Crashrobot55 238 Posted January 15, 2014 You have Pachirisu, Electrabuzz, and Manectric. Thank you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demyx. 10,064 Posted January 22, 2014 In game nickname- DemiseFriend Code: 2020-0107-5191Safari Type- IceSafari Encounters- Spheal and Beartic In game nickname: J-Cool 3ds nickname: Skubbles Friend Code: 3351-5146-2552 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Wartortle and Octillery I've added everyone on the list make sure to add me as well and if you want you can check out the trading group thread in order to help everyone complete the Pokedex: In game nickname: Andy 3DS nickname: Andyroo 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8016-9655 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: Pancham and Mienfoo In-Game Name: Nusair 3DS NickName: nteli 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4290-4817 Safari Type: - Safari Encounters:- I've added everyone on this thread, besides those who I already had, who should be able to tell me the type and encounters. I should have most people by now, confirmed or not. Forte 3351-4565-0167 Safari Type: Safari Encounters: More the merrier right? Ztar 4682-9818-4165 Type: Ice Encounter: Beatrice, Spheal, Lapras and some of you should beat the game so we have 3 pokes (。◠‿◠。) In-game user: Shimoto In-game nickname: Dr. Shimo (not sure if you were needing my player name or nickname from the game so listed both) 3DS username: Shimoto Friend Code: 4382-2207-7806 Type: Ground Pokemon: Nincada, Phanpy Nickname: Arch Friend Code: 3625-7974-2079 Safari Type & Encounters: IDK Pokemon Y=My new favorite 3DS game! 10/10! in game nickname- JamesFriend Code: 0345-0429-1993Safari Type- dunnoSafari Encounters- dunno In game nickname: James3DS nickname (this is what the user will show up as in the Friend Safari): TerraFriend Code: 3351-4539-6246Safari Type: ???Safari Encounters: ??? 3ds nickname: LucemSora friendcode: 2294-3451-6946 Nickname in game: Rafael In game nickname- Xamtweth Friend Code- 0516-8441-3701 Safari Type- Don't Know Safari Encounters- Don't Know I'll start adding everyone's friend codes once I finish beating the fourth gym leader. In game nickname: Henni 3DS nickname: Henni or Henne, don't know at the moment Friend Code: 5112 - 4567 - 6154 Safari Type: Steel Safari Encounters: Dunno, my friends did only tell me that it is steel type My friend code is 1805-2522-6219 ok just add me I can do it now if you like and also I wanna do some trading evolutions as well if thats ok also wanna trade a Clauncher for a Screlp and a Staru for a Shelder if you have them so my friend code is 4725-8016-9655 Nickname:I made my friends call me Satan(it leads to funny moments) but my name in the game as a whole is Chris. friend code:0576-3705-7507 safari type:idk safari encounters:idk In-game name: Sam 3DS name: Shazzam Friend Code: 5112-4819-6643 Friend Safari: Ice type, Delibird, Bergmite, and Piloswine Character Name: Izzy 3DS Name: Vexoria FC: 5300 - 9439 - 0373 Safari Type: Ground (Ugh... ) Safari Pokemon: Camerupt, Sandshrew, Gastrodon Does anyone here have Fairy or Fire as their Friend Safari Type? If so please add me and let me know. 3DS FC: 3394-4290-4817 Or any type really Your third pokemon is Druddigon. If you are online with one with of your friends also playing pokemon online (use player search), you will unlock the third pokemon. For anyone else who has not added me, my friend code is: 3093-7081-5646. I have added pretty much everyone who has posted in this topic, but not everyone has added me. For two people to be registered as friends, both players much register each other's 3ds friend code. My friend code is 2921-9721-0080 I'm mainly asking for anyone whose friend zone type is either Steel or Psychic, but anyone can add me if they wish. Just quote my post to let me know to add you as well. i added all of you and i ask that you all add me. 3ds nickname: Luke in-game nickname: Benny friend code: 3823-8735-8509 safari type: dunno safari encounters: sry dunno PLS PLS PLS add me. i REALLY want to catch all kinds of pokemn in the friend safari and your all my friends. My FC is 4785-5490-7352, name is Yang. Please quote me if you added me so I can add you back. PS - Is anyone willing to trade a Aggronite or a Houndoominte mega stone? I'll see if I can trade something in return. Pokémon X Name: Luis 3DS Name: Bryan Friend Code:1263-6355-8898 Safari Type: -?- Encounters: -?