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The Unversed

Kingdom Hearts: Worlds at War 2 (RP)

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  On 11/28/2013 at 2:30 AM, Xeveemon said:

(Okay I know I haven't been here for the story, but I would still like to be apart of this story. So if someone could get me into this story, I won't leave again)

(I can tell you about your characters around me. Victoria: we have a sleeping enemy Kairi, with attacking invisible lizards. James: we've just woken up from a dream state Karin put us in){Axuqa}Axuqa jumped into the air, avoiding Ventus's Fire Raid, ending up on level with him."You're assuming that I care." She replied coldly.She leveled her Keyblade at him and fired a beam of light at him.The Twilight Thorn hit the ground hard, but then lost it's form to float up into an upright position. It became solid again and swatted at both versions of Terra.{Mathais}"Movement!" Tron warned.Mathias watched Reha go flying into a tent."I see that." He replied in a bland voice.He pulled something off his pack and tossed it up into the air. It took flight and hover above the camp. Laser beams shot out and disrupted the lizard's invisibility. Mathias smiled slightly and fired at them with arcing beams of electricity.{Cole}Cole glared up at Karin and adjusted his glasses. His glasses shimmered as it in acted a field that would rendered him immune to more of Karin's dream works.He then shot up and ran for Lynn and Karin.

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James had just awoken from being asleep. He looked around the area. He noticed some fighting going on. "What did I miss?" James asked as he appeared where Karin was being fought.



Victoria appeared attacking a lizard. "Man, I must have been unconscious for a while. You can clue me in on what I missed after we take care of this mess." Victoria said with a smile. She then ran at more enemy lizards.

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Toca:  "Bring it!" I shout, casting a Protect barrier on myself before sprinting towards the Mick.  (Yeah, I went there.)  I fired some bullets from my gunblade.  I switch my keyblade to sword and swiped three shockwave slashes at him.  I switch my gunblade to sword mode and started spinning like a tornado towards Mickey at fierce pace.


Rahe:  I couldn't react when something struck me and sent me flying.  When I going outward in the air, I whispered:  "Crumb baskets."  Crashing into a nearby tent, I say to myself:  "This kind of thing should be occurring to Toca."  Standing up, I summon my weapons and dash out.  I looked at one of the lizards and say:  "You're going to have an 'unpleasant' predicament."  It stood up and shot two orbs at me.  I rolled forward with them colliding into each other.  I slid, struck at the legs and cut off its tail.  Grabbing it, I turned around, ran, and with my shield, ram into the lizard, knocking it down.  I jumped on and start strangling it with its own tail, wrapping and pulling with all of my strength.  When it stopped moving, I stabbed into the head and back.  I jumped off and watch it fade away.  I turned behind me and said:  "Any other foolish monster wants to sneak attack me?  I dare you."

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  On 11/28/2013 at 12:46 AM, The Unversed said:

Division 2 (Beast's Castle )

Ventus was pushed back by Axuqa's barrier but quickly recovered from it running towards her "You may look like Aqua, but your not her at all!" yelled Ventus as he blocked every ice bolt while he was running towards Axuqa "Take this!" yelled Ventus as he then jumped into the air throwing his keyblade at Axuqa "FIRE RAID!" yelled Ventus as he's keyblade soon was on fire. Meanwhile the big twilight thorn nobody dropped it's orb of power onto Terra creating a massive explosion, after the dust started to vanish from the explosion, right in the middle of the rubble you could see there was 2 Terra's on the battlefield now, but one was all black & the other one was all white, they soon walked into one another fusing, then there was a little bright light before they had transformed into Terra (The Terra with white hair). Terra looked up at the Twilight thorn "That was a close one, I could have died right then for a seconded. NOW IT'S MY TURN!" yelled Terra as he then summoned his dark side "ATTACK!" yelled Terra as his dark side then flew up towards the Twilight Thorn & grabbed it's arm & with great strength threw it to the ground, soon smashing onto the ground hard.      


Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)

Toca shot 10 bullets of light at King Mickey which hit him all over his body sending him flying, King Mickey's body was then split apart into 2 Mickeys, one was all black & the other was all white, they got back up then walked into one another fusing back together creating King Mickey (the Mickey with the bit out of his ear). King Mickey then looked at Toca saying "Oh boy, that was a close one, I would have died if you'd done anything more, haha" Then King Mickey used the spell Aero on himself creating a wind barrier around him which would do damage to anyone that got close to him "Okay, here I come" said King Mickey has he then started to run towards Toca. Meanwhile the new keybladed armoured figure was fighting Mizakanu & had destroyed more than half of his keyblades "Darn you!!" yelled Mizakanu as he then used the 35 keyblades he had left to strike the keyblade armoured figure. But he quickly vanished from the battlefield leaving no trace of him behind "Now's my chance" said Ika as he strikes Mizakanu in the back with his extreme speed "AARRHH! why you" yelled Mizakanu as he then smashed Ika aside with 20 of his keyblades "He seems to be weaker now" though Ika.

