face "I knew it all along...you guys are what is going to be the cause of horrible events to take place here. STOP THIS NOW OR---" yelled Kumara before she was interrupted by what appears to be nothing, going straight through the middle of her chest, causing blood to explode out of where she was just stabbed. Kumara then fell off the cliff into the ocean water sinking, sinking & sinking. Kumara's eye's soon started to close as she sank "I...I'm glad I was at least able to give the weapon to an old friend....I may not have seen my death here, but at least it's quiet..... I didn't even get the chance to warn anyone about the monster that is to come...o well, I'm sure their lights will overcome it, just like the ones who sealed it away...The only thing I regret is that I couldn't be of more help to them" thought Kumara as she finally sank to the bottom of the ocean floor. But a little glimmer of light sparkled from above her in the water, it started floating around her. (OMG! Kumara's dead already, I can't believe it. I won't believe it :s)


Division 1 (Twilight Town)

Xion had struck hard & low at the enemy keyblade armoured person, but her attack had missed somehow has the part Xion struck was somehow warped away. Soon after Xion regrouped together with Zion & Aexis, the enemies body part had warped back as if it was just like cutting up something, then gluing it back on. Later on Aexis asked who the enemy was but before the enemy could say Zion threw up on the bad armoured guys boots. After that the bad armoured guy just stood there watching what appears to be a crazy mother trying to talk to her son while an unknown evil voice had soon appeared "I hate to interrupt this little chat, but I am going to have to ask you all to die, that & you threw up on my nice boots. But mainly because you won't cooperate" said the bad armoured guy as he then warped his fist which it then appeared hitting Aexis in the face, causing him to hit the ground "I am known as Hanzi & I'm one of the 3 teachers to Xehanort, Eraqus & Shera. You'd best be careful when fighting some like me" said the bad armoured guy. Also while Xion, Zion & Aexis were busy, the good armoured guy had somehow vanished without a trace.


Division 2 (Beast's Castle)

"Yes sir! commander Axuqa" said the troop as he ran off to carry out Axuqa's orders. Meanwhile on the battlefield, Axuqa's nobodies had started firing at the 3 armoured figures, the 3 armoured figures were hit left & right by Axuqa's sniper nobodies attacks & they had even managed to break off bits of the 3 armoured figures helmets. But Axuqa & the others in her division group can't see their faces properly unless they head to the battlefield. The 3 armoured figures soon caught on to Axuqa's nobodies attacks & quickly one of them had used a magic spell which was now protecting them all from the nobodies sniping attacks. 


Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)

Toca, Ghost, Ika & Ziio were safe in the base as Neena use a barrier of light up to protect most of the base & everyone else. Ghost then had quickly thrown her keyblade into the distance hopping to strike & bring out the attacker from hiding, & it worked, a little mouse with a keyblade had jumped out from hiding to avoiding Ghost's attack "Darn it you little fella's, looks like you got me out of hiding" said the mouse. Ika took a good look at the mouse "That mouse...it's king Mickey!" yelled Ika. But something about him was different, king Mickey had a piece of his right ear missing, it looks like someone took a bite out of his ear. king Mickey then spoke out loud saying "You can come on out now! they now where here Mizakanu!" Soon from up above everyone, a person wearing keyblade armour levitated slowly down near King Mickey but was still levitating above the ground (Mizakanu's armour looks like this http://i55.tinypic.com/dwwbjc.jpg but without the spear) "It looks like we'll have to fight them after all King Mickey" said Mizakanu "Let me introduce myself properly, my name is Mizakanu, & I'm one of the 3 teachers to Xehanort, Eraqus & Shera. You'd best just give up your attempt to defeat us as with my powers to control 100 keyblades at once. there is just no chance of winning" said Mizakanu.


Division 4 (Dwarf Woodlands)

Mathias had skillfully pinned down the enemy wearing the black & white coat & prepared an attack just in case the enemy was gonna make a quick escape. Rahe had also pointed his weapon at the intruders neck saying that any sudden movements would be unwise. Soon the intruders hood fell off revealing the intruders face, it was kairi, but she was different as she had white hair & black eyes instead of red hair & blue eyes "O, I'm not worried about moving at all. It's you guys that best be worried" said Kairi giving a little grin "I bet the others have already taken out most of your troops by now anyways & it's only a matter of time before you guys met the same fate they did, HAHAHA" said Kairi out loud.