- In game nickname: Randy Friend Code: 2105-9147-7336 Safari Type: - Safari Encounters: - I have no idea what my safari type is so if anyone could tell me gladly appreciated thanks ^_^ 3DS Name: Jesse Trainer ID: Jesse FC: 2766-8711-3671 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: Pansage, Unknown, Quilladin I hope this isn't dead! How do I know who wants to add me, do I just put in all friend codes and hope for the best? I'm not entirely sure if everyone got me(Especially considering I added everyone that posted, and it hasn't gone through for a majority of them.), so Imma repost my info In-game and 3DS nickname: Arch Friend Code: 3625-7974-2079 And I have no idea as to what my Safari Pokemon are. If anyone could, please tell me the type and Pokemon! In game user name: Jessica3DS nickname: ArietomasFriend code: 5300-9102-5770Safari type: ???Safari encounters: ??? In game nickname: Hiraii 3DS nickname: Hiraii Friend Code: 2836-1513-2180 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: Not sure In game nickname: Yui 3DS nickname: Axel Friend Code: 1220-6848-9575 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: ??? I got the game yesterday and i would like to get more friends. My code is 1005-8685-3747 In game nickname: Drake 3DS nickname: SSD Friend Code: 4811-7419-2384 Safari Type: - Safari Encounters: - I've added everyone in this thread. I would appreciate it if you all could return the favor. In-game nickname:Metal Snake 3DS nickname:Metal Snake Friend Code: 0387-8826-4643 In-game nickname: Brittany 3DS Nickname: Brittany Friend Code: 5258-0071-5658 Safari type: Psychic Pokemon in Safari: ??? Added all of you.....I think. If you could add me back. That would be fab. Friend code: 4811-7081-3073 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted January 23, 2014 I added everyone who said that they added me. Sorry for being late, I forgot to look back at the thread. Also, part of me wants to suggest that we get a list compiled with the friend code and safari information for everyone who's posted in here. I think it would make things a lot easier... I could make one if people want it. 2 Hero of Winds and Jilly Shears reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted January 26, 2014 (Please quote me if you add me) Mine's 2079 - 7781 - 7348 FS Pokemans: Larvesta, Magmar, Ninetails Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jilly Shears 2,144 Posted January 26, 2014 (edited) (Please quote me if you add me) Mine's 2079 - 7781 - 7348 FS Pokemans: Larvesta, Magmar, Ninetails Just added you (oh man I've been wanting a friend safari Ninetails for a while lmao). Mine's 2895 8023 7426, and Espurr, Munna, and Xatu are in the pool. Edited January 26, 2014 by Jilly Shears Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted January 26, 2014 Just added you (oh man I've been wanting a friend safari Ninetails for a while lmao). Mine's 2895 8023 7426, and Espurr, Munna, and Xatu are in the pool. Nice, will add you here in a sec. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted January 26, 2014 (edited) (Please quote me if you add me) Mine's 2079 - 7781 - 7348 FS Pokemans: Larvesta, Magmar, Ninetails added you buddy mine is:0387-8826-4643 Edited January 26, 2014 by Metal Snake Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted January 26, 2014 added you buddy mine is:0387-8826-4643 k I'll be out all day so I'll add you once I get back Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Winds 2,576 Posted January 27, 2014 (edited) In-game nickname:Metal Snake 3DS nickname:Metal Snake Friend Code: 0387-8826-4643 In-game nickname: Jay 3DS nickname: Jay Friend Code: 1005-8685-3747 And Megaman it is ground In-game nickname: Brittany 3DS Nickname: Brittany Friend Code: 5258-0071-5658 Safari type: Psychic Pokemon in Safari: ??? In game nickname: Riku 3DS nickname: King Riku Friend Code: 2852-8737-0496 Safari Type: I don't know. Safari Encounters: Again, I don't know. Sorry about not knowing my Safari details, I only recently finished the Pokemon League and am new to the Friend Safari. Add me, and I can tell you! Mine's 2895 8023 7426 EDIT: You have a Ghost safari with Lampent and Pumpkaboo. Not sure about the 3rd Pokemon, but I assume we have to be online at the same time at least once. EDIT2: The third Pokemon is Golurk. Added all of you.....I think. If you could add me back. That would be fab. Friend code: 4811-7081-3073 (Please quote me if you add me) Mine's 2079 - 7781 - 7348 FS Pokemans: Larvesta, Magmar, Ninetails Added all of you. I'm just now getting around to adding everyone. Black Star's list of all FCs would really help. Also, mine's: 5300-9439-0373 Edited January 27, 2014 by Vexoria 2 King.Mickey and Shulk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted January 29, 2014 Added all of you. I'm just now getting around to adding everyone. Black Star's list of all FCs would really help. Also, mine's: 5300-9439-0373 I was waiting to see if people were interested in it, I guess I'll work on it when I get back from school and have more time. 2 Jilly Shears and Hero of Winds reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted January 31, 2014 OKAY, IT'S DONE! I'll be adding everyone on the list over time, so it might take a while to register. I'm sorry if there are any awkward formatting errors, Word was acting up on me after a while. DChiuch- In game nickname: DChiuch 3DS