"Luna! Luna!" the Sentiment Shielder cried out to the gravely injured girl, "C'mon Luna! You have to get up!" He got a response as she slowly propped herself up onto her knees, where she promptly casted her own healing spell. "I... I-I'm ok." she barely manage to say, "I'll... be ok." Her healing spell did something odd to the two entities near her. They started to glow a faint white aura, and the Sentinel noticed as he rushed over to her side, gently holding her shoulder in a reassuring manner. "We're going against a keyblade master, Luna" the reserved nobody calmly informed, "if we make a mistake again, this battle will be quick and not end well."




The mental screaming of their retaliating Striker made both defending entities look over, just in time to see the enemy keyblade master unleashing her second attack. 


Brace for impact, Shielder...

This... is gonna hurt.


She seems to be focused on Striker more than anything though... heh.


Noticing the glowing disc of red on the ground that was quickly moving towards him, the Striker lost all composure as he remembered what such a sign usually meant. In a somewhat cowardly act, the panicking Striker immediately ran towards the imposter Aqua. Too busy screaming to really think straight, The quiet Shielder was watching the whole spectacle, hoping that the enemy's attack would backfire. Literally.



[i'll post Ghost later]

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Division 1 (Twilight Town)

Hanzi then heard in the distance Aexis's voice looking at him right before Aexis did his teleporting attack "AARRRGG!!" shouted Hanzi has Aexis strikes him over & over. Then Xion managed to get some distance from him right before Zion teleported under Hanzi striking him with strong salvation attack "NOOOO!!!" yelled Hanzi as he was blown away but not to far from the attack, Hanzi's body parts didn't come back at all this time apart from his keyblade in hand. What was left of Hanzi's body was struggling to stay up, soon Hanzi's body split into 2 Hanzi's, one coloured black, one coloured white "We must quickly rejoin bodies black Hanzi!" yelled white Hanzi as they then run towards each other trying to merge together (What the heck? :wacko: two Hanzi's, I don't know whats happening here but I wouldn't let them fuse together if I were you)


Division 2 (Beast's Castle)

Axuqa avoided Ventus's fire raid attack & then shot a beam of light at him "Grr" said Ventus trying to withstand the attack, but Axuqa's attack sent him flying downwards smashing him into a big rock, which shattered the rock creating a lot of dust. Ventus got back up from the attack but there were now 2 Ventus's instead of 1, one is coloured black, the other is coloured white on the battlefield "Darn it, I thought speaking about Aqua would set you off...but I guess I will just have to beat you the old fashion way" said the black Ventus "We shouldn't hurt them to much. But first lets rejoin our self's, then finish her off" said the white Ventus as the started to run towards each other about to fuse together (I wouldn't let them rejoin if I were you). Meanwhile Aqua saw the striker heading towards her getting himself engulfed in her attack doing mega damage to the striker "Awww, to bad, hee hee. Lets see how you deal with this, VANISH!" yelled Aqua as she then disappeared from everyone's sight. Meanwhile the Twilight Thorn swatted Terra & his dark side, but just as the twilight thorn did it's attack Terra quickly gathered his strength into one blow "Zantetsuken!" yelled Terra as he then cut off the twilight thorns right hand "Heh, your nothing you stupid nobody" said terra being all cocky like. Terra's dark side when smashed itself into the twilight thorns chest pushing it back a bit.


Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)

"Hey Mizakanu! I thought you were all powerful with your 100 keyblades, but all I see is a weakling!" shouted Ika trying to get Mizakanu's attention as well as get him to attack "Why you! you don't now when to give up!" yelled Mizakanu as he then launched 34 of his keyblades at Ika. Ika managed to dodge most of them but more than half of them managed to stab Ika in different parts of his body "AAAAHHHHH!!!" yelled Ika as he coughs up some blood "N..Now!" yelled Ika as he then destroyed all 34 keyblades with his power transfer in strength leaving Mizakanu with only 1 keyblade left to battle with. Meanwhile Toca shot some bullets at King Mickey but were deflected by Mickeys Aero spell surrounding himself,  Then Toca sent three slash shockwaves at Mickey which King Mickey went to block them as he was getting to close to Toca now but was instead shocked by the 3 attacks & this dispelled King Mickeys aero spell. Then Toca's followed up tornado spinning attack struck Mickey straight in the chest sending him flying soon hitting the wall smashing it into bits. King Mickey soon got back up from the attack, but there were now 2 King Mickeys again, the black coloured one & the white coloured one "darn this wielder of light, let us quickly rejoin so we can kick this guys ass" said the black king Mickey "Okay, sure thing" said the white king Mickey. Then they both started to run towards each other trying to fuse (NOO, you must stop them from fusing  :ohmy: . We can't let this happen again)


Division 4 (Dwarf Woodlands)

As Rahe took down 1 of the 5 Lizards Kairi woke up from her sleep spell attack "Hee hee, there here at last" said Kairi as she stood up from the ground, & just as Mathias shot the rest of the Lizards with beams of electricity & just when Victoria was about to make an attack all 4 Lizards were instantly killed by a strange keyblade wielder in armour similar to Terra's ( This is what the armoured person looks like http://s116.photobucket.com/user/VergilofSparda/media/KH/A_Knight_within_the_mirror_by_Se-1.jpg.html ). The new armoured person landed next to Victoria looking at her not saying anything before he looked over to Kairi "Your to late to run away now you bunch of bums, HAHAHAHA!!" laughed Kairi as she just stood there waiting for a second right before 2 dark & light portals opened up next to her revealing 2 new enemies, both with a black & white coat. They both soon revealed their faces & to a strange shock they were Riku & Sora, but they both had white hair & black eyes just like Kairi "HAHAHA, finally you'll all pay with your lives" said Kairi.