Division 5 (Enchanted Dominion)

As Lightning raised Valkyrie asking why is Axel here, Cole stood beside Lynn, Lynn heard what Cole said about altered versions of the organization XIII members "I think your right Cole, but it can't be the 'Impure Renheart' Technic. Stay close James, Lightning & Cole" said Lynn. The newly appeared Axel soon answered Lightnings question "Why am I here you say, hehe. Why indeed, But I hear you guys think I'm Axel...I'm not Axel, my name is Lea, got that memorized?. Now let me explain something to you guys alright....I'm here to take a special weapon from you, that is if you have it, & if you don't hand it over to me, well..." said Lea before he summoned his own keyblade weapon "Then I'm afraid I'll have to destroy you all" said Lea getting into a battle stance "Now, now Lea, don't be like that" said an echoed Voice within the castle walls "I'm sure we all can work this out in an easy, none violent manner" said the echoed voice again (which sounds like a woman's voice). Just then someone jumped down from hiding atop the castle's ceiling structure, the person was wearing keyblade armour "Hello there everyone, my name is Karin, & I'm one of the 3 teachers to Xehanort, Eraqus & Shera. I hope you'll decide on working with us, as it would be a shame for you all to met you end in a place like this" said Karin with a soft voice. (Karin's armour looks like this http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/363/6/f/oc_yuki_onaki_keyblade_armor_01_by_syerrafaolchu-d5pl2et.png )

Edited by The Unversed

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(I would like someone to take over my OC's due to lack of a working computer...)

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(Zion threw up, not Xion.)


As Zion spit some bile from her throat, Xion screamed profanities at the jerk. She crouched near Aexis.

"Aexis? Are you ok?" She asked.

Zion stepped in front of them, wings raised.

"Tremble before the rise of dawn. For you could have trained God himself. But now you really have pissed me off."


Her glow intensified, and now was encased in golden Keyblade Armor.

"Radiance Unleash - Dawn's Gospel."

As all four Keyblades materialized, Zion's wings flared. "Away from my wife."


Lightning spun and faced Karin and Axel. "More problems."

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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  On 11/4/2013 at 3:41 AM, Crona said:

(I would like someone to take over my OC's due to lack of a working computer...)


(Okay, I do it buddy)

  On 11/4/2013 at 3:55 AM, Oathkeeper136 said:

(Zion threw up, not Xion.)


Fixed :P

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  On 11/3/2013 at 2:07 PM, Xeveemon said:

(Okay, can someone please help me get back into the story here?)

(Victoria: Mathias and Rahe are questioning a captured, black haired Kairi who says some one is taking out members of our division. They are on the other side of a tent from Victoria.James: We're trading insults with a dark haired Lea and a woman named Karin saying she's one of Xehanort, Eraqus and Shera's teachers. She is asking if we want to join her.No idea about Tommy.){Axuqa}Axuqa nodded to Cody as he reported."We should be ready, then." She said. "Cody, you and Luna will take the one that looks like me. Embrex, you and I will take the third as the troops will hold down the biggest. Try not to lose your partner and if you start getting double teamed by the enemy, pull back and regroup with someone."A darker version of Star Seeker appeared in Axuqa's hand as she marched to the front gates of the castle."Sargent, concentrate your fire on the largest enemy now. You, open the gates."Two young privates snapped to attention and opened the gate for Axuqa, Cody, Embrex and Luna. Axuqa stepped out and prepared an ice spell.{Mathias}Mathias was taken aback at the appearance of who he had captured. What she was saying didn't help."Um, Victoria, you might want to see to the troops." He suggested. "I've got her, Rahe. You can see about these 'others' she's talking about."{Cole}Cole's eyes narrowed at Karin's appearance. Of course it would be another Wielder behind all this."Perhaps if you were less aggressive and more forthright with your offer and plans, we would be more inclined to listen." He suggested as he tightened his grip on the sheath of his katana.

