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Zidane Kuja

KHDays Vexen #4 a heavy loss to Organization XIII?

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Okay, i din't see it any where so if i have made a mistake with this topic my bad. ^,^;


I was just over going my 1.5 game and played 358/2days Cut scene's and i noticed that when all the members were being told

of what Xion really was i couldn't help but wonder exactly how much bigger a role would have Vexen Played in the Organization

if not for Marluxia giving Axel the Order to eradicate Vexen.


i mean what other Several projects Were they working on in castle oblivion?

why was vexen so important to Xemna's Plans?


Would he have become one of the 13 Xehanorts? 


Kingdom Hearts 1.5 -{358/2days} (ps3)


Day 354:


Xemnas: "Needless to say,Losing Vexen Was Not Part Of Our Plans."


this is what sparked my curiosity to make this topic.


let me know what you think,any comments & Theories are welcome.



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When Xemnas told Saix to dispose of the "traitors" (them being Marluxia and Larxene), Saix took advantage of the opportunity and decided to have Lexaeus, Zexion and Vexen dispatched as well. Because Vexen controlled the replica project, Saix thought that this could potentially threaten his position in the Organisation (if Vexen's replicas became more accurate and would increase in number), so he decided for Axel to do away with him. It should also be noted that Saix had Zexion dispatched because Zexion was threatening his position in the Organisation.

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As far as what other projects Castle Oblivion had to do with, there's quite a couple.


1) To research memories. This was the primary objective that all members were told about. It was pretty much a cover-up, though.

2) To weed out traitors. Xemnas knew Marluxia and Larxene were against him, so he gave orders to eliminate the "traitors".

3) To find the Chamber of Waking. Xemnas desired this chamber and also gave orders to Axel to look for it.

4) To ruin Xemnas's plans. This was Saix's personal goal -- he wanted Axel to find the Chamber of Waking as ordered, but to use it as leverage to overthrow Xemnas. Killing Vexen and Zexion were also parts of overthrowing Xemnas, since they were top researchers/scientists. Granted, Xemnas knew all about Saix's deception, he just wasn't concerned about it.


So basically, Vexen had a pretty big role in the Organization if killing him was such a huge blow to Xemnas's plans. If he had lived, his Replica Program would've probably been perfected and Sora would've never woken up due to Xion stealing his memories. So Xehanort would've been able to complete his Keyblade War without any major hindrances.

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Isn't it strange how Xemnas told Saix to get rid of those who want to get over the OrgXIII by sending them to Castle Oblivion and now Xemnas is saying that Vexen's death is not part of our plans?

Xemnas told him to get rid of Marluxia and Larxene, not Vexen, Lexaeus and Zexion. The reason for their elimination was that Saix wanted them out of the way. It was not Xemnas' order that they would get eliminated, so his line is legit. 


I don't think he cared as much about Vexen's demise as he seems to though. If it was such a huge blow to his plans, that would mean Axel's and Saix's traitorous actions would indeed be a problem for him and resulted in Xemnas making a huge mistake. Since Xemnas is a nort though, he has back up plans or rather he has Xehanort's back up plans, thus it was not a major mistake he made when he didn't concern himself with Saix's and Axel's plan, cause they were no threat to him. Which further means Axel killing Vexen wasn't as bad as he makes it out to be. 

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Xemnas told him to get rid of Marluxia and Larxene, not Vexen, Lexaeus and Zexion. The reason for their elimination was that Saix wanted them out of the way. It was not Xemnas' order that they would get eliminated, so his line is legit. 


I don't think he cared as much about Vexen's demise as he seems to though. If it was such a huge blow to his plans, that would mean Axel's and Saix's traitorous actions would indeed be a problem for him and resulted in Xemnas making a huge mistake. Since Xemnas is a nort though, he has back up plans or rather he has Xehanort's back up plans, thus it was not a major mistake he made when he didn't concern himself with Saix's and Axel's plan, cause they were no threat to him. Which further means Axel killing Vexen wasn't as bad as he makes it out to be. 

In this case, why did Saix sent Vexen, Lexaeus and Zexion?

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In this case, why did Saix sent Vexen, Lexaeus and Zexion?

I believe Xemnas sent Vexen  to CO to complete the Replica Program, Zexion to assist and Lexaus to be their body-guard should  Marluxia and Larxene, the traitors, attempt to eliminate them in order to derail Xemnas' plans. Axel eliminating Vexen was an unforeseen event and so Lexaus wasn't prepared to stop him.

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I believe Xemnas sent Vexen  to CO to complete the Replica Program, Zexion to assist and Lexaus to be their body-guard should  Marluxia and Larxene, the traitors, attempt to eliminate them in order to derail Xemnas' plans. Axel eliminating Vexen was an unforeseen event and so Lexaus wasn't prepared to stop him.

So Marluxia and Larxene were planning to use Sora against Vexen and Zexion?and if both of them were traitors, why didn't Xemnas get rid of them by any member of the organization instead of putting them with Zexion and Vexen that became in danger?

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So Marluxia and Larxene were planning to use Sora against Vexen and Zexion?and if both of them were traitors, why didn't Xemnas get rid of them by any member of the organization instead of putting them with Zexion and Vexen that became in danger?

I'm guessing that's why he sent Axel to eliminate Marluxia and Larxene before anything could happen. Sora being the one to eliminate them in the end is simply a convenient change of plans that happened by chance but with the same outcome. Vexen's demise was not planned though, but I think Zexion and Lexaeus were a huge amount more unimportant to Xemnas, thus he didn't even mention them.

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