Division 5 (Enchanted Dominion)

"Thanks Lightning" said Lynn as Lightning bashed Lea away from her. As Lightning unloaded gunfire at Lea they were quickly blocked by Karin as she had quickly moved in front of him saving him from Lightning's gunfire "Lets burn this place up!" yelled Lea as he then spun his keyblade into the air creating a massive fire ball attack, lea then shot a firaga spell at it causing it to explode sending heaps of fire balls to head towards Cole, Lynn & lightning. Karin & Lea then jumped out of the way avoiding Lightning's Ruinaga attack "Aww, you guys broke out of my little dream world... or did you, hee hee" said Karin as she landed "Cole! Lightning! I was able to escape her dream world before I died in it because of my other eye reacting to it, Make sure you don't fall into her dream world again cause when I was dying in that dream world it felt as though my spirit was being ripped out of my body. So be very careful from here on out!" shouted Lynn to her teammates as she began to block the incoming fire ball attacks by Lea.  

Edited by The Unversed

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Axuqa ran forward to meet the two Vens. As she ran, a Creeper nobody appeared beside her and kept pace with her. At the last second, it jumped up and changed its shape to that of a spear. Axuqa grabbed it with her left hand and used it and her Keyblade to knock the two Ven's apart.


The Twilight Thorn stumbled back from the impact of the Dark Terra's blow. It then suddenly folded up till all that was there was a figure in a black coat. It rushed forward and grabbed the dark Terra by the throat.

"No." It whispered in answer before exploding on Terra's dark half.



Mathias whirled around and shot Kairi full in the chest with a bolt of electrical energy.

"Unless you have something truly constructive to say, just shut up." He said, annoyance in his voice.

He spun back around and lunched two fire balls from his palm devices at Sora and Riku.



Cole's blade was out and slicing through Lea's fire ball in an instant, dispersing the flames. As Cole was replacing the blade, he noticed it carried in it some of the magical energy that Karin had used to trap him in dreams. He smiled as he added a little more power to it, the slashed out with it, sending a pulse of that energy at Lea.

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Victoria casted magical snow into her hand. She then used this to attack Sora and Riku with a blizzard attack. "Do these enemies ever let up? And why are we fighting against heroes such as Sora for?" Victoria said.

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Hanzi times two unfortunately had to fight two foes.

Zion dropkicked White Hanzi, then wrapped her wings around him and unleash Albion Strike. This technique had been named Birdcage by Xion.

Point-blank range, Zion blasted Hanzi without mercy.


Xion slid in front of black Hanzi and slashed his chest, then spun, launching Ruinaga into his chest before completing her spin, her Keyblade covered in gold fire. She completed her attack with a second slash, her attack called Fire's Call adding more power to her strike.

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Toca:  "Don't even think about it!" I shout out.  I switch my gunblade to gun mode and fired to keep the two Micks apart.  I start winding up my keyblade in place, spinning at a fast pace.  A wave of wind rushes from the winding and further divides the Mickey's.  I shout:  " Judgment!" and threw my keyblade, covered in wind, at the white Mickey, striking him 4 times.


Rahe:  "No mam.  They aren't really the true heroes.  Just barely convincing copies most likely working for the enemy."  I shout out "Gravity Raid!", throwing my keyblade with charged gravity magic at Kairi, and sending seeker mines at Riku and Sora.

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Victoria looked at Rahe. "Well, still. We shouldn't have to be doing this. Fighting solves nothing, but it does save our skins." Victoria said. She then cast more blizzard attacks at Riku and Sora.

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  On 12/1/2013 at 11:50 AM, The Unversed said:

Division 2 (Beast's Castle)

Meanwhile Aqua saw the striker heading towards her getting himself engulfed in her attack doing mega damage to the striker "Awww, to bad, hee hee. Lets see how you deal with this, VANISH!" yelled Aqua as she then disappeared from everyone's sight. 


Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)

"Hey Mizakanu! I thought you were all powerful with your 100 keyblades, but all I see is a weakling!" shouted Ika trying to get Mizakanu's attention as well as get him to attack "Why you! you don't now when to give up!" yelled Mizakanu as he then launched 34 of his keyblades at Ika. Ika managed to dodge most of them but more than half of them managed to stab Ika in different parts of his body "AAAAHHHHH!!!" yelled Ika as he coughs up some blood "N..Now!" yelled Ika as he then destroyed all 34 keyblades with his power transfer in strength leaving Mizakanu with only 1 keyblade left to battle with. Meanwhile Toca shot some bullets at King Mickey but were deflected by Mickeys Aero spell surrounding himself,  Then Toca sent three slash shockwaves at Mickey which King Mickey went to block them as he was getting to close to Toca now but was instead shocked by the 3 attacks & this dispelled King Mickeys aero spell. Then Toca's followed up tornado spinning attack struck Mickey straight in the chest sending him flying soon hitting the wall smashing it into bits. King Mickey soon got back up from the attack, but there were now 2 King Mickeys again, the black coloured one & the white coloured one "darn this wielder of light, let us quickly rejoin so we can kick this guys ass" said the black king Mickey "Okay, sure thing" said the white king Mickey. Then they both started to run towards each other trying to fuse (NOO, you must stop them from fusing  :ohmy: . We can't let this happen again)