nickname: DChiuch Friend Code: 2165-6065-1897 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Palpitoad, Marowak, Trapinch Sora96- In game nickname: Brayden Friend Code: 3351-4343-5820 Safari Type: Bug Safari Encounters: Butterfree, Masquerain and Vivillion DChiuch’s Slave- In game nickname: Georgia Friend Code: 4382-2082-5105 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Sandshrew, Camerupt King Demise- In game nickname- DemiseFriend Code: 2020-0107-5191Safari Type- IceSafari Encounters- Spheal and Beartic Moni_22- In game nickname: Moni Friend Code: 1075-1860-5456 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Bibarel and Floatzel Black Cat- In game nickname: Sakura Friend Code: 0774-5486-5486 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Alph Art- In game nickname: J-Cool 3ds nickname: Skubbles Friend Code: 3351-5146-2552 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Wartortle and Octillery Shana09- In game nickname: Hera Friend Code: 0146-9405-8796 Safari Type: Ghost Safari Encounters: Lampent and Phantump. TheKingdomkid- In game nickname: Andy 3DS nickname: Andyroo 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8016-9655 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: Pancham and Mienfoo MasterTeli- In-Game Name: Nusair 3DS NickName: nteli 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4290-4817 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby OmegaForte- In-Game Name: Forte 3DS Friend Code: 3351-4565-0167 Safari Type: Fire Safari Encounters: Pansear, Charmeleon, Braxien Blake- In-Game Name: Ztar 3DS Friend Code: 4682-9818-4165 Safari Type: Ice Safari Encounters: Beatrice, Spheal, Lapras Ernesto Santana- In game nickname: Ernesto 3DS nickname: Jr Friend Code: 2535-3644-4275 Safari Type: Electric Safari Encounters: Electrode, Pikachu, Manectric Dr. Shimo- In-game user: Shimoto In-game nickname: Dr. Shimo 3DS username: Shimoto Friend Code: 4382-2207-7806 Type: Ground Pokemon: Nincada, Phanpy KH13’s Pangoro- Nickname: Arch Friend Code: 3625-7974-2079 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Hei- In game nickname: Groosenator 3DS nickname: SpaceGhost Friend Code: 0989-2617-6920 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Silent Hero- in game nickname- JamesFriend Code: 0345-0429-1993Safari Type- N/ASafari Encounters- N/A Xeveemon- In game nickname: James3DS nickname: TerraFriend Code: 3351-4539-6246Safari Type: N/ASafari Encounters: N/A Roy- 3DS nickname: LucemSora Friend Code: 2294-3451-6946 In-game nickname: Rafael Xamtweth-ReMIXed- In game nickname- Xamtweth Friend Code- 0516-8441-3701 Safari Type- N/A Safari Encounters- N/A Henne- In game nickname: Henni 3DS nickname: Henni or Henne, don't know at the moment Friend Code: 5112 - 4567 - 6154 Safari Type: Steel Safari Encounters: N/A Darkventus- Friend Code: 1805-2522-6219 In-game Nickname: David Safari Type: Dragon Safari Encounters: Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon Roxas Illini- 3ds name: Illini1989 In-game nickname: JMeister Friend code: 3093-7081-5646 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Lordrogersmith6485- In game nickname: Cos 3DS Name: Austen Friend Code: 0903 2792 3350 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A DChiuch’s Other Slave- In game nickname: Gemma Friend Code: 0962-9880-4468 Safari Type: Poison Safari Encounters: Kakuna & Venomoth Shroom847- In game nickname: Abdul 3DS nickname: Naeem Friend Code: 4098 2320 0190 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Death the Kid- Nickname: Chris. Friend code: 0576-3705-7507 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Shazzam- In-game name: Sam 3DS name: Shazzam Friend Code: 5112-4819-6643 Friend Safari: Ice type, Delibird, Bergmite, and Piloswine Vexoria- Character Name: Izzy 3DS Name: Vexoria FC: 5300 - 9439 - 0373 Safari Type: Ground Safari Pokemon: Camerupt, Sandshrew, Gastrodon Venxas24- Character - Jason Friend Code - 0559-7949-3484 Safari Type - Fire Safari Pokemon - Ponyta, Pyroar Velvet Scarlatina- In-Game Name: N/A Friend Code - 2921-9721-0080 Safari Type – N/A Safari Pokemon – N/A Benji0818- 3ds nickname: Luke in-game nickname: Benny friend code: 3823-8735-8509 safari type: Ghost safari encounters: Lampent, Phantump Lie Ren- In-Game Name: Yang Friend Code - 4785-5490-7352 Safari Type – N/A Safari Pokemon – N/A No_Heart- Pokémon X Name: Luis 3DS Name: Bryan Friend Code:1263-6355-8898 Safari Type: Electric Encounters: Electrode, Stunfisk Phantomhive- In game nickname: Randy Friend Code: 2105-9147-7336 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Jamos- 3DS Name: Jesse Trainer ID: Jesse FC: 2766-8711-3671 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: Pansage, Quilladin Solarclaw- In game nickname: Ruby 3DS nickname: Rhea Friend Code: 5472-6978-8216 Safari Type: Psychic Safari Encounters: Abra, Gothorita, Espurr Arietomas- In game user name: Jessica 3DS nickname: ArietomasFriend code: 