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Who have you cosplayed as?

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Wasn't sure where to put this, move where appropriate. Anyway, as the title says who have you cosplayers cosplayed as? Kh or non Kh-related cosplays are allowed.

I have cosplayed as(in order);


Jiro- Black Blood Brothers

Nero- Devil May Cry 4

Sai- Naruto Shippuden

Zexion- Kingdom Hearts RE:COM

Master Chief- Halo series

Zack Fair- Final Fantasy VII Compilation

Pikachu- Pokemon

Noctis- Final FantasyversusXIII

Hope- Final Fantasy XIII

Roxas- Kingdom Hearts series

Vanitas(with mask on)- Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

Tri-Edge: .hack Roots series


And more to come :D!

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Cosplayed (not in order)

Xion (Kingdom Hearts)

Matt / Mail Jeevas(Death Note)

L Lawliet(Death Note)

BB / Beyond Birthday(Death Note)

Ikuto Tsukiyomi (Shugo Chara! ep. 4)

Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)

Rebecca Chambers (Resident Evil)

Anti-Sora (Kingdom Hearts)


Incomplete cosplays / Will cosplay

Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy XIII)

Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy Versus XIII)

Rhyme Baito (The World Ends With You)

Ventus (Kingdom Hearts)

Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)

Rydia (Final Fantasy IV)

Black?Matagi (Black?Rock Shooter)

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Wow...,y Noctis cosplay outfit took 3 months to finish, and it took me a week to style my hair and dye it to look similar to Noctis's hair. It was fun. I have decided one of my next cosplays will be Vicent Valentine from the FF7 Compilation. Man, this is gonna be hard!

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red rideing hood = i was bored =p

rin kagamine



the mad hatter


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I've only done it once considering how expensive it is to get a realistic costume and how lazy and unskilled I am to make one myself.


I did Altair from assassins creed. Only because my friend dragged me to one of the conventions. It was pretty fun though. Especially "getting into character", like "blending" gently pushing people aside. Free running, climbing random stuff (when security wasn't looking lol) and of course, "assassinating" random people and escaping. Some of the peoples costumes were great too. I saw a master chief with plastic armor making it look realistic. And the skits some people performed were funny too. And who cannot mention watching someone cosplaying as Leon fighting people playing as zombies!


What is really awesome is cosplaying in real life outside conventions. Like Mega64 on youtube. If you haven't heard of them , look them up. The reactions of some people are hilarious.


I'm probably not going to do it again though. Well I always pretend to be in assassins creed but I'm not going to go all out with the costume again.


I prefer Civil and Revolutionary war reenactments. Shooting blanks with muskets in volleys. Riding horses into "battle" cannons, pretending to die, eating food cooked over a fire. Ah that's fun :D . Except for nearly passing out from wearing three layers of wool. :-/


Reenactment stuff is expensive too. Most of the stuff I have is on loan from the school. But it's authentic! The only thing that's mine is my musket/rifle and cartridge box :D

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The real question is who on this thread has a girlfriend.


No, I believe you are mistaken. The REAL question is where's yours? (And, sorry darling, imaginary ones don't count, I'm afraid!)



I've been:

-Fem!Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)

-Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter....though I'm not sure if this counts as cosplay xD)

-Edward Cullen (Yes, I'm completely serious....all I did was put some body glitter and some fake blood on~ X3)


and that's about it.

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The real question is who on this thread has a girlfriend.


No, I believe you are mistaken. The REAL question is where's yours? (And, sorry darling,

imaginary ones don't count, I'm afraid!)


-Edward Cullen (Yes, I'm completely serious....all I did was put some body glitter and some fake blood on~ X3)



I love you. o.o


lol I've cosplayed as...

Casual Haruhi~

It was pretty easy. 8D

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The real question is who on this thread has a girlfriend.


No, I believe you are mistaken. The REAL question is where's yours? (And, sorry darling, imaginary ones don't count, I'm afraid!)



I feel this is necessary to say owned in different languages.


English- Owned

Russian- ?????????????

Albanian- pron

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You cosplaying misfits showed me whos boss.


Oh, yes. You are very very witty. Congrats, dear sir, you have now been awarded the Awesome Badge.

Once again, congratulations, and remember to tell your imaginary girlfriend that I said hi.

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Dont worry, I will tell your mother. OOOOOOOOO HOLY COW.


Ohhhh, you burned me soooo bad! That hurt, that REALLY hurt. I am going to go cry now. :


But I think we're getting a tad off topic, darling. Why don't you go post in a non-cosplay thread if you hate it so much? Seems much more productive than arguing with a cosplay misfit like myself.

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WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA! I didnt say i hate cosplayers. I apologze if I offended.


Sarcastic troll is sarcastic.

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