Well, there goes our offense... the Sentiment Shielder silently remarked as the Aqua look-alike's attack connected. After being temporarily blinded by the spectacular explosion, all that remained of their entity was the glittering specks that was floating away from the attack and flying towards them. "This is gonna hurt." he growled, bracing himself for the inevitable damage and pain once the absorption was underway. 


Just before the twinkling remains of their Striker could fly into the Sentiment, the nobody Sentinel stepped in to intercept. He let off a pained grunt and fell to his knees as the damage from their formerly attacking heartless was absorbed. Immediately retaliating, his keyblade wings flared before firing off in every direction, seeking its intended target. Unfortunately for the stonewall Sentinel, their enemy quite literally vanished from sight as she exclaimed her move. 



"Great..." the Sentiment remarked under his breath.

"Wait..." Luna whispered to the entity. He turned around, only to see the girl's eyes closed and her body poised, ready to strike in a moment's notice as her keyblade was held horizontally above her head. Her breathing was calm as she focused intently on any sound that would deceive the enemy. Trusting the raven-haired girl, the Sentiment stayed dead quiet, eyeing both Luna and the temporarily downed Sentinel as they waited for the Aqua look-alike's next move.




Unseen by their enemies, Ghost smirked as she quickly closed the distance between herself and one of the majesty's clones; in this case, the black one. Her footsteps were deadly quiet as she quickly closed the distance, dodging the retaliating keyblades as she let off a swift, calculated attack on the dark king. The blade of her magical weapon silently sliced through the air, intent on hitting its intended target.

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Division 1 (Twilight Town)
Zion & Xion's quickly actions had stopped the black Hanzi & white Hanzi from rejoining bodies & After Zion & Xion finished their powerful attacks on both of the Hanzi's they yelled out in pain "AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!" both the hanzi's soon dissappeared into nothing, they had been defeated. The light army gave big cheers as victory was theres or was it. the light army had a moments rest to recover. 
Division 2 (Beasts Castle)
As the Twilight Thorn turned into a figure in a black coat & exploded while holding onto Terra's dark side by the throat. Terra's dark side soon vanished into nothing as it wasn't able to withstand the explosion that killed the Twilight Thorn aswell "Darn it, I guess my Heartless guardian wasn't as strong as I thought" said Terra as he saw his dark side fade away. terra soon saw Ventus in danger & quickly headed towards Axuqa readying himself to launch an attack. Meanwhile the 2 Ventus's were pushed back by Axqua "Argh! you cheat!, it's not fair!" yelled black Ventus annoyied at Axuqa "Don't worry, we got this" said white Ventus as he then threw his keyblade towards Axqua but it curved, spinning towards black Ventus which he then grabbed it & quickly ran towards Axqua clashing with both his keyblades, while white Ventus was running towards Axqua soon jumping high over her head. Meanwhile Aqua saw Luna trying to detect her presence "Ha, now's the time to strike" said Aqua as she instanly appeared just above Sentiment kicking him square in the face, Cody was able to see Aqua was now using her 'ghost drive' style of fighting before he got kicked in the face "Next" said Aqua as she teleported to the side of Luna about to stab her in the hip.
Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)
Mizakanu walked up to Ika as trying to stand up but was on one knee coughing up blood with alot of keyblades stabbed into his body "You were a strong opponent to have damaged me this much...but now your finished" said Mizakanu as he quickly used stabbed Ika shooting a beam of light straight through his body "AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!" yelled Ika as he then fell onto the ground. Ika looked up at the sky thinking about how much he regretted not siding with his family "I..I'm coming to see you...my family" whispered Ika as he then died. Meanwhile After Toca's great moves keeping the 2 mickeys apart Toca attacked white King Mickey striking him 4 times & Ghost's attack on black King Mickey was perfect as it hit it's mark, soon both white & black King Mickey's faded away into nothing. Mizakanu saw King Mickey dissappear "Looks like I'll have to take you both on by myself now" said Mizakanu as he prepared for battle.
Division 4 (Dwarf Woodlands)
Kairi was sent flying into a near by tent after being hit by Mathias's attack, then Mathias followed up with 2 fire balls headed straight for Riku & Sora & Victoria shot a blizzard attack at Riku & Sora too. As Kairi got up from the damaged tent she saw Rahe's gravity raid attack coming towards her "Grr" snarled before jumping to dodge the attack but she didn't noticed the gravity quickly put her into a floating state "darn you little pest" said Kairi as she then used a summoning again but this time she summoned black & white creatures that headed towards Rahe, Rahe had also sent seeker mines towards Riku & Sora too. Riku stood in front of Sora & used his dark aura protection spell which was strong enough to withstand all the attacks sent at them, Sora then jumped off of Riku's back into the air spining around really fast creating a massive tornado & sending it towards Vicotria, Rahe & Mathias.
Division 5 (Enchanted Dominion)
As Lynn blocked some more of Lea's fire ball attacks Lynn looked around the castle they were in, it was startting to set fire to every part of the castle "This isn't good, Lea wasn't aiming at us. He was trying to set fire to the castle" thought Lynn as the castle was already in a state were putting out the fire wasn't an option now. Lea then blocked Coles engery slash attack but he instantly fell asleep, Karin quickly went to Lea's side tapping his shoulder waking him up "Wha-what the?" said Lea a bit confused "Sorry about that Lea, but you looked like you needed a little tap, hee hee" giggled Karin as she then ran at a very fast speed towards Lighting about to strike her hard. Lea then jumped into the air coming down at Cole "your gonna pay for that little trick!!" yelled Lea as he set his weapons on fire in a spinning motion. But Lea was all of a sudden pushed away by a strange keyblade armoured wielder & Lea landed not to far away from Cole & this new armoured keyblade wielder (This is what the armoured person looks like http://s116.photobucket.com/user/VergilofSparda/media/KH/A_Knight_within_the_mirror_by_Se-1.jpg.html )
Edited by The Unversed

