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Emily Murphy

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix English Voice Acting

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So, there were about 5 - 10 new cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. But they were only dubbed in Japanese. Do you guys think they will add new English voice acting for these cutscenes? Or will they just have subtitles?

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While I understand the Riku scenes were silent in KHFM and the one scene with Unknown were just recycled voice lines I do believe there is a chance voice acting will be dubbed in english for KH2FM.


I say this because the sora voice actor for KH1 probably matured and can't record any additional lines hence is probably why there were recycled voice lines in the Unknown scene. Having this information they probably didn't want to bother with the two scenes with Riku since there was low demand for the voice acting. 


Now, since there is a rather larger amount of scenes in KH2FM there would be a larger demand for the need of dubbed voice lines. I'd say it is possible for the scenes to be dubbed in english since the voice actor for the older sora seems to be reachable along with Riku. That's just my insight on this however, nothing concrete.

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The FM scenes in 1.5 were just silent, so I'm expecting the same deal here...

But then again, they are making NEW scenes for coded, likely. And both Riku and Sora have acting there... so maybe they might have Haley and David record some lines for the scenes. But unless they bring in the Orgy members for some reason then some scenes will likely still be silent.

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I'm a little confused, because I've seen the additional cutscenes from KH2FM and one time they were silent, the other they were with japanese dub. 


So if the scenes are dubbed, then I don't see why they would not dub them in english. Like everyone else said, the problem about Sora's VA sounding older is no problem in this case. Riku's was never a problem to start with imo. 


I wouldn't mind if they stayed japanese dubbed with english subtitle instead though, but I see no problem about dubbing it in englisch for western release whatsoever.

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Well, if they Dub the new cutscenes for the English version of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD remix's KH2FM+ segments, I'd like to be the voice of the Lingering Sentiment, because I think I'd be good at it. If only I knew how to prove it to you.

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Honestly the Japanese ones in KH2FM were dubbed so I don't see why they couldn't voice them in English as well...wouldn't seem very complete don't you think?

Well, if they Dub the new cutscenes for the English version of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD remix's KH2FM+ segments, I'd like to be the voice of the Lingering Sentiment, because I think I'd be good at it. If only I knew how to prove it to you.

Well Xemnas wasn't voiced in 1.5 so I don't think that the Lingering Sentiment will be either yo!~

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It would be nice if there were some that were dubbed, however, I do believe that certain ones should remain undubbed.  For example, I think Lingering Will (Secret Terra Boss), should be undubbed.  After all, it adds to the mystery of him even though we know who he is.  I would like to see the Data fights be dubbed though, among other things.  I'm a bit unfamiliar with the new scenes, so I don't know what they contain.

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I don't gotta PS3, so I've got no say. lol. I'd like KH2FM+ to have totally voice acted scenes in English, maybe even new never before seen scenes! :D

I wonder what they'll do for the ending credits.....KH3 sneak peak anybody? Secret Ending?

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The reason they had those silent scenes in 1.5 is because all the actors matured so they didn't have the same voices as they did in the original. Since Haley Joel Osment has the same voice he had for kingdom hearts 2 then yes im fairly positive they will dub the new scenes. 

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I'm really hoping they do. Quite honestly, I can see SE leaving them in Japanese, which would be terrible, in my opinion. It was lame when they dubbed the scenes in Japanese in the first place. 

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So, there were about 5 - 10 new cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. But they were only dubbed in Japanese. Do you guys think they will add new English voice acting for these cutscenes? Or will they just have subtitles?

They'll have to go back to headquarters in L.A and voice over the Japanese and translate the subtitles. They will have to translate all Japanese to English.

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DUBBED. The ones in 1.5 weren't dubbed to begin with. Plus, its a 10 year gap, so the VA's sound too different from how they sounded in KH1 which would clash with the 10 year old Voice acting. But the VA's sound the same as they did in KH2 so im sure theres a huge chance that they will dub the japanese dubbed FM exclusive scenes in 2.5.


SAME GOES FOR BBSFM IN THE SECRET EPISODE. Aqua's VA will probably voice act for this little thing in English, so it shouldnt be that big of a deal.

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