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King Riku

Where can I learn Japanese..?

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I really want to learn Japanese so I don't have to wait till the english versions of Kingdom Hearts games come out. Does anyone know where I can learn it easily?

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Well, I would suggest a tutor, but I had one, and she didn't teach me because I didn't know enough Japanese... ._.'

A good start would just to watch anime with English subs and catch on what means what.

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watching alot of anime helps 8D

I know enough japanese to maybe survive a conversation in japan. xDD

Other than that, maybe one of those 'Japanese for DUmmies' books could work

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i dont really think that you can just easily learn japanese as fast as you want to. even if tumor is being sarcastic, hes right. thats what most people do when they wanna learn a new language anyway. (go to japan...)


you might wanna wait until your a bit older though lol.

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I really want to learn Japanese so I don't have to wait till the english versions of Kingdom Hearts games come out. Does anyone know where I can learn it easily?


well you can always learn the way i do. try studyjapanese.org as well as sharedtalk.com at shared talk you'll find more then people who can teach you japanese there's alot of tutors from just about any language you can think of. also you may want to get a japanese to english dictionary or english to japanese i recommend both. aslo to learn about particles try http://home.inter.net/kenbutler/particlehome.html#particleMenu




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I recomend studyjapanese.org I'm trying to learn as well and I guess I'm doing fine, just need to practice a bit of spelling but that's all. It's not as difficult as it looks.

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Learning Japanese is VERY VERY VERY Hard. I have been leaning it for almost a year and i still ant that good at it.

Just watch the Cutscenes Subbed on Youtube or read the Translations Aaron got.

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