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Victoria quickly dodged the tornado by creating ice from her feet and skating at high speed away from it. "Nice try, fake. But lets see what you can do with this." Victoria said. She then froze the tornado that was going to attack her and sent the frozen tornado back at Sora.



James quickly ran into the castle and glowed purple, which cause the flames to turn green in color. "I can give you more time. I can control the fire to the point of a stand still." James said to Lynn as he was unable to move so he could focus on controlling the fire.



Thomas then appeared where everyone was in Twilight Town, after the enemies were gone. "Hey guys, what did I miss?" Thomas asked.

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Zion and Xion collqpsed back to back.


"Yes honey?"

"You better bake me some pie."

Zion laughed. "Yes ma'am." Then she looked into the sky. "You know...that feeling..."

Xion grasped Zion's hand. "When someone's in danger you care for?"

"Be back love."


In a flash of light, Zion sped across space and time to Luna's side, blocking Aqua.

"Oi." She spun and back-kicked Aqua in the chest. "No hurting our Luna again!"

Kissing Luna's cheek, Zion teleported back to Xion, back to back again. "Sup?"

"The sky."


Lightning waited...then sidestepped and tripped Karin.

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Axuqa gave a slight smile to Ventus's outrage. When the dark half reached her, she reached up with her Keyblade and blocked both blades. The Creeper she was using as a spear changed so that is was as long and thin as it could be. She snapped it like a whip, wrapping an end around Ven's light half. She yanked down, pulling him down to the ground.

"Predictable." She told dark Ven before as she let go of the Creeper.

Her hand shot out and blasted dark Ven in the chest, sending him flying back at Terra.



Mathias squinted as the wind picked up.

"Ah, not a bad tactic." He said like an academic.

He smiled slightly.

"But disruptable."

He adjusted a dial on his palm then reached out. The disk glowed slightly and winds altered to counteract Sora's whirlwind.



Cole readied himself for Lea's attack, so was surprised when the armored figure knocked Lea down. Cole's eyes narrowed on the figure as he brought his sheath around and struck at Lea's head to knock him out.

"I don't wish to sound ungrateful, but I'd like to know who I'm being grateful to." He said to the armored figure.

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Toca:  Sighing out of relief, I say:  "Okay, one down, one to...."  I turned right and see Ika on the ground with a hole in his body,  "....go?  Ika!"  I stare down at the armored figure and shout:  "Why you!"  I had both my weapons to sword mode and dashed towards the figure as fast as I could, with no strategy in mind.


Rahe:  I was curious and a little intrigued by the creatures Kairi summoned.  Holding my chin with my left hand, I ponder:  Hm.  Interesting.  These monsters' seem different from any Heartless or Nobody.  But this isn't a time to be fascinated with them.  I summon my shield and charge it with darkness.  When I threw it, dark blades surrounds the shield, shredding through the monsters.  I raise my left hand and darkness began gathering to into two orb masses.  I threw my hand forward and the orbs start flying towards Riku and Sora.

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Aexis let's out a sigh of relief as he puts away his Keyblade. He folds his arms as he looks at his group happily. "We did it!!" Shouted Aexis, talking to his group. Suddenly, the same evil voice from before starts to laugh. "Or... Did you?" Asked the voice, asking Aexis a question. Suddenly, Wind of Darkness starts to blow over where Aexis and his group are, and the Dark Wind fuses together, forming a familiar face, Darkness, as mighty as ever, appears before Aexis and his group, smirking evilly. "Hello, Xion, Zion, and Aexis, it's been a while since the battle with Shera..." Said Darkness, talking to Aexis and his group. Aexis looks on at Darkness sternly as he summons his Keyblade again and points it at him. "You?!?! But how?!" Asked Aexis, asking Darkness a question.