5300-9102-5770Safari type: N/ASafari encounters: N/A Hiraii- In game nickname: Hiraii 3DS nickname: Hiraii Friend Code: 2836-1513-2180 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: N/A Black Star- In game nickname: Yui 3DS nickname: Axel Friend Code: 1220-6848-9575 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: N/A Crashrobot55- In game nickname: Jay 3DS nickname: Jay Friend Code: 1005-8685-3747 Safari Type: Electric Safari Encounters: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Manectric SuperSmashDrake- In game nickname: Drake 3DS nickname: SSD Friend Code: 4811-7419-2384 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Jilly Shears- In game nickname: Chris Friend Code: 2895 8023 7426Safari Type: PsychicSafari Encounters: Munna, Espurr, Xatu Squirting Demyx- in game name: Xaonetta Friend code: 4811-7081-3073 Safari type: Ground Safari Encounters: Wooper, Camerupt, Diggersby Metal Snake- in game name: Metal Snake Friend code: 0387-8826-4643 Safari type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Cricket- In-game nickname: Brittany 3DS Nickname: Brittany Friend Code: 5258-0071-5658 Safari type: Psychic Pokemon in Safari: Drowzee, Wobbufet King Riku- In game nickname: Riku 3DS nickname: King Riku Friend Code: 2852-8737-0496 Safari Type: Ghost Safari Encounters: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk King.Mickey- In game nickname: N/A 3DS nickname: N/A Friend Code: 2079-7781-7348 Safari Type: Fire Safari Encounters: Larvesta, Magmar, NinetailsDChiuch- In game nickname: DChiuch 3DS nickname: DChiuch Friend Code: 2165-6065-1897 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Palpitoad, Marowak, Trapinch Sora96- In game nickname: Brayden Friend Code: 3351-4343-5820 Safari Type: Bug Safari Encounters: Butterfree, Masquerain and Vivillion DChiuch’s Slave- In game nickname: Georgia Friend Code: 4382-2082-5105 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Sandshrew, Camerupt King Demise- In game nickname- DemiseFriend Code: 2020-0107-5191Safari Type- IceSafari Encounters- Spheal and Beartic Moni_22- In game nickname: Moni Friend Code: 1075-1860-5456 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Bibarel and Floatzel Black Cat- In game nickname: Sakura Friend Code: 0774-5486-5486 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Alph Art- In game nickname: J-Cool 3ds nickname: Skubbles Friend Code: 3351-5146-2552 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Wartortle and Octillery Shana09- In game nickname: Hera Friend Code: 0146-9405-8796 Safari Type: Ghost Safari Encounters: Lampent and Phantump. TheKingdomkid- In game nickname: Andy 3DS nickname: Andyroo 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8016-9655 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: Pancham and Mienfoo MasterTeli- In-Game Name: Nusair 3DS NickName: nteli 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4290-4817 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby OmegaForte- In-Game Name: Forte 3DS Friend Code: 3351-4565-0167 Safari Type: Fire Safari Encounters: Pansear, Charmeleon, Braxien Blake- In-Game Name: Ztar 3DS Friend Code: 4682-9818-4165 Safari Type: Ice Safari Encounters: Beatrice, Spheal, Lapras Ernesto Santana- In game nickname: Ernesto 3DS nickname: Jr Friend Code: 2535-3644-4275 Safari Type: Electric Safari Encounters: Electrode, Pikachu, Manectric Dr. Shimo- In-game user: Shimoto In-game nickname: Dr. Shimo 3DS username: Shimoto Friend Code: 4382-2207-7806 Type: Ground Pokemon: Nincada, Phanpy KH13’s Pangoro- Nickname: Arch Friend Code: 3625-7974-2079 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Hei- In game nickname: Groosenator 3DS nickname: SpaceGhost Friend Code: 0989-2617-6920 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Silent Hero- in game nickname- JamesFriend Code: 0345-0429-1993Safari Type- N/ASafari Encounters- N/A Xeveemon- In game nickname: James3DS nickname: TerraFriend Code: 3351-4539-6246Safari Type: N/ASafari Encounters: N/A Roy- 3DS nickname: LucemSora Friend Code: 2294-3451-6946 In-game nickname: Rafael Xamtweth-ReMIXed- In game nickname- Xamtweth Friend Code- 0516-8441-3701 Safari Type- N/A Safari Encounters- N/A Henne- In game nickname: Henni 3DS nickname: Henni or Henne, don't know at the moment Friend Code: 5112 - 4567 - 6154 Safari Type: Steel Safari Encounters: N/A Darkventus- Friend Code: 1805-2522-6219 In-game Nickname: David Safari Type: Dragon Safari Encounters: Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon Roxas Illini- 3ds name: Illini1989 In-game nickname: JMeister Friend code: 3093-7081-5646 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Lordrogersmith6485- In game nickname: Cos 3DS Name: Austen Friend Code: 0903 2792 3350 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A DChiuch’s Other Slave- In game nickname: Gemma Friend Code: 0962-9880-4468 Safari Type: Poison Safari Encounters: Kakuna & Venomoth