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Toca:  "King Mickey?"  I said all confused seeing him come out.  "No.  That's not him, it can't be.  Besides his right ear, there's something different about this mouse.  I can feel it."  I watch the hovering armored figure coming down from the sky.  Someone claiming to be one of three instructors to the mentioned trio.  Huh.  I then shout to him:  "There always a chance for good!  Just have to find the right way to get it."


Rahe:  "Kairi?"  I say a bit confused on the matter.  I thought:  No.  It's not her.  This is similar to what master Ovan told Toca and I about some enemies during the first war.  But they had purple eyes and cracked skin.  This Kairi has black eyes and white hair.  Strange.  Before I could think on it more, I heard Mathias say he's got the imposter covered.  I say:  "Okay, if you think you can handle her.  Give a shout in case she's too much."  I ran off, wondering and searching where the "others" might be.

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Aexis get's up and looks right at Hanzi with a stern look on his face, whilst nodding at Xion. The Wind Demon let's out a roar as trees are pulled out of the ground and thrown at the Keyblade Wielders below except Hanzi. Aexis quickly creates a shield of Light to try to block the attack from hitting him and the group of Light. The voice let's out another evil laugh as it speaks to the Keyblade Wielders by saying. "Hahahaha!!! This is amusing! You think you can land a hit on US, yet, you try to DEFEND yourself from the weakest of attacks!" Shouted the evil voice, talking to the group.

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Zion stepped in front of the group. A tree struck her dead on, then cracked and shattered. All her Keyblades combined into Forward Unto Dawn and Sunrise Everlasting. She growled. Her glow intensified, and she charged the wind demon. It's attacks seemed ro shatter against her no matter what hit her.

She executed Dual Salvation Raids, her own health replentishing, the damaged negated, and the demon was thrown down with the power of Salvation. It crashed down, and Zion flared her wings out, pouring Albion Strike down upon it without mercy. The creature screamed as again Salvation Raid times two struck it.

Zion was majorly pissed. Majorly.




Zion executed a steep dive, and was covered in an aura of light. She struck the creature with full force, and it disintegrated. As she stood, her glow didn't fade, not one bit.

"Your weakest? It is nothing. So come at me Hanzi. You might have trained Shera. But if you forgot, we beat her. So even if this opening fight fails, know you will loose. Because the darkness will always flee when the light shines."

She dispelled Sunrise Everlasting, and readied herself for battle. "Aexis. Stay with Xion."

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Division 1 (Twilight Town)

"You? beat Shera? There's no way, I was sure that her heart wasn't one to fade so easily" said Hanzi. Hanzi then said nothing more & he then started running towards Zion, Xion & Aexis & Ghost. Hanzi soon quickly tapped both his right & left wrists, then Hanzi summoned his keyblade weapon. As Hanzi was getting closer to them he threw his keyblade at them, but the weird thing was Hanzi's left hand looked like it was cut off as it was still holding onto his keyblade when Hanzi threw it "Prepare to die!!" yelled Hanzi.


Division 2 (Beast's Castle)

When the castle gates were opened for everyone to see the battlefield clearly, Axuqa stepped outside the castle gates & quickly prepared an ice spell. But Before Axuqa could cast the spell both of her feet were frozen to the ground "Looks like I'm one step ahead of you" said the one that has the exact same armour that Axuqa has. Axuqa & everyone else in her division could now see just who the 3 armourd figures were as her nobodies had shot off their helmets. It was Terra, Aqua & Ventus all wearing their keyblade armour, but they didn't look the same as Terra, Aqua & Ventus all have white hair & black coloured eyes (Aqua also has black eyeshadow & a pierced lip, Ventus also has a pierced noise, Terra also has his both his ears pierced). Aqua stood there in the distance with both Terra & Ventus "Hee hee, I should have known others would copy my armour look, grr. I hate copy cats!" said Aqua with an annoyed look on her face "Lets teach them a lesson Aqua" said Ventus as he started to run towards the divisiuon members "I'll be the one to defeat them all, you got that!" said Terra as he run past Ventus with their keyblades at the ready.


Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)

Both King Mickey & Mizakanu just gave a little laugh before preparing for battle, King Micky summoned. Soon all the keyblade's around the castle courtyard soon rose up into the air then re-summoned behind Mizakanu's back spinning all around in the shape of a flat disc "Then show us" said King Mickey as he started to run towards Neena & her group.


Division 4 (Dwarf Woodlands)

Kairi waited for Rahe to be out of site, before she spoke again saying "Hee hee, I properly should have told you before, but" just then Mathias could hear a voice from behind him "The others I mention, were me" said another Kairi (Copy 1) which then quickly kicked Mathias from behind sending him to the ground. Kairi (Copy 1) then jumped on top of him grabbing both his wrists, soon a dark glow was coming from Kairi's (Copy 1) hands which was sucking energy from Mathias body. While the real Kairi that was pinned down was soon free'd by another Kairi (Copy 2) copy "Looks like I surprised you, don't feel sorry that you lost to a girl, cause you'll be dead before that" said the real Kairi with a grin of her face.  


Division 5 (Enchanted Dominion)

 "See Lea, they are wanting to work with us after all. I'm so happy" said Karin as she did a little jump up & down, Karin was then whacked on her helmet "Are you crazy Karin, think would you girl, their enemies, not friends! ENEMIES!" yelled Lea "Ouch, ouch, ouch, OUCH! that hurt lea" said Karin as she shook the pain off. Lynn gave a glare at them "If you think we'll just lay down a die you got another thing coming!" said Lynn as she charged at them both drawing her katana blade. Lea quickly reacted to Lynn's attack & clashed blades with her "Quickly everyone! Lets take them out before they get---" said Lynn before she was interrupted by Karin somehow managing to deliver a strong punch attack in Lynn's stomach sending Lynn flying backwards crashing into a wall. Karin then stood up from punching Lynn "Haha, that was fun seeing you fly away. Who's next?" said Karin all cheerful like.

Edited by The Unversed

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"Keybladers..." Neena growled. She readied her own blade, a ball of light in her hand. She was still clothed in the armor of light, and was feeling a bit peckish for blood. She threw down the ball of light, creating a blinding flash. In that time, she changed to dark form, and dashed forward. Neena spun as she reached Mizakanu, slicing through hard with her blade, combined with dark energy she had enchanted into the blade.


Embrex quickly switched to staff form as Axuqa's feet were frozen. She chanted quietly for but a moment, and dark flames consumed the ice around her commander's feet, melting the ice, but not harming her. "We need a counterattack, quick." Embrex stated, before swinging her staff, and creating a wave of light energy that would hopefully delay the oncoming attack.

Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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Toca:  I cracked my knuckels, excited for the coming battle.  Smiling, I say:  "With pleasure.", summoning my keyblade and pulling out my gunblade in gun form.  I start running towards the fake MIckey, firing 4 bullets at him before switching to sword form.  Then I shout:  "Fire!" and shoot 4 fireballs at the fake as well.


Rahe:  After walking a good bit, I stopped for a moment.  I think:  Hm.  Haven't found any of the "others".  Maybe I should head back, just in case.  I turn around and saw two copies of the fake Kairi, one of them apparently draining Mathias of energy.  I whisper:  "Oh great.", summoned my keyblade and shield, and ran towards the Kairi's.  I shout:  "Let go of my comrade you imposter copy!", threw my shield and knocked back the copy (Clone 1) draining Mathias.  I summoned back my shield and threw my keyblade as a thunder raid at the Kairi's.

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Zion was a bit cautious about the thrown hand, so she threw up a Dawnguard shield to deflect the attack.

"You wanna know something?" She charged right back as Xion began to run. "I killed Shera!"

A risky gamble, Zion hoped Hanzi would make a mistake through anger. Xion kept behind the charging woman.

"Something's different..." she mused.


Lightning suddenly was in front of Karin, Valkyrie slashing at her. "Me!"


//idk who killed Shera but Zion is probably bluffing. Either way, it's psychological warfare.

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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