Edited by Tom13

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  On 12/6/2013 at 7:15 AM, The Unversed said:
Division 2 (Beasts Castle)
Meanwhile Aqua saw Luna trying to detect her presence "Ha, now's the time to strike" said Aqua as she instanly appeared just above Sentiment kicking him square in the face, Cody was able to see Aqua was now using her 'ghost drive' style of fighting before he got kicked in the face "Next" said Aqua as she teleported to the side of Luna about to stab her in the hip.
Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)
Ghost's attack on black King Mickey was perfect as it hit it's mark, soon both white & black King Mickey's faded away into nothing. Mizakanu saw King Mickey dissappear "Looks like I'll have to take you both on by myself now" said Mizakanu as he prepared for battle.

With the tense situation of facing a Keyblade Master and having their best offensive entity downed, the Sentiment Shielder was on edge as the keyblade wings of the Sentinel were recalled. "This isn't good..." the winged nobody calmly replied, "where did she disappeared to?" Both entities and Luna got their answer as the Shielder doubled over, reeling from the kick and letting off a solid 'oomph!' as his armored head hit the ground. Luna's eyes were still closed as her ears tuned in to the whisper of air parting ways for the enemy's next attack. Hearing the lethal blade of the enemy's weapon screaming towards her, she immediately brought her keyblade downwards and struck the imposter's weapon down to the ground, missing her hip by mere inches as she opened her eyes to see their assailant. The loud impact of metal on metal caught the winged nobody's attention as he immediately looked back, then ran towards the Master look-alike with his dual keyblade seething with revenge and purpose.



Ghost smirked as her blade connected with her target. That was... too easy. the heartless assassin silently remarked.  "Looks like I'll have to take you both on by myself now" Mizakanu remarked. Ghost only looked at their enemy, her cold, calculating eyes trying to dissect and anticipate the enemy's next move. She gripped her blade a little tighter,trying to anticipate anything and everything that could happen next.

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(Sorry for late post :P )



(This is a very important part of the story, so READ THIS) Dear diary, It's only been 3 weeks since me & my friend lost our world to the darkness by the heartless, We found ourselves in some strange place with many, MANY.. heartless. But after a while of searching for a way back to our world, we come across a strange door of light which looked like a way back to our world. But as soon as we were about to enter the door of light we were grabbed by the heartless & they were trying to drag us into some strange darkness I've never seen before. I was then saved by my dear friend who broke free of the heartless for only a moment & grabbed me, throwing me into the door of light.....I miss my dear friend, but I can't help but think why? Why save someone like me who tried to kill you in our past.....why?


Division 1 (Twilight Town)

Thomas had soon showed up to the battlefield as they defeated Hanzi, but soon after thinking everything was over. A enemy from the first Worlds at War had appeared in front of Aexis, Thomas, Xion & Zion. It was Darkness, & the last time anyone saw him he was defeated & faded away into nothingness. ALso a bright light shined from above for just a moment soon coming down onto the grounds of the battlefield, the bright light soon dimmed down revealing a woman wearing a white robe "Oh my, I didn't see things to have gotten so horribly" said the strange white robed woman. (The woman wearing the white robe has white hair, pale skin & green hazel coloured eyes)


Division 2 (Beasts Castle)

Before Aqua could land her attack on Luna she was kicked in the chest & sent backwards, Aqua did a backflip landing on her feet "W-what was that?" said Aqua a bit surprised at to who could have kicked her back "Humph, no matter" yelled Aqua as she teleported for another strike at Luna's hip towards Luna but was blocked by Luna who had homed in on Aqua’s ghost drive pattern “Darn you” siad Aqua. Meanwhile as Axuqa expertly took down white Ventus & sent black ventus flying towards Terra, Terra saw black Ventus coming towards him & grabbed his shoulder as he jumped over him resending black Ventus back towards Axuqa. But as black Ventus was about to collide with Axqua, white Ventus had jumped in front of Axqua fusing together. Ventus was back to being one person again jumping back next to Terra, Aqua then saw Ventus & Terra near by, then Aqua quickly teleported herself next to Terra & Ventus & resummoning her keyblade from being driven into the ground by Luna “Humph, I guess we'll have to use that move” said Aqua as Ventus jumped high into the air spinning his keyblade above his head with a strange yellow light glowing from his keyblade, then Aqua jumped into the air spinning her keyblade in front of herself with a strange purple light glowing from her keyblade, then Terra also jumped into the air spinning his keyblade below himself with a strange black glow light glowing from his keyblade “TRINITY WORLD BURST!!!” yelled Terra, Ventus & Aqua creating a tornado beam of the 3 colours was quickly sent it into the worlds ground striking the worlds heart. Soon the all world started to rumble & crack.


Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)

Mizakanu saw Toca coming towards him at a very fast pace “I'll finish you off RIGHT NOW!” yelled Mizakanu as he then went pointed his only keyblade left towards Toca charging it up with a lot of power “NOW DIE!” yelled Mizakanu as he went to shoot his charged attack at Toca but his keyblade then snapped in two exploding on himself “AAARRGG!” yelled Mizakanu as he stumbled back a bit “W-What happened?” said Mizakanu shocked by the moment (It looks like Ika had managed to do damaged to Mizakanu's last keyblade in hopes this moment would happen. FINISH HIM OFF Ghost & Toca!)


