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enemy tips !

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tips for defeating lvl 333 wizard and lvl 300 watermelon?

The only tips I have is getting a better deck and possibly leveling up for more HP. For at this point having a stronger deck is the only thing that can increase your chances of winning. Also the watermelons aren't currently in the game.


My suggestion would be kill some of the other event heartless with quests, that you actually can beat, so you don't miss out on opprotunities to at least get something from the event. (like the new level 3 pumpkins, the level 5 scarecrow pumpkin heartless things, and maybe the level scarecrows.) Also if you kill other event heartless you can get mog points (I have heard them stated that way once, but it might not be the most accurate name for them, anyways they are the silver circle things used in the new shop) and maybe you can actually get a SR card if not an SR+ card.


Edit: note: The pumpkin and level 5 scarecrow heartless actually give more than just 1xp per kill, so if you want to try leveling, maybe kill them.


@Caity, thanks for waiting!

Edited by Tigerruss

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