Shroom847- In game nickname: Abdul 3DS nickname: Naeem Friend Code: 4098 2320 0190 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Death the Kid- Nickname: Chris. Friend code: 0576-3705-7507 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Shazzam- In-game name: Sam 3DS name: Shazzam Friend Code: 5112-4819-6643 Friend Safari: Ice type, Delibird, Bergmite, and Piloswine Vexoria- Character Name: Izzy 3DS Name: Vexoria FC: 5300 - 9439 - 0373 Safari Type: Ground Safari Pokemon: Camerupt, Sandshrew, Gastrodon Venxas24- Character - Jason Friend Code - 0559-7949-3484 Safari Type - Fire Safari Pokemon - Ponyta, Pyroar Velvet Scarlatina- In-Game Name: N/A Friend Code - 2921-9721-0080 Safari Type – N/A Safari Pokemon – N/A Benji0818- 3ds nickname: Luke in-game nickname: Benny friend code: 3823-8735-8509 safari type: Ghost safari encounters: Lampent, Phantump Lie Ren- In-Game Name: Yang Friend Code - 4785-5490-7352 Safari Type – N/A Safari Pokemon – N/A No_Heart- Pokémon X Name: Luis 3DS Name: Bryan Friend Code:1263-6355-8898 Safari Type: Electric Encounters: Electrode, Stunfisk Phantomhive- In game nickname: Randy Friend Code: 2105-9147-7336 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Jamos- 3DS Name: Jesse Trainer ID: Jesse FC: 2766-8711-3671 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: Pansage, Quilladin Solarclaw- In game nickname: Ruby 3DS nickname: Rhea Friend Code: 5472-6978-8216 Safari Type: Psychic Safari Encounters: Abra, Gothorita, Espurr Arietomas- In game user name: Jessica 3DS nickname: ArietomasFriend code: 5300-9102-5770Safari type: N/ASafari encounters: N/A Hiraii- In game nickname: Hiraii 3DS nickname: Hiraii Friend Code: 2836-1513-2180 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: N/A Black Star- In game nickname: Yui 3DS nickname: Axel Friend Code: 1220-6848-9575 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: N/A Crashrobot55- In game nickname: Jay 3DS nickname: Jay Friend Code: 1005-8685-3747 Safari Type: Electric Safari Encounters: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Manectric SuperSmashDrake- In game nickname: Drake 3DS nickname: SSD Friend Code: 4811-7419-2384 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Jilly Shears- In game nickname: Chris Friend Code: 2895 8023 7426Safari Type: PsychicSafari Encounters: Munna, Espurr, Xatu Squirting Demyx- in game name: Xaonetta Friend code: 4811-7081-3073 Safari type: Ground Safari Encounters: Wooper, Camerupt, Diggersby Metal Snake- in game name: Metal Snake Friend code: 0387-8826-4643 Safari type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Cricket- In-game nickname: Brittany 3DS Nickname: Brittany Friend Code: 5258-0071-5658 Safari type: Psychic Pokemon in Safari: Drowzee, Wobbufet King Riku- In game nickname: Riku 3DS nickname: King Riku Friend Code: 2852-8737-0496 Safari Type: Ghost Safari Encounters: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk King.Mickey- In game nickname: N/A 3DS nickname: N/A Friend Code: 2079-7781-7348 Safari Type: Fire Safari Encounters: Larvesta, Magmar, Ninetails Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Winds 2,576 Posted February 1, 2014 OKAY, IT'S DONE! I'll be adding everyone on the list over time, so it might take a while to register. I'm sorry if there are any awkward formatting errors, Word was acting up on me after a while. DChiuch- In game nickname: DChiuch 3DS nickname: DChiuch Friend Code: 2165-6065-1897 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Palpitoad, Marowak, Trapinch Sora96- In game nickname: Brayden Friend Code: 3351-4343-5820 Safari Type: Bug Safari Encounters: Butterfree, Masquerain and Vivillion DChiuch’s Slave- In game nickname: Georgia Friend Code: 4382-2082-5105 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Sandshrew, Camerupt King Demise- In game nickname- Demise Friend Code: 2020-0107-5191 Safari Type- Ice Safari Encounters- Spheal and Beartic Moni_22- In game nickname: Moni Friend Code: 1075-1860-5456 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Bibarel and Floatzel Black Cat- In game nickname: Sakura Friend Code: 0774-5486-5486 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Alph Art- In game nickname: J-Cool 3ds nickname: Skubbles Friend Code: 3351-5146-2552 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Wartortle and Octillery Shana09- In game nickname: Hera Friend Code: 0146-9405-8796 Safari Type: Ghost Safari Encounters: Lampent and Phantump. TheKingdomkid- In game nickname: Andy 3DS nickname: Andyroo 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8016-9655 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: Pancham and Mienfoo MasterTeli- In-Game Name: Nusair 3DS NickName: nteli 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4290-4817 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby OmegaForte- In-Game Name: Forte 3DS Friend Code: 3351-4565-0167 Safari Type: Fire Safari Encounters: Pansear, Charmeleon, Braxien