Division 4 (Dwarf Woodlands)

Sora was surprised to see that Mathias had disrupted his tornado attack even after Victoria had sent it back towards their enemies “HAHA! You guys really are funny to be in sync with each others attacks” laughed Sora. Then Riku saw Rahe's dark orbs attack was coming their way “Watch out Sora!” said Riku as he stepped in front of Sora creating a dark aura barrier which blocked both dark orb attacks. Kairi soon appeared behind Rahe “You should be watching your back my friend...cause no ones gonna go it for ya” whispered Kairi into Rahe's right ear before she kicked him to the ground, then a voice was heard in front of Rahe while he was on the ground “HAHAHA! You didn't even notice that I summoned more than just creatures, HAHAHAHA!!” laughed the Kairi in fornt of Rahe. Riku then pointed his hands at both Victoria & Mathias “You guys don't seem to see what's happening here....do you?” said Riku questioning them before sending 2 dark orbs of darkness towards them both “Hey! Riku I want in on this fight too” said Sora as he then jumped into the air throwing his keyblade towards Victoria in a spinning action & soon Sora's keyblade glowed yellow as it got closer to Victoria.


Division 5 (Enchanted Dominion)

As Lynn heard what James said about the flames, Lynn gave a nod to him “Alright then! I'll protect you just in case” said Lynn as she run towards james holding her blade at the ready. As Lightning tripped Karin she put her hands above her head pushing off the ground as the force of her speed sent her towards the wall that was in front of her, Karin landed on her feet on the wall then quickly jumping off it tackling Lightning from behind. Both Karin & Lightning were rumbling along the ground soon they stopped rolling with Karin on top of Lightning holding her right wrist to the floor “looks like I got ya, now you shall DIE!” said Karin as she raised her left arm near her head with her hand pointing in a stabbing action about to strike at Lightinings heart. As Cole struck at Lea's head to knock him out it instead created a blurry images of two Lea heads coloured black & the other coloured white, the two blurry heads soon disappeared back into Lea's head “Nice shot there, but here's mine” said Lea as he jumped high into the air throwing both his weapons covered in flames at Cole & the strange keyblade armoured person but the stranger in the keyblade armour quickly faded away as if he was never there.

Edited by The Unversed

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Thomas looked at the new foes. "Who are these people?" Thomas asked ready to attack.



Victoria simply teleported away from the attacks. She then summoned a harsh blizzard attack to hit Sora. "Like I really care about what is going on here." Victoria said to Riku.



James looked at Lynn. He never had someone try and protect him before. He was starting to think that these people might be different than what he is normally used to.

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Xion and Zion entered attack stances, the former initiating Nova form. Her clothes brightened and dimmed, revealing a white Organization 13 cloak with dark blue flame trim. Zion didn't enter a form - she merely held both Forward Unto Dawn and Sunrise Everlasting at the ready.


Lightning blocked the stab with the shield on her left arm, then smirked. Thundaja smashed down unto Karin, and Lightning used the openning to kick her away.

Eolling and flipping into the air, Lightning threw her blade.


Her monstrous steed appeared from it's emblem, and they landed together. Lightning grasped the two blades.

"Let's ride!"

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Toca:  While running, I saw Mizakanu getting ready to launch a charge attack.  Concerned, I thought:  No!  I'm so close to the guy!  There's not enough time to dodge his attack!  But then, I saw the figures keyblade snapping and exploding.  I quickly thought:  This must be Ika's work.  Now there's an opening to end him!  I switch my key and gunblade to gun mode.  I aimed at Mizakanu and shout:  "Lock on Striker!"  I fired four large bullets of light and finished with a scorching beam.


Rahe:  I say:  "What?!" when I heard the second Kairi and was kicked into the ground.  Laughing, I say:  "It's humorous for you to say that.  I remember something about friends covering each others back when dealing with problems.  While we aren't all necessarily friends yet,  but my division members and I look after each other when one of us is in the most trouble.  But for right now, the one in trouble is you."  I got on my hands and spun, having my legs sweep the second Kairi off her feet.  Then I kicked her up and jabbed my keyblade into her torso fiercely. 


Throwing down the body hard, I point my keyblade at the first Kairi and say:  "You're next."  I raise my left hand and dark claws came out of portals from the ground.  They began grabbing Kairi's arms and legs, restraining her to the ground.  One covered up her mouth so she couldn't call to Sora or Rku for assistance.  I start running towards Kairi as fast as I could, swinging down right on her head.

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The Replica Master bared her teeth as the three corrupted copies of herself and friends began their combined attack.

"Engage freely!" She yelled to her troops. "They are not to be allowed to continue!"

Axuqa ran towards Terra, Aqua and Ven, leaping at them when she was half way to them. In midair, she disappeared like Aqua did with her Ghost Drive. Axuqa reappeared in the middle of the three corrupted Keyblade Wielders, forming a sphere barrier around herself. With a loud cry, the replica discharged the barrier, violently hitting Ven, Terra and Aqua with shards of the spell and the force of an explosion.



"Whoops." Mathias exclaimed. "Remember all the factors, Mathias."

He altered a few settings on his weaponry and caught the dark orb Riku had fired at him. He touched a button and the orb harmlessly dissipated.

"Perhaps if you would like to enlighten us as to what you think is happening here." The Scientist said to Riku as he sent a barrage of fire bolts at Riku.



Cole sighed as spun around, using both his blade and sheath to bat away the flaming projectiles.

"So, we have Mysterious Figure in all this." He thought. "Brilliant."

The Decolor agent concentrated energy into his katana and send a speeding pulse of energy at Lea. Cole was right behind it, his sheath swing at ballistic speed at his opponent.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 9:16 AM, The Unversed said:

Division 2 (Beasts Castle)

Before Aqua could land her attack on Luna she was kicked in the chest & sent backwards, Aqua did a backflip landing on her feet "W-what was that?" said Aqua a bit surprised at to who could have kicked her back "Humph, no matter" yelled Aqua as she teleported for another strike at Luna's hip towards Luna but was blocked by Luna who had homed in on Aqua’s ghost drive pattern “Darn you” siad Aqua. Meanwhile as Axuqa expertly took down white Ventus & sent black ventus flying towards Terra, Terra saw black Ventus coming towards him & grabbed his shoulder as he jumped over him resending black Ventus back towards Axuqa. But as black Ventus was about to collide with Axqua, white Ventus had jumped in front of Axqua fusing together. Ventus was back to being one person again jumping back next to Terra, Aqua then saw Ventus & Terra near by, then Aqua quickly teleported herself next to Terra & Ventus & resummoning her keyblade from being driven into the ground by Luna “Humph, I guess we'll have to use that move” said Aqua as Ventus jumped high into the air spinning his keyblade above his head with a strange yellow light glowing from his keyblade, then Aqua jumped into the air spinning her keyblade in front of herself with a strange purple light glowing from her keyblade, then Terra also jumped into the air spinning his keyblade below himself with a strange black glow light glowing from his keyblade “TRINITY WORLD BURST!!!” yelled Terra, Ventus & Aqua creating a tornado beam of the 3 colours was quickly sent it into the worlds ground striking the worlds heart. Soon the all world started to rumble & crack.


Division 3 (The Land of Dragons)

Mizakanu saw Toca coming towards him at a very fast pace “I'll finish you off RIGHT NOW!” yelled Mizakanu as he then went pointed his only keyblade left towards Toca charging it up with a lot of power “NOW DIE!” yelled Mizakanu as he went to shoot his charged attack at Toca but his keyblade then snapped in two exploding on himself “AAARRGG!” yelled Mizakanu as he stumbled back a bit “W-What happened?” said Mizakanu shocked by the moment (It looks like Ika had managed to do damaged to Mizakanu's last keyblade in hopes this moment would happen. FINISH HIM OFF Ghost & Toca!)



  On 12/24/2013 at 11:05 PM, rikunobodyxiii said:


The Replica Master bared her teeth as the three corrupted copies of herself and friends began their combined attack.

"Engage freely!" She yelled to her troops. "They are not to be allowed to continue!"

Axuqa ran towards Terra, Aqua and Ven, leaping at them when she was half way to them. In midair, she disappeared like Aqua did with her Ghost Drive. Axuqa reappeared in the middle of the three corrupted Keyblade Wielders, forming a sphere barrier around herself. With a loud cry, the replica discharged the barrier, violently hitting Ven, Terra and Aqua with shards of the spell and the force of an explosion.

[i'll take that as permission granted to strike down Mizakanu. You can still deny it if you want.]


With the Sentiment Shielder quickly recovering, the Sentinel was quickly closing its distance toward the Aqua look-alike. Luna tried to follow up with a counter-strike, but missed her swing as the impostor teleported away. 


"Engage freely!" the Guardians heard their commander say, "They are not to be allowed to continue!"


"Non-lethal restrictions cancelled." Cody's Sentiment coldly remarked, "Zero-Four, engaging!"

The enemy trio had gathered and declared their next move. “TRINITY WORLD BURST!!!”


"How about no?!" the Sentinel cried out, his voice changing to their fallen heartless for a moment before regaining his composure. "Sentinel, engaging!" the winged nobody yelled, sending a flurry of wingblades screaming towards the enemy in an obviously desperate move to cancel their attack. As the world shook, Luna effortlessly ran towards the hostile trio. With an unusual grace in her footstep, she leaped into the air and aimed her keyblade at the Aqua look-alike, her entire weight backing the lethal blade of the magical weapon...




“NOW DIE!” Ghost heard Mizakanu yell as he went to shoot his charged attack at Toca, only to have the weapon explode on its owner. “AAARRGG! W-What happened?”

The heartless Enforcer didn't even bother giving an explanation as she initiated her own form of zantetsuken: Final Overture. Usually reserved for killing off Guardians such as Luna and Cody, she was unsure what the attack would do to a random person such as Mizakanu as she closed her eyes and charged her attack. As she slowly exhaled and opened her eyes again, the enemy was already behind her. Whether or not the attack had connected or even affected the enemy, the efficient assassin wasn't sure as she slowly turned around.

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