Blake- In-Game Name: Ztar 3DS Friend Code: 4682-9818-4165 Safari Type: Ice Safari Encounters: Beatrice, Spheal, Lapras Ernesto Santana- In game nickname: Ernesto 3DS nickname: Jr Friend Code: 2535-3644-4275 Safari Type: Electric Safari Encounters: Electrode, Pikachu, Manectric Dr. Shimo- In-game user: Shimoto In-game nickname: Dr. Shimo 3DS username: Shimoto Friend Code: 4382-2207-7806 Type: Ground Pokemon: Nincada, Phanpy KH13’s Pangoro- Nickname: Arch Friend Code: 3625-7974-2079 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Hei- In game nickname: Groosenator 3DS nickname: SpaceGhost Friend Code: 0989-2617-6920 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Silent Hero- in game nickname- James Friend Code: 0345-0429-1993 Safari Type- N/A Safari Encounters- N/A Xeveemon- In game nickname: James 3DS nickname: Terra Friend Code: 3351-4539-6246 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Roy- 3DS nickname: LucemSora Friend Code: 2294-3451-6946 In-game nickname: Rafael Xamtweth-ReMIXed- In game nickname- Xamtweth Friend Code- 0516-8441-3701 Safari Type- N/A Safari Encounters- N/A Henne- In game nickname: Henni 3DS nickname: Henni or Henne, don't know at the moment Friend Code: 5112 - 4567 - 6154 Safari Type: Steel Safari Encounters: N/A Darkventus- Friend Code: 1805-2522-6219 In-game Nickname: David Safari Type: Dragon Safari Encounters: Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon Roxas Illini- 3ds name: Illini1989 In-game nickname: JMeister Friend code: 3093-7081-5646 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Lordrogersmith6485- In game nickname: Cos 3DS Name: Austen Friend Code: 0903 2792 3350 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A DChiuch’s Other Slave- In game nickname: Gemma Friend Code: 0962-9880-4468 Safari Type: Poison Safari Encounters: Kakuna & Venomoth Shroom847- In game nickname: Abdul 3DS nickname: Naeem Friend Code: 4098 2320 0190 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Death the Kid- Nickname: Chris. Friend code: 0576-3705-7507 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Shazzam- In-game name: Sam 3DS name: Shazzam Friend Code: 5112-4819-6643 Friend Safari: Ice type, Delibird, Bergmite, and Piloswine Vexoria- Character Name: Izzy 3DS Name: Vexoria FC: 5300 - 9439 - 0373 Safari Type: Ground Safari Pokemon: Camerupt, Sandshrew, Gastrodon Venxas24- Character - Jason Friend Code - 0559-7949-3484 Safari Type - Fire Safari Pokemon - Ponyta, Pyroar Velvet Scarlatina- In-Game Name: N/A Friend Code - 2921-9721-0080 Safari Type – N/A Safari Pokemon – N/A Benji0818- 3ds nickname: Luke in-game nickname: Benny friend code: 3823-8735-8509 safari type: Ghost safari encounters: Lampent, Phantump Lie Ren- In-Game Name: Yang Friend Code - 4785-5490-7352 Safari Type – N/A Safari Pokemon – N/A No_Heart- Pokémon X Name: Luis 3DS Name: Bryan Friend Code:1263-6355-8898 Safari Type: Electric Encounters: Electrode, Stunfisk Phantomhive- In game nickname: Randy Friend Code: 2105-9147-7336 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Jamos- 3DS Name: Jesse Trainer ID: Jesse FC: 2766-8711-3671 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: Pansage, Quilladin Solarclaw- In game nickname: Ruby 3DS nickname: Rhea Friend Code: 5472-6978-8216 Safari Type: Psychic Safari Encounters: Abra, Gothorita, Espurr Arietomas- In game user name: Jessica 3DS nickname: Arietomas Friend code: 5300-9102-5770 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Hiraii- In game nickname: Hiraii 3DS nickname: Hiraii Friend Code: 2836-1513-2180 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: N/A Black Star- In game nickname: Yui 3DS nickname: Axel Friend Code: 1220-6848-9575 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: N/A Crashrobot55- In game nickname: Jay 3DS nickname: Jay Friend Code: 1005-8685-3747 Safari Type: Electric Safari Encounters: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Manectric SuperSmashDrake- In game nickname: Drake 3DS nickname: SSD Friend Code: 4811-7419-2384 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Jilly Shears- In game nickname: Chris Friend Code: 2895 8023 7426 Safari Type: Psychic Safari Encounters: Munna, Espurr, Xatu Squirting Demyx- in game name: Xaonetta Friend code: 4811-7081-3073 Safari type: Ground Safari Encounters: Wooper, Camerupt, Diggersby Metal Snake- in game name: Metal Snake Friend code: 0387-8826-4643 Safari type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Cricket- In-game nickname: Brittany 3DS Nickname: Brittany Friend Code: 5258-0071-5658 Safari type: Psychic Pokemon in Safari: Drowzee, Wobbufet King Riku- In game nickname: Riku 3DS nickname: King Riku Friend Code: 2852-8737-0496 Safari Type: Ghost Safari Encounters: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk King.Mickey- In game nickname: N/A 3DS nickname: N/A Friend Code: 2079-7781-7348 Safari Type: Fire Safari Encounters: Larvesta, Magmar, NinetailsDChiuch- In game nickname: DChiuch 3DS nickname: DChiuch Friend Code: 2165-6065-1897 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Palpitoad, Marowak, Trapinch Sora96- In game nickname: Brayden Friend Code: 3351-4343-5820 Safari Type: Bug Safari Encounters: Butterfree, Masquerain and Vivillion DChiuch’s Slave- In game nickname: Georgia Friend Code: 4382-2082-5105 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Sandshrew, Camerupt King Demise- In game nickname- Demise Friend Code: 2020-0107-5191 Safari Type- Ice Safari Encounters- Spheal and Beartic Moni_22- In game nickname: Moni Friend Code: 1075-1860-5456 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Bibarel and Floatzel Black Cat- In game nickname: Sakura Friend Code: 0774-5486-5486 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Alph Art- In game nickname: J-Cool 3ds nickname: Skubbles Friend Code: 3351-5146-2552 Safari Type: Water Safari Encounters: Wartortle and Octillery Shana09- In game nickname: Hera Friend Code: 0146-9405-8796 Safari Type: Ghost Safari Encounters: Lampent and Phantump. TheKingdomkid- In game nickname: Andy 3DS nickname: Andyroo 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8016-9655 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: Pancham and Mienfoo MasterTeli- In-Game Name: Nusair 3DS NickName: nteli 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4290-4817 Safari Type: Ground Safari Encounters: Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby OmegaForte- In-Game Name: Forte 3DS Friend Code: 3351-4565-0167 Safari Type: Fire Safari Encounters: Pansear, Charmeleon, Braxien Blake- In-Game Name: Ztar 3DS Friend Code: 4682-9818-4165 Safari Type: Ice Safari Encounters: Beatrice, Spheal, Lapras Ernesto Santana- In game nickname: Ernesto 3DS nickname: Jr Friend Code: 2535-3644-4275 Safari Type: Electric Safari Encounters: Electrode, Pikachu, Manectric Dr. Shimo- In-game user: Shimoto In-game nickname: Dr. Shimo 3DS username: Shimoto Friend Code: 4382-2207-7806 Type: Ground Pokemon: Nincada, Phanpy KH13’s Pangoro- Nickname: Arch Friend Code: 3625-7974-2079 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Hei- In game nickname: Groosenator 3DS nickname: SpaceGhost Friend Code: 0989-2617-6920 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Silent Hero- in game nickname- James Friend Code: 0345-0429-1993 Safari Type- N/A Safari Encounters- N/A Xeveemon- In game nickname: James 3DS nickname: Terra Friend Code: 3351-4539-6246 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Roy- 3DS nickname: LucemSora Friend Code: 2294-3451-6946 In-game nickname: Rafael Xamtweth-ReMIXed- In game nickname- Xamtweth Friend Code- 0516-8441-3701 Safari Type- N/A Safari Encounters- N/A Henne- In game nickname: Henni 3DS nickname: Henni or Henne, don't know at the moment Friend Code: 5112 - 4567 - 6154 Safari Type: Steel Safari Encounters: N/A Darkventus- Friend Code: 1805-2522-6219 In-game Nickname: David Safari Type: Dragon Safari Encounters: Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon Roxas Illini- 3ds name: Illini1989 In-game nickname: JMeister Friend code: 3093-7081-5646 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Lordrogersmith6485- In game nickname: Cos 3DS Name: Austen Friend Code: 0903 2792 3350 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A DChiuch’s Other Slave- In game nickname: Gemma Friend Code: 0962-9880-4468 Safari Type: Poison Safari Encounters: Kakuna & Venomoth Shroom847- In game nickname: Abdul 3DS nickname: Naeem Friend Code: 4098 2320 0190 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Death the Kid- Nickname: Chris. Friend code: 0576-3705-7507 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Shazzam- In-game name: Sam 3DS name: Shazzam Friend Code: 5112-4819-6643 Friend Safari: Ice type, Delibird, Bergmite, and Piloswine Vexoria- Character Name: Izzy 3DS Name: Vexoria FC: 5300 - 9439 - 0373 Safari Type: Ground Safari Pokemon: Camerupt, Sandshrew, Gastrodon Venxas24- Character - Jason Friend Code - 0559-7949-3484 Safari Type - Fire Safari Pokemon - Ponyta, Pyroar Velvet Scarlatina- In-Game Name: N/A Friend Code - 2921-9721-0080 Safari Type – N/A Safari Pokemon – N/A Benji0818- 3ds nickname: Luke in-game nickname: Benny friend code: 3823-8735-8509 safari type: Ghost safari encounters: Lampent, Phantump Lie Ren- In-Game Name: Yang Friend Code - 4785-5490-7352 Safari Type – N/A Safari Pokemon – N/A No_Heart- Pokémon X Name: Luis 3DS Name: Bryan Friend Code:1263-6355-8898 Safari Type: Electric Encounters: Electrode, Stunfisk Phantomhive- In game nickname: Randy Friend Code: 2105-9147-7336 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Jamos- 3DS Name: Jesse Trainer ID: Jesse FC: 2766-8711-3671 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: Pansage, Quilladin Solarclaw- In game nickname: Ruby 3DS nickname: Rhea Friend Code: 5472-6978-8216 Safari Type: Psychic Safari Encounters: Abra, Gothorita, Espurr Arietomas- In game user name: Jessica 3DS nickname: Arietomas Friend code: 5300-9102-5770 Safari type: N/A Safari encounters: N/A Hiraii- In game nickname: Hiraii 3DS nickname: Hiraii Friend Code: 2836-1513-2180 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: N/A Black Star- In game nickname: Yui 3DS nickname: Axel Friend Code: 1220-6848-9575 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: N/A Crashrobot55- In game nickname: Jay 3DS nickname: Jay Friend Code: 1005-8685-3747 Safari Type: Electric Safari Encounters: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Manectric SuperSmashDrake- In game nickname: Drake 3DS nickname: SSD Friend Code: 4811-7419-2384 Safari Type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Jilly Shears- In game nickname: Chris Friend Code: 2895 8023 7426 Safari Type: Psychic Safari Encounters: Munna, Espurr, Xatu Squirting Demyx- in game name: Xaonetta Friend code: 4811-7081-3073 Safari type: Ground Safari Encounters: Wooper, Camerupt, Diggersby Metal Snake- in game name: Metal Snake Friend code: 0387-8826-4643 Safari type: N/A Safari Encounters: N/A Cricket- In-game nickname: Brittany 3DS Nickname: Brittany Friend Code: 5258-0071-5658 Safari type: Psychic Pokemon in Safari: Drowzee, Wobbufet King Riku- In game nickname: Riku 3DS nickname: King Riku Friend Code: 2852-8737-0496 Safari Type: Ghost Safari Encounters: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk King.Mickey- In game nickname: N/A 3DS nickname: N/A Friend Code: 2079-7781-7348 Safari Type: Fire Safari Encounters: Larvesta, Magmar, Ninetails Thanks, this is very helpful! 1 Shulk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taeyeon 1,137 Posted February 2, 2014 (Please quote me if you add me) Mine's 2079 - 7781 - 7348 FS Pokemans: Larvesta, Magmar, Ninetails Added ya! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted February 3, 2014 Added ya! I can add you back tomorrow, have been busy x D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted February 6, 2014 I can add you back tomorrow, have been busy x D I've added you for a while but you didn't add me yet Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crashrobot55 238 Posted February 6, 2014 I'll try to add everyone as soon as possible but i can't play during the term Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted February 6, 2014 I've added you for a while but you didn't add me yet Hey yeah sorry I haven't forgotten, have been pretty busy as of late so I haven't been able to play my 3ds, but I can add you here in a minute Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted February 6, 2014 Added ya! I'm gonna need your FC as well, I assumed it would be on your profile x D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Winds 2,576 Posted February 6, 2014 I'm gonna need your FC as well, I assumed it would be on your profile x D It should be in the list Black Star made andbposted on this page. 2 King.Mickey and Shulk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted February 6, 2014 It should be in the list Black Star made andbposted on this page. Also, the friend code I listed is on a new 3DS that I'll be data transferring from my old one soon...Will that change my FC? That would complicate things a bit. :x Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Winds 2,576 Posted February 6, 2014 Also, the friend code I listed is on a new 3DS that I'll be data transferring from my old one soon...Will that change my FC? That would complicate things a bit. :x It will change the friend code when you transfer everything over. You should post the new one as soon as you do to see what the new safari is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted February 6, 2014 It will change the friend code when you transfer everything over. You should post the new one as soon as you do to see what the new safari is. Oh actually I'm pretty sure it'll be the same safari as the one posted because that was the one attached to my old 3ds, I just assumed it varied by cart and not FC, so I might not have to change it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Winds 2,576 Posted February 6, 2014 Oh actually I'm pretty sure it'll be the same safari as the one posted because that was the one attached to my old 3ds, I just assumed it varied by cart and not FC, so I might not have to change it The safari varies on FC. I have friends who don't own Pokemon X or Y, but they have a safari. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted February 7, 2014 The safari varies on FC. I have friends who don't own Pokemon X or Y, but they have a safari. Ok it should stay the same then as long as I get my old FC back. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crashrobot55 238 Posted February 15, 2014 Ok it should stay the same then as long as I get my old